CoastalME (Coastal Modelling Environment)
Simulates the long-term behaviour of complex coastlines
▼ src | |
▼ cshore | |
cshore.h | |
▼ inc | |
cshore.h | |
2d_point.cpp | Geometry class used to represent 2D point objects with floating-point coordinates |
2d_point.h | Contains CGeom2DPoint definitions |
2d_shape.cpp | Abstract class, used as a base class for 2D objects (line, area, etc.) |
2d_shape.h | Contains CA2DShape definitions |
2di_point.cpp | Geometry class used to represent 2D point objects with integer coordinates |
2di_point.h | Contains CGeom2DIPoint definitions |
2di_shape.cpp | Abstract class, used as a base class for integer 2D objects (line, area, etc.) |
2di_shape.h | Contains CA2DIShape definitions |
assign_landforms.cpp | Assigns landform categories to coastlines and coastal cells, and to all other dryland cells |
calc_curvature.cpp | Calculates curvature of 2D vectors |
calc_external_forcing.cpp | Calculates external forcings |
calc_shadow_zones.cpp | Locates shadow zones, is part of wave propagation calculations |
calc_waves.cpp | Simulates wave propagation using CShore or the COVE approach |
cell.cpp | CGeomCell routines |
cell.h | Contains CGeomCell definitions |
cell_landform.cpp | CRWCellLandform routines |
cell_landform.h | Contains CRWCellLandform definitions |
cell_layer.cpp | CRWCellLayer routines |
cell_layer.h | Contains CRWCellLayer definitions |
cell_sediment.cpp | CRWCellSediment routines |
cell_sediment.h | Contains CRWCellSediment definitions |
cliff.cpp | CRWCliff routines |
cliff.h | Contains CRWCliff definitions |
cme.cpp | The start-up routine for CoastalME |
cme.h | This file contains global definitions for CoastalME |
coast.cpp | CRWCoast routines |
coast.h | Contains CRWCoast definitions |
coast_landform.cpp | CACoastLandform routines |
coast_landform.h | Contains CACoastLandform definitions |
coast_polygon.cpp | CGeomCoastPolygon routines |
coast_polygon.h | Contains CGeomCoastPolygon definitions |
create_polygons.cpp | Creates coast polygons for sediment transport calcs |
create_profiles.cpp | Creates profiles which are approximately normal to the coastline, these will become inter-polygon boundaries |
do_beach_potential_erosion.cpp | Calculates potential (i.e. not constrained by the availability of unconsolidated sediment) beach erosion of unconsolidated sediment on coastal polygons |
do_beach_sediment_movement.cpp | Does between-polygon actual (supply-limited) redistribution of transported beach sediment |
do_beach_within_polygon.cpp | Does within-polygon actual erosion and distribution of transported beach sediment |
do_cliff_collapse.cpp | Collapses cliffs if a critical notch depth is exceeded. Then distributes both consolidated and unconsolidated sediment from the collapse onto the shore polygons as unconsolidated talus |
do_intervention.cpp | Checks for new interventions |
do_sediment_input_event.cpp | Deposits sediment onto the grid |
do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp | Erodes the consolidated sediment of the shore platform. Eroded sediment from the shore platform becomes unconsolidated sediment stored in coastal polygons |
drift.cpp | CRWDrift routines |
drift.h | Contains CRWDrift definitions |
gis_raster.cpp | These functions use GDAL (at least version 2) to read and write raster GIS files in several formats |
gis_utils.cpp | Various GIS-related functions, requires GDAL |
gis_vector.cpp | These functions use GDAL to read and write vector GIS files in several formats. This version will build with GDAL version 2 and upwards |
hermite_cubic.cpp | Some routines from the hermite_cubic library |
hermite_cubic.h | Definitions of some routines from the hermite_cubic library |
i_line.cpp | CGeomILine routines |
i_line.h | Contains CGeomILine definitions |
init_grid.cpp | Initialises the raster grid and calculates sea depth on each cell |
interpolate.cpp | Returns interpolated value at x from parallel arrays |
interpolate.h | Definitions of routines which return interpolated value at x from parallel arrays |
intervention.cpp | CRWIntervention routines |
intervention.h | Contains CRWIntervention definitions |
line.cpp | CGeomLine routines |
line.h | Contains CGeomLine definitions |
locate_coast.cpp | Finds the coastline on the raster grid |
multi_line.cpp | CGeomMultiLine routines |
multi_line.h | Contains CGeomMultiLine definitions |
profile.cpp | CGeomProfile routines |
profile.h | Contains CGeomProfile definitions |
raster_grid.cpp | CGeomRasterGrid routines |
raster_grid.h | Contains CGeomRasterGrid definitions |
read_input.cpp | Reads non-GIS input files |
sediment_input_event.cpp | CSedInputEvent routines |
sediment_input_event.h | Contains CSedInputEvent definitions |
simulation.cpp | The start-of-simulation routine |
simulation.h | Contains CSimulation definitions |
smooth_line.cpp | Smoothing routines for CGeomLine objects |
update_grid.cpp | Updates the raster grid |
utils.cpp | Utility routines |
utils_global.cpp | Globally-available utility routines |
write_output.cpp | Writes non-GIS output files |