CoastalME (Coastal Modelling Environment)
Simulates the long-term behaviour of complex coastlines
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CGeomProfile Class Reference

Geometry class used to represent coast profile objects. More...

#include <profile.h>

Inherits CGeomMultiLine.

Public Member Functions

 CGeomProfile (int const, int const, int const, int const, CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, bool const)
 Constructor with initialization list, requires one parameter (the coast point at which the profile starts)
 ~CGeomProfile (void) override
int nGetCoastID (void) const
 Returns the profile's coast ID.
int nGetGlobalID (void) const
 Returns the profile's global ID.
int nGetCoastPoint (void) const
 Returns the coast point at which the profile starts.
CGeom2DIPointpPtiGetStartPoint (void)
 Returns a pointer to the location of the cell (grid CRS) on which the profile starts.
void SetEndPoint (CGeom2DIPoint const *)
 Sets the the location of the cell (grid CRS) on which the profile ends.
CGeom2DIPointpPtiGetEndPoint (void)
 Returns a pointer to the location of the cell (grid CRS) on which the profile ends.
void SetStartOfCoast (bool const)
 Sets a switch to indicate whether this is a start-of-coast profile.
bool bStartOfCoast (void) const
 Returns the switch to indicate whether this is a start-of-coast profile.
void SetEndOfCoast (bool const)
 Sets a switch to indicate whether this is an end-of-coast profile.
bool bEndOfCoast (void) const
 Returns the switch to indicate whether this is an end-of-coast profile.
void SetCShoreProblem (bool const)
 Sets a switch to indicate whether this profile has a CShore problem.
bool bCShoreProblem (void) const
 Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile has a CShore problem.
void SetHitLand (bool const)
 Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile has hit land.
bool bHitLand (void) const
 Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile has hit land.
void SetHitCoast (bool const)
 Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile has hit a coast.
bool bHitCoast (void) const
 Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile has hit a coast.
void SetTooShort (bool const)
 Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile is too short to be useful.
bool bTooShort (void) const
 Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile is too short to be useful.
void SetTruncated (bool const)
 Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile is truncated.
bool bTruncated (void) const
 Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile is truncated.
void SetHitAnotherProfileBadly (bool const)
 Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile hits another profile badly.
bool bHitAnotherProfileBadly (void) const
 Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile hits another profile badly.
bool bProfileOK (void) const
 Returns true if this is a problem-free profile, and is not a start-of-coast or an end-of-coast profile.
bool bProfileOKIncTruncated (void) const
 Returns true if this is a problem-free profile, and is not a start-of-coast or an end-of-coast profile. But it can be a truncated profile.
bool bOKIncStartAndEndOfCoast (void) const
 Returns true if this is a problem-free profile (however it could be a start-of-coast or an end-of-coast profile)
void SetPointsInProfile (vector< CGeom2DPoint > const *)
 Sets all points in the profile.
void SetPointInProfile (int const, double const, double const)
 Sets a single point in the profile.
void AppendPointInProfile (double const, double const)
 Appends a point to the profile.
void AppendPointInProfile (CGeom2DPoint const *)
 Appends a point to the profile (overloaded version)
void TruncateProfile (int const)
 Truncates the profile.
bool bInsertIntersection (double const, double const, int const)
 Inserts an intersection into the profile.
int nGetProfileSize (void) const
 Returns the number of points in the profile.
CGeom2DPointpPtGetPointInProfile (int const)
 Returns a single point in the profile.
vector< CGeom2DPointPtVGetThisPointAndAllAfter (int const)
 Returns a given point from the profile, and all points after this.
bool bIsPointInProfile (double const, double const)
 Removes a line segment from the profile.
bool bIsPointInProfile (double const, double const, int &)
 Queries the profile: is the given point a profile point? If so, then it also returns the number of the point in the profile.
void SetUpCoastAdjacentProfile (CGeomProfile *)
CGeomProfilepGetUpCoastAdjacentProfile (void) const
void SetDownCoastAdjacentProfile (CGeomProfile *)
CGeomProfilepGetDownCoastAdjacentProfile (void) const
void AppendCellInProfile (CGeom2DIPoint const *)
 Appends a cell to the profile.
void AppendCellInProfile (int const, int const)
 Appends a cell to the profile (overloaded version)
vector< CGeom2DIPoint > * pPtiVGetCellsInProfile (void)
 Returns all cells in the profile.
CGeom2DIPointpPtiGetCellInProfile (int const)
 Returns a single cell in the profile.
int nGetNumCellsInProfile (void) const
 Returns the number of cells in the profile.
void AppendCellInProfileExtCRS (double const, double const)
 Appends a cell (specified in the external coordinate system) to the profile.
void AppendCellInProfileExtCRS (CGeom2DPoint const *)
 Appends a cell (specified in the external coordinate system) to the profile (overloaded version)
int nGetCellGivenDepth (CGeomRasterGrid const *, double const)
 Returns the index of the cell on this profile which has a sea depth which is just less than a given depth. If every cell on the profile has a sea depth which is less than the given depth it returns INT_NODATA.
void SetProfileDeepWaterWaveHeight (double const)
 Sets the deep-water wave height for this profile.
double dGetProfileDeepWaterWaveHeight (void) const
 Returns the deep-water wave height for this profile.
void SetProfileDeepWaterWaveAngle (double const)
 Sets the deep-water wave orientation for this profile.
double dGetProfileDeepWaterWaveAngle (void) const
 Returns the deep-water wave orientation for this profile.
void SetProfileDeepWaterWavePeriod (double const)
 Sets the deep-water wave Period for this profile.
double dGetProfileDeepWaterWavePeriod (void) const
 Returns the deep-water wave Period for this profile.
bool bIsIntervention (void) const
 Returns true if this is an intervention profile.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGeomMultiLine
 CGeomMultiLine (void)
 Constructor, no parameters.
 ~CGeomMultiLine (void) override
void AppendLineSegment (void)
 Appends a new empty line segment.
void AppendLineSegment (vector< pair< int, int > > *)
 Appends a line segment which is supplied as a parameter.
int nGetNumLineSegments (void) const
 Appends a line segment which then inherits from the preceding line segments.
void TruncateLineSegments (int const)
 Cuts short the number of line segments.
void InsertLineSegment (int const)
 Inserts a line segment, inheriting from preceding line segments.
vector< vector< pair< int, int > > > prVVGetAllLineSegAfter (int const)
 Returns a vector of the line segments which succeed the specified line segment number.
void RemoveLineSegment (int const)
 Removes a line segment.
void AppendCoincidentProfileToLineSegments (pair< int, int > const)
 Appends a coincident profile pair to the CGeomMultiLine object's final line segment.
void AddCoincidentProfileToExistingLineSegment (int const, int const, int const)
 Adds a coincident profile to a pre-existing line segment of the CGeomMultiLine object.
vector< pair< int, int > > * pprVGetPairedCoincidentProfilesForLineSegment (int const)
 Returns a vector of pairs (a line segment)
int nGetCoincidentProfileForLineSegment (int const, int const) const
 Returns the numbers of coincident profiles.
int nGetNumCoincidentProfilesInLineSegment (int const)
 Returns the count of coincident profiles in a specified line segment.
bool bFindProfileInCoincidentProfilesOfLastLineSegment (int const)
 Returns true if the given profile number is amongst the coincident profiles of the CGeomMultiLine object's final line segment.
bool bFindProfileInCoincidentProfiles (int const)
 Returns true if the given profile number is one of the coincident profiles of the a specified line segment.
void GetMostCoastwardSharedLineSegment (int const, int &, int &)
 Finds the number of the most coastward line segment for which the two profiles are coincident, or -1 if they are not coincident. If they are coincident, also finds the line segment of the other profile.
int nGetProf (int const, int const) const
 Returns the profile number, given a line segment and the index of the co-incident profile for that line segment.
int nGetProfsLineSeg (int const, int const) const
 Returns the profile's own line segment, given a line segment and the index of the co-incident profile for that line segment.
void SetProfsLineSeg (int const, int const, int const)
 Sets a profile's own line segment number, given a line segment and the index of the co-incident profile for that line segment.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGeomLine
 CGeomLine (void)
 CGeomLine (CGeom2DPoint const *, CGeom2DPoint const *)
 Overloaded constructor with two points as parameters.
 CGeomLine (int const)
 Overloaded constructor with one parameter, this creates a given number of uninitialized points.
 ~CGeomLine (void) override
double dGetXAt (int const)
 Returns the X value at a given place in the line.
double dGetYAt (int const)
 Returns the Y value at a given place in the line.
CGeom2DPointpPtGetAt (int const)
 Returns the point at a given place in the line.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CA2DShape
void Reverse (void)
 Reverses the sequence of points in the vector which represents this 2D polygon.
int nGetSize (void) const
void Resize (int const)
 Resizes the vector which represents this 2D shape.
void Append (CGeom2DPoint const *)
 Appends a point to this 2D shape.
void Append (double const, double const)
 Appends a point to this 2D shape.
void AppendIfNotAlready (double const, double const)
 Appends a point to this 2D shape only if it isn't already in the shape vector.
CGeom2DPointpPtBack (void)
 Returns the last element of this 2D shape.
CGeom2DPointoperator[] (int const)
 Operator to return one point of this 2D shape.
vector< CGeom2DPoint > * pPtVGetPoints (void)
 Returns the address of the vector which represents this 2D shape.

Private Attributes

bool m_bStartOfCoast
 Is this a start-of-coast profile?
bool m_bEndOfCoast
 Is this an end-of-coast profile?
bool m_bCShoreProblem
 Has this profile encountered a CShore problem?
bool m_bHitLand
 Has this profile hit land?
bool m_bHitCoast
 Has this profile hit a coastline?
bool m_bTooShort
 Is this profile too short?
bool m_bTruncated
 Has this profile been truncated?
bool m_bHitAnotherProfileBadly
 Has this profile hit another profile?
bool m_bIntervention
 Is this an intervention profile?
int m_nCoast
 The coast from which this profile projects.
int m_nCoastPoint
 The coastline point at which this profile hits the coast (not necessarily coincident wih the profile start cell)
int m_nCoastID
 The this-coast ID of the profile.
int m_nGlobalID
 The global ID of the profile.
double m_dDeepWaterWaveHeight
 The wave height at the end of the profile.
double m_dDeepWaterWaveAngle
 The wave orientation at the end of the profile.
double m_dDeepWaterWavePeriod
 The wave period at the end of the profile.
CGeom2DIPoint PtiStart
 The on-coast start point of the profile in grid CRS.
CGeom2DIPoint PtiEnd
 The seaward end point of the profile in grid CRS.
 Pointer to the adjacent up-coast profile (may be an invalid profile)
 Pointer to the adjacent down-coast profile (may be an invalid profile)
vector< CGeom2DIPointm_VCellInProfile
 In the grid CRS, the integer coordinates of the cells 'under' this profile, point zero is the same as 'cell marked as coastline' in coast object.
vector< CGeom2DPointm_VCellInProfileExtCRS
 In external CRS, the coords of cells 'under' this profile.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from CGeomLine
void Display (void) override
 Instantiates the pure virtual function in the abstract parent class, so that CGeomLine is not an abstract class.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CA2DShape
 CA2DShape (void)
virtual ~CA2DShape (void)
void Clear (void)
 Clears this 2D shape.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CA2DShape
vector< CGeom2DPointm_VPoints
 The points which comprise the float-coordinate 2D shape.

Detailed Description

Geometry class used to represent coast profile objects.

TODO 001 This is a more detailed description of the CGeomProfile class.

David Favis-Mortlock
Andres Payo

Definition at line 34 of file profile.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CGeomProfile()

CGeomProfile::CGeomProfile ( int const nCoast,
int const nCoastPoint,
int const nCoastID,
int const nGlobalID,
CGeom2DIPoint const * pPtiStart,
CGeom2DIPoint const * pPtiEnd,
bool const bIntervention )

Constructor with initialization list, requires one parameter (the coast point at which the profile starts)

Definition at line 36 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by pGetDownCoastAdjacentProfile(), pGetUpCoastAdjacentProfile(), SetDownCoastAdjacentProfile(), and SetUpCoastAdjacentProfile().

◆ ~CGeomProfile()

CGeomProfile::~CGeomProfile ( void )


Definition at line 61 of file profile.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AppendCellInProfile() [1/2]

void CGeomProfile::AppendCellInProfile ( CGeom2DIPoint const * pPti)

Appends a cell to the profile.

Definition at line 455 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile().

◆ AppendCellInProfile() [2/2]

void CGeomProfile::AppendCellInProfile ( int const nX,
int const nY )

Appends a cell to the profile (overloaded version)

Definition at line 462 of file profile.cpp.

◆ AppendCellInProfileExtCRS() [1/2]

void CGeomProfile::AppendCellInProfileExtCRS ( CGeom2DPoint const * pPt)

Appends a cell (specified in the external coordinate system) to the profile (overloaded version)

Definition at line 509 of file profile.cpp.

◆ AppendCellInProfileExtCRS() [2/2]

void CGeomProfile::AppendCellInProfileExtCRS ( double const dX,
double const dY )

Appends a cell (specified in the external coordinate system) to the profile.

Definition at line 502 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile().

◆ AppendPointInProfile() [1/2]

void CGeomProfile::AppendPointInProfile ( CGeom2DPoint const * pPt)

Appends a point to the profile (overloaded version)

Definition at line 280 of file profile.cpp.

◆ AppendPointInProfile() [2/2]

void CGeomProfile::AppendPointInProfile ( double const dNewX,
double const dNewY )

◆ bCShoreProblem()

bool CGeomProfile::bCShoreProblem ( void ) const

Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile has a CShore problem.

Definition at line 132 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::bWriteVectorGISFile().

◆ bEndOfCoast()

◆ bHitAnotherProfileBadly()

bool CGeomProfile::bHitAnotherProfileBadly ( void ) const

Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile hits another profile badly.

Definition at line 192 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::bWriteVectorGISFile().

◆ bHitCoast()

bool CGeomProfile::bHitCoast ( void ) const

Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile has hit a coast.

Definition at line 156 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::bWriteVectorGISFile().

◆ bHitLand()

bool CGeomProfile::bHitLand ( void ) const

Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile has hit land.

Definition at line 144 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::bWriteVectorGISFile().

◆ bInsertIntersection()

bool CGeomProfile::bInsertIntersection ( double const dX,
double const dY,
int const nSeg )

Inserts an intersection into the profile.

Definition at line 286 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nInsertPointIntoProfilesIfNeededThenUpdate().

◆ bIsIntervention()

bool CGeomProfile::bIsIntervention ( void ) const

Returns true if this is an intervention profile.

Definition at line 583 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::CheckForIntersectingProfiles(), and CSimulation::nCreateProfile().

◆ bIsPointInProfile() [1/2]

bool CGeomProfile::bIsPointInProfile ( double const dX,
double const dY )

Removes a line segment from the profile.

Queries the profile: is the given point a profile point?

Definition at line 351 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::CheckForIntersectingProfiles().

◆ bIsPointInProfile() [2/2]

bool CGeomProfile::bIsPointInProfile ( double const dX,
double const dY,
int & nPoint )

Queries the profile: is the given point a profile point? If so, then it also returns the number of the point in the profile.

Definition at line 362 of file profile.cpp.

◆ bOKIncStartAndEndOfCoast()

◆ bProfileOK()

bool CGeomProfile::bProfileOK ( void ) const

Returns true if this is a problem-free profile, and is not a start-of-coast or an end-of-coast profile.

Definition at line 198 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nCheckAllProfiles(), and CSimulation::nDoPolygonSharedBoundaries().

◆ bProfileOKIncTruncated()

bool CGeomProfile::bProfileOKIncTruncated ( void ) const

Returns true if this is a problem-free profile, and is not a start-of-coast or an end-of-coast profile. But it can be a truncated profile.

Definition at line 215 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::CheckForIntersectingProfiles().

◆ bStartOfCoast()

bool CGeomProfile::bStartOfCoast ( void ) const

◆ bTooShort()

bool CGeomProfile::bTooShort ( void ) const

Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile is too short to be useful.

Definition at line 168 of file profile.cpp.

◆ bTruncated()

bool CGeomProfile::bTruncated ( void ) const

Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile is truncated.

Definition at line 180 of file profile.cpp.

◆ dGetProfileDeepWaterWaveAngle()

double CGeomProfile::dGetProfileDeepWaterWaveAngle ( void ) const

Returns the deep-water wave orientation for this profile.

Definition at line 565 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), and CSimulation::nSetAllCoastpointDeepWaterWaveValues().

◆ dGetProfileDeepWaterWaveHeight()

double CGeomProfile::dGetProfileDeepWaterWaveHeight ( void ) const

Returns the deep-water wave height for this profile.

Definition at line 553 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), and CSimulation::nSetAllCoastpointDeepWaterWaveValues().

◆ dGetProfileDeepWaterWavePeriod()

double CGeomProfile::dGetProfileDeepWaterWavePeriod ( void ) const

Returns the deep-water wave Period for this profile.

Definition at line 577 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), and CSimulation::nSetAllCoastpointDeepWaterWaveValues().

◆ nGetCellGivenDepth()

int CGeomProfile::nGetCellGivenDepth ( CGeomRasterGrid const * pGrid,
double const dDepthIn )

Returns the index of the cell on this profile which has a sea depth which is just less than a given depth. If every cell on the profile has a sea depth which is less than the given depth it returns INT_NODATA.

Definition at line 516 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and CSimulation::nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon().

◆ nGetCoastID()

◆ nGetCoastPoint()

◆ nGetGlobalID()

int CGeomProfile::nGetGlobalID ( void ) const

Returns the profile's global ID.

Definition at line 72 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nCreateProfile().

◆ nGetNumCellsInProfile()

◆ nGetProfileSize()

◆ pGetDownCoastAdjacentProfile()

◆ pGetUpCoastAdjacentProfile()

CGeomProfile * CGeomProfile::pGetUpCoastAdjacentProfile ( void ) const

Definition at line 439 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CRWCoast::pGetUpCoastProfile().

◆ pPtGetPointInProfile()

◆ pPtiGetCellInProfile()

◆ pPtiGetEndPoint()

CGeom2DIPoint * CGeomProfile::pPtiGetEndPoint ( void )

Returns a pointer to the location of the cell (grid CRS) on which the profile ends.

Definition at line 96 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::MarkProfilesOnGrid(), and CSimulation::nCreateAllPolygons().

◆ pPtiGetStartPoint()

CGeom2DIPoint * CGeomProfile::pPtiGetStartPoint ( void )

Returns a pointer to the location of the cell (grid CRS) on which the profile starts.

Definition at line 84 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::MarkProfilesOnGrid(), and CSimulation::nCreateAllPolygons().

◆ pPtiVGetCellsInProfile()

vector< CGeom2DIPoint > * CGeomProfile::pPtiVGetCellsInProfile ( void )

◆ PtVGetThisPointAndAllAfter()

vector< CGeom2DPoint > CGeomProfile::PtVGetThisPointAndAllAfter ( int const nStart)

Returns a given point from the profile, and all points after this.

Definition at line 338 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::TruncateOneProfileRetainOtherProfile().

◆ SetCShoreProblem()

void CGeomProfile::SetCShoreProblem ( bool const bFlag)

Sets a switch to indicate whether this profile has a CShore problem.

Definition at line 126 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nDoAllPropagateWaves().

◆ SetDownCoastAdjacentProfile()

void CGeomProfile::SetDownCoastAdjacentProfile ( CGeomProfile * pProfile)

Definition at line 444 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nCreateAllProfiles().

◆ SetEndOfCoast()

void CGeomProfile::SetEndOfCoast ( bool const bFlag)

Sets a switch to indicate whether this is an end-of-coast profile.

Definition at line 114 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile().

◆ SetEndPoint()

void CGeomProfile::SetEndPoint ( CGeom2DIPoint const * pPtiEnd)

Sets the the location of the cell (grid CRS) on which the profile ends.

Definition at line 90 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile().

◆ SetHitAnotherProfileBadly()

void CGeomProfile::SetHitAnotherProfileBadly ( bool const bFlag)

Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile hits another profile badly.

Definition at line 186 of file profile.cpp.

◆ SetHitCoast()

void CGeomProfile::SetHitCoast ( bool const bFlag)

Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile has hit a coast.

Definition at line 150 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::CreateRasterizedProfile().

◆ SetHitLand()

void CGeomProfile::SetHitLand ( bool const bFlag)

Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile has hit land.

Definition at line 138 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::CreateRasterizedProfile().

◆ SetPointInProfile()

void CGeomProfile::SetPointInProfile ( int const nPoint,
double const dNewX,
double const dNewY )

Sets a single point in the profile.

Definition at line 267 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::MergeProfilesAtFinalLineSegments().

◆ SetPointsInProfile()

void CGeomProfile::SetPointsInProfile ( vector< CGeom2DPoint > const * VNewPoints)

Sets all points in the profile.

Definition at line 261 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nCreateProfile().

◆ SetProfileDeepWaterWaveAngle()

void CGeomProfile::SetProfileDeepWaterWaveAngle ( double const dWaveAngle)

Sets the deep-water wave orientation for this profile.

Definition at line 559 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile().

◆ SetProfileDeepWaterWaveHeight()

void CGeomProfile::SetProfileDeepWaterWaveHeight ( double const dWaveHeight)

Sets the deep-water wave height for this profile.

Definition at line 547 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile().

◆ SetProfileDeepWaterWavePeriod()

void CGeomProfile::SetProfileDeepWaterWavePeriod ( double const dWavePeriod)

Sets the deep-water wave Period for this profile.

Definition at line 571 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile().

◆ SetStartOfCoast()

void CGeomProfile::SetStartOfCoast ( bool const bFlag)

Sets a switch to indicate whether this is a start-of-coast profile.

Definition at line 102 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile().

◆ SetTooShort()

void CGeomProfile::SetTooShort ( bool const bFlag)

Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile is too short to be useful.

Definition at line 162 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::CreateRasterizedProfile().

◆ SetTruncated()

void CGeomProfile::SetTruncated ( bool const bFlag)

Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile is truncated.

Definition at line 174 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::CreateRasterizedProfile().

◆ SetUpCoastAdjacentProfile()

void CGeomProfile::SetUpCoastAdjacentProfile ( CGeomProfile * pProfile)

Definition at line 434 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::nCreateAllProfiles().

◆ TruncateProfile()

void CGeomProfile::TruncateProfile ( int const nSize)

Truncates the profile.

Definition at line 305 of file profile.cpp.

Referenced by CSimulation::TruncateProfileAndAppendNew().

Field Documentation

◆ m_bCShoreProblem

bool CGeomProfile::m_bCShoreProblem

Has this profile encountered a CShore problem?

Definition at line 44 of file profile.h.

Referenced by bCShoreProblem(), bOKIncStartAndEndOfCoast(), bProfileOK(), bProfileOKIncTruncated(), CGeomProfile(), and SetCShoreProblem().

◆ m_bEndOfCoast

bool CGeomProfile::m_bEndOfCoast

Is this an end-of-coast profile?

Definition at line 41 of file profile.h.

Referenced by bEndOfCoast(), bProfileOK(), bProfileOKIncTruncated(), CGeomProfile(), and SetEndOfCoast().

◆ m_bHitAnotherProfileBadly

bool CGeomProfile::m_bHitAnotherProfileBadly

Has this profile hit another profile?

Definition at line 59 of file profile.h.

Referenced by bHitAnotherProfileBadly(), bOKIncStartAndEndOfCoast(), bProfileOK(), bProfileOKIncTruncated(), CGeomProfile(), and SetHitAnotherProfileBadly().

◆ m_bHitCoast

bool CGeomProfile::m_bHitCoast

Has this profile hit a coastline?

Definition at line 50 of file profile.h.

Referenced by bHitCoast(), bOKIncStartAndEndOfCoast(), bProfileOK(), bProfileOKIncTruncated(), CGeomProfile(), and SetHitCoast().

◆ m_bHitLand

bool CGeomProfile::m_bHitLand

Has this profile hit land?

Definition at line 47 of file profile.h.

Referenced by bHitLand(), bOKIncStartAndEndOfCoast(), bProfileOK(), bProfileOKIncTruncated(), CGeomProfile(), and SetHitLand().

◆ m_bIntervention

bool CGeomProfile::m_bIntervention

Is this an intervention profile?

Definition at line 62 of file profile.h.

Referenced by bIsIntervention(), and CGeomProfile().

◆ m_bStartOfCoast

bool CGeomProfile::m_bStartOfCoast

Is this a start-of-coast profile?

Definition at line 38 of file profile.h.

Referenced by bProfileOK(), bProfileOKIncTruncated(), bStartOfCoast(), CGeomProfile(), and SetStartOfCoast().

◆ m_bTooShort

bool CGeomProfile::m_bTooShort

Is this profile too short?

Definition at line 53 of file profile.h.

Referenced by bOKIncStartAndEndOfCoast(), bProfileOK(), bProfileOKIncTruncated(), bTooShort(), CGeomProfile(), and SetTooShort().

◆ m_bTruncated

bool CGeomProfile::m_bTruncated

Has this profile been truncated?

Definition at line 56 of file profile.h.

Referenced by bOKIncStartAndEndOfCoast(), bProfileOK(), bTruncated(), CGeomProfile(), and SetTruncated().

◆ m_dDeepWaterWaveAngle

double CGeomProfile::m_dDeepWaterWaveAngle

The wave orientation at the end of the profile.

Definition at line 80 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile(), dGetProfileDeepWaterWaveAngle(), and SetProfileDeepWaterWaveAngle().

◆ m_dDeepWaterWaveHeight

double CGeomProfile::m_dDeepWaterWaveHeight

The wave height at the end of the profile.

Definition at line 77 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile(), dGetProfileDeepWaterWaveHeight(), and SetProfileDeepWaterWaveHeight().

◆ m_dDeepWaterWavePeriod

double CGeomProfile::m_dDeepWaterWavePeriod

The wave period at the end of the profile.

Definition at line 83 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile(), dGetProfileDeepWaterWavePeriod(), and SetProfileDeepWaterWavePeriod().

◆ m_nCoast

int CGeomProfile::m_nCoast

The coast from which this profile projects.

Definition at line 65 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile().

◆ m_nCoastID

int CGeomProfile::m_nCoastID

The this-coast ID of the profile.

Definition at line 71 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile(), and nGetCoastID().

◆ m_nCoastPoint

int CGeomProfile::m_nCoastPoint

The coastline point at which this profile hits the coast (not necessarily coincident wih the profile start cell)

Definition at line 68 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile(), and nGetCoastPoint().

◆ m_nGlobalID

int CGeomProfile::m_nGlobalID

The global ID of the profile.

Definition at line 74 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile(), and nGetGlobalID().

◆ m_pDownCoastAdjacentProfile

CGeomProfile* CGeomProfile::m_pDownCoastAdjacentProfile

Pointer to the adjacent down-coast profile (may be an invalid profile)

Definition at line 95 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile(), pGetDownCoastAdjacentProfile(), and SetDownCoastAdjacentProfile().

◆ m_pUpCoastAdjacentProfile

CGeomProfile* CGeomProfile::m_pUpCoastAdjacentProfile

Pointer to the adjacent up-coast profile (may be an invalid profile)

Definition at line 92 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile(), pGetUpCoastAdjacentProfile(), and SetUpCoastAdjacentProfile().

◆ m_VCellInProfile

vector<CGeom2DIPoint> CGeomProfile::m_VCellInProfile

In the grid CRS, the integer coordinates of the cells 'under' this profile, point zero is the same as 'cell marked as coastline' in coast object.

Definition at line 98 of file profile.h.

Referenced by AppendCellInProfile(), AppendCellInProfile(), nGetCellGivenDepth(), nGetNumCellsInProfile(), pPtiGetCellInProfile(), and pPtiVGetCellsInProfile().

◆ m_VCellInProfileExtCRS

vector<CGeom2DPoint> CGeomProfile::m_VCellInProfileExtCRS

In external CRS, the coords of cells 'under' this profile.

Definition at line 102 of file profile.h.

Referenced by AppendCellInProfileExtCRS(), and AppendCellInProfileExtCRS().

◆ PtiEnd

CGeom2DIPoint CGeomProfile::PtiEnd

The seaward end point of the profile in grid CRS.

Definition at line 89 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile(), pPtiGetEndPoint(), and SetEndPoint().

◆ PtiStart

CGeom2DIPoint CGeomProfile::PtiStart

The on-coast start point of the profile in grid CRS.

Definition at line 86 of file profile.h.

Referenced by CGeomProfile(), and pPtiGetStartPoint().

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