int const nGlobalID,
int const nCoastID,
int const nNode,
int const nProfileUpCoast,
int const nProfileDownCoast, vector<CGeom2DPoint>
const* pVIn,
int const nLastPointUpCoast,
const int nLastPointDownCoast,
CGeom2DIPoint const* PtiNode,
CGeom2DIPoint const* PtiAntinode,
bool const bStartCoast,
bool const bEndCoast)
229 return static_cast<int>(
776 for (
int n = 0; n < nVertices; n++)
vector< CGeom2DPoint > m_VPoints
The points which comprise the float-coordinate 2D shape.
Geometry class used to represent 2D point objects with integer coordinates.
Geometry class used to represent 2D point objects with floating-point coordinates.
void AddCliffCollapseUnconsCoarseDeposition(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated coarse sediment deposited from cliff collapse on th...
double dGetCliffCollapseErosionCoarse(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated coarse sediment from cliff collapse on this polygon,...
bool bIsCoastStartPolygon(void) const
Is this polygon the coast-start polygon?
CGeomCoastPolygon(int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, vector< CGeom2DPoint > const *, int const, int const, CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, bool const, bool const)
Constructor with 10 parameters and initialization list.
double dGetBeachErosionUnconsSand(void) const
Returns this timestep's erosion (a value < 0) of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment (beach redistribu...
void AddCliffCollapseToSuspensionFine(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated fine sediment from cliff collapse which goes to sus...
double m_dPreExistingConsFine
Depth of pre-existing consolidated fine sediment.
double dGetSedimentInputUnconsSand(void) const
Get the value of sand sediment on the polygon derived from sediment input events(s)
double dGetBeachDepositionUnconsSand(void) const
Returns the depth of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment deposited on this polygon during this timeste...
int nGetNumPointsUsedDownCoastProfile(void) const
Return the number of points in the down-coast profile.
int m_nProfileUpCoastNumPointsUsed
The number of points from the up-coast normal which are part of this polygon (less than the normal's ...
void AddToSuspensionUnconsFine(double const)
Adds a depth (in m) of fine-sized unconsolidated sediment to this timestep's to-suspension movement o...
double m_dBeachDepositionUnconsSand
Depth of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment deposited on this polygon during this timestep (+ve,...
double m_dCliffCollapseTalusFineToSuspension
Depth of unconsolidated fine sediment which goes to suspension from cliff collapse.
double dGetBeachSandErodedDeanProfile(void) const
Returns the depth (in m) of sand sediment eroded during beach Dean profile deposition.
double dGetPotentialErosion(void) const
Returns this timestep's total change in depth of unconsolidated sediment (all size classes) due to be...
double m_dPreExistingUnconsCoarse
Depth of pre-existing unconsolidated coarse sedimet.
double dGetCliffCollapseUnconsSandDeposition(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated sand sediment deposited from cliff collapse on this po...
CGeom2DIPoint * pPtiGetAntiNode(void)
Get the anti-node (raster grid CRS) which is at other (seaward) end of the polygon from the node.
double m_dSeawaterVolume
The volume (m3) of sea water within the polygon.
double dGetBeachDepositionUnconsCoarse(void) const
Returns the depth of coarse-sized unconsolidated sediment deposited on this polygon during this times...
double dGetCliffCollapseToSuspensionFine(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated fine sediment from cliff collapse which goes to suspen...
vector< int > m_VnUpCoastAdjacentPolygon
The ID(s) of the up-coast adjacent polygon(s)
void AddBeachCoarseErodedDeanProfile(double const)
Adds a depth (in m) of coarse sediment eroded during beach Dean profile deposition.
bool bIsCoastEndPolygon(void) const
Is this polygon the coast-end polygon?
void SetSedimentInputUnconsSand(double const)
Set the value of sand sediment on the polygon derived from sediment input events(s)
void SetPreExistingUnconsFine(double const)
Set the value of pre-existing unconsolidated fine sediment stored on this polygon.
double m_dBeachErosionUnconsSand
Erosion (considering supply-limitation) of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment as a depth this timeste...
vector< CGeom2DIPoint > m_VPtiVertices
The polygon's vertices (not all of them, just the ends of the profile sides), used to calculate the p...
double dGetBeachCoarseErodedDeanProfile(void) const
Returns the depth (in m) of coarse sediment eroded during beach Dean profile deposition.
void SetSedimentInputUnconsFine(double const)
Set the value of fine sediment on the polygon derived from sediment input events(s)
double dGetPreExistingUnconsSand(void) const
Get the value of pre-existing unconsolidated sand sediment stored on this polygon.
vector< double > m_VdUpCoastAdjacentPolygonBoundaryShare
The boundary share(s) (0 to 1) with adjacent up-coast polygon(s)
vector< int > m_VnDownCoastAdjacentPolygon
The ID(s) of the down-coast adjacent polygon(s)
void AddToDoBeachDepositionUnconsSand(double const)
Adds a depth (in m) of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment to this timestep's still-to-do deposition o...
double m_dPreExistingUnconsSand
Depth of pre-existing unconsolidated sand sediment.
void SetPreExistingConsFine(double const)
Set the value of pre-existing consolidated fine sediment stored on this polygon.
double m_dToDoBeachDepositionUnconsCoarse
Still-to-do depth (m) of coarse-sized unconsolidated sediment to be deposited this timestep (+ve),...
double dGetLength(void) const
Gets the polygon's length.
void AddCliffCollapseUnconsSandDeposition(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated sand sediment deposited from cliff collapse on this...
void SetPreExistingUnconsSand(double const)
Set the value of pre-existing unconsolidated sand sediment stored on this polygon.
void SetSeawaterVolume(const double)
Set the volume of seawater in the coast polygon.
double m_dCliffCollapseSandErodedDeanProfile
Depth of sand unconsolidated sediment eroded during deposition of cliff collapse talus as a Dean prof...
vector< int > m_VnCircularityWith
If this polygon has a circular unconsolidated-sediment-movement relationship with one or more other p...
void AddCliffCollapseErosionCoarse(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated coarse sediment from cliff collapse on this polygon...
int nGetNumPointsUsedUpCoastProfile(void) const
Return the number of points in the up-coast profile.
double m_dLength
Coast polygon length.
double m_dBeachSandErodedDeanProfile
Depth of sand unconsolidated sediment eroded during beach deposition as a Dean profile.
double dGetPreExistingConsSand(void) const
Get the value of pre-existing consolidated sand sediment stored on this polygon.
double dGetUpCoastAdjacentPolygonBoundaryShare(int const) const
Gets the boundary shares for all up-coast adjacent polygons.
void AddPotentialErosion(double const)
Adds in potential beach erosion of unconsolidated sediment (all size classes) on this polygon (m_dPot...
int nGetUpCoastAdjacentPolygon(int const) const
Gets a single up-coast adjacent polygon.
bool m_bCoastEndPolygon
Is this polygon at the end of the coastline?
double dGetCliffCollapseErosionFine(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated fine sediment eroded from cliff collapse on this polyg...
double dGetPlatformErosionToSuspensionUnconsFine(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated sand sediment moved to suspension derived from shore p...
CGeom2DIPoint PtiGetFillStartPoint(void)
void SetBeachDepositionUnconsCoarse(double const)
Sets the depth of coarse-sized unconsolidated sediment deposited on this polygon during this timestep...
double dGetPlatformErosionUnconsCoarse(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated coarse sediment derived from shore platform erosion on...
CGeom2DPoint * pPtGetBoundaryPoint(int const)
Get the coordinates (external CRS) of a specified point on the polygon's boundary.
void AddCliffCollapseSandErodedDeanProfile(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated sand sediment eroded during deposition of cliff col...
double dGetCliffCollapseCoarseErodedDeanProfile(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated coarse sediment eroded during deposition of cliff coll...
int m_nCoastID
This-coast-only number of this polygon.
double m_dBeachCoarseErodedDeanProfile
Depth of coarse unconsolidated sediment eroded during beach deposition as a Dean profile.
void AddBeachSandErodedDeanProfile(double const)
Adds a depth (in m) of sand sediment eroded during beach Dean profile deposition.
double dGetSedimentInputUnconsFine(void) const
Get the value of fine sediment on the polygon derived from sediment input events(s)
void SetSedimentInputUnconsCoarse(double const)
Set the value of coarse sediment on the polygon derived from sediment input events(s)
CGeom2DIPoint m_PtiNode
Coordinates of the coast node cell (raster grid CRS)
int nGetNumUpCoastAdjacentPolygons(void) const
Gets all up-coast adjacent polygons.
double dGetPreExistingConsFine(void) const
Get the value of pre-existing consolidated fine sediment stored on this polygon.
int m_nNumCells
The number of cells in the polygon.
double m_dSedimentInputCoarse
Depth of coarse sediment added from this-iteration sediment input event(s)
void SetDownCoastThisIter(bool const)
Set a flag to say whether sediment movement on this polygon is downcoast this iteration.
void SetZeroToDoDepositionUnconsSand(void)
Re-initializes this timestep's still-to-do deposition of unconsolidated sand sediment (from beach red...
void AddPlatformErosionToSuspensionUnconsFine(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated fine sediment moved to suspension and derived from ...
int m_nGlobalID
The simulation-global number of this polygon.
double m_dPlatformErosionToSuspensionFine
Depth of fine sediment moved to suspension from shore platform erosion.
int nGetGlobalID(void) const
Get the global ID.
void AddCliffCollapseErosionFine(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated fine sediment eroded from cliff collapse on this po...
double dGetCliffCollapseUnconsCoarseDeposition(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated coarse sediment deposited from cliff collapse on this ...
double m_dCliffCollapseCoarseErodedDeanProfile
Depth of coarse unconsolidated sediment eroded during deposition of cliff collapse talus as a Dean pr...
void Display(void) override
Instantiates the pure virtual function in the abstract parent class, so that CGeomCoastPolygon is not...
double dGetSeawaterVolume(void) const
Get the volume of seawater in the coast polygon.
double dGetDownCoastAdjacentPolygonBoundaryShare(int const) const
Gets the boundary shares for all down-coast adjacent polygons.
void AddCliffCollapseCoarseErodedDeanProfile(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated coarse sediment eroded during deposition of cliff c...
double m_dPotentialBeachErosionAllUncons
Potential (ignoring supply-limitation) erosion of unconsolidated sediment (all size classes) as a dep...
void SetBeachErosionUnconsFine(double const)
Sets a value (must be < 0) for this timestep's erosion of fine unconsolidated sediment (beach redistr...
double m_dPreExistingConsCoarse
Depth of pre-existing consolidated coarse sediment.
int m_nCoastNode
The point on this polygon's coastline segment with maximum concave curvature, roughly at the middle o...
int m_nProfileDownCoast
The normal profile which bounds the polygon in the down-coast direction.
double m_dBeachErosionUnconsFine
Erosion (considering supply-limitation) of fine-sized unconsolidated sediment as a depth this timeste...
int nGetNumVertices(void) const
Returns the number of vertices for this polygon.
double dGetPreExistingUnconsFine(void) const
Get the value of pre-existing unconsolidated fine sediment stored on this polygon.
void SetBeachDepositionUnconsSand(double const)
Sets the depth of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment deposited on this polygon during this timestep (...
void SetZeroToDoDepositionUnconsCoarse(void)
Re-initializes this timestep's still-to-do deposition of unconsolidated coarse sediment (from beach r...
double m_dBeachErosionUnconsCoarse
Erosion (considering supply-limitation) of coarse-sized unconsolidated sediment as a depth this times...
double dGetBeachDepositionAndSuspensionAllUncons(void) const
Returns this timestep's total (all size classes) deposition and to-suspension movement of unconsolida...
double m_dPlatformErosionUnconsSand
Depth of unconsolidated sand sediment from shore platform erosion.
void SetCoastStartPolygon(void)
Set this coast polygon as the coast-start polygon.
void SetDownCoastAdjacentPolygonBoundaryShares(vector< double > const *)
Sets the boundary shares for all down-coast adjacent polygons.
double m_dBeachDepositionUnconsCoarse
Depth of coarse-sized unconsolidated sediment deposited on this polygon during this timestep (+ve,...
void AddToDoBeachDepositionUnconsCoarse(double const)
Adds a depth (in m) of coarse unconsolidated sediment to this timestep's still-to-do deposition of un...
void AddPlatformErosionUnconsSand(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated sand sediment derived from shore platform erosion o...
CGeom2DIPoint m_PtiAntinode
Coordinates of the cell (raster grid CRS) which is at other (seaward) end of the polygon.
double m_dToDoBeachDepositionUnconsSand
Still-to-do depth (m) of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment to be deposited this timestep (+ve),...
int nGetNodeCoastPoint(void) const
Get the coast node point.
int nGetDownCoastAdjacentPolygon(int const) const
Gets a single down-coast adjacent polygon.
int nGetUpCoastProfile(void) const
Return the number of the up-coast profile.
void SetLength(double const)
Sets the polygon's length.
int nGetNumDownCoastAdjacentPolygons(void) const
Gets all down-coast adjacent polygons.
double m_dPreExistingUnconsFine
Depth of pre-existing unconsolidated fine sediment.
double dGetToDoBeachDepositionUnconsSand(void) const
Returns this timestep's still-to-do deposition of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment (from beach redi...
bool m_bUnconsSedimentMovementDownCoastThisIter
Is the movement of unconsolidated sediment on this polygon down-coast during this iteration?
double m_dSedimentInputFine
Depth of fine sediment added from this-iteration sediment input event(s)
void SetPreExistingConsCoarse(double const)
Set the value of pre-existing consolidated coarse sediment stored on this polygon.
double m_dAvgUnconsD50
The average d50 of unconsolidated sediment on this polygon.
void SetAvgUnconsD50(double const)
Set the average d50 for unconsolidated sediment on this polygon.
double dGetBeachErosionUnconsFine(void) const
Returns this timestep's erosion (a value < 0) of fine unconsolidated sediment (beach redistribution o...
double dGetCliffCollapseErosionSand(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated sand sediment from cliff collapse on this polygon,...
double m_dCliffCollapseErosionFine
Depth of eroded fine sediment from cliff collapse (is always equal to m_dCliffCollapseToSuspensionFin...
int nGetBoundarySize(void) const
Get the number of points in the polygon's boundary.
double dGetAvgUnconsD50(void) const
Get the average d50 for unconsolidated sediment on this polygon.
~CGeomCoastPolygon(void) override
void SetPreExistingUnconsCoarse(double const)
Set the value of pre-existing unconsolidated coarse sediment stored on this polygon.
double m_dCliffCollapseTalusCoarse
Depth of unconsolidated coarse talus from cliff collapse.
void AppendVertex(CGeom2DIPoint const *)
Appends the point cordinates (grid CRS) for a polygon vertex.
double dGetSuspensionUnconsFine(void) const
Returns this timestep's to-suspension movement of fine unconsolidated sediment on this polygon,...
int m_nProfileDownCoastNumPointsUsed
The number of points from the down-coast normal which are part of this polygon (less than the normal'...
double m_dSuspensionUnconsFine
To-suspension movement of fine-sized sediment as a depth this timestep (+ve) ALL PROCESSES TODO *** C...
double dGetPlatformErosionUnconsSand(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated sand sediment derived from shore platform erosion on t...
double dGetPreExistingUnconsCoarse(void) const
Get the value of pre-existing unconsolidated coarse sediment stored on this polygon.
double m_dCliffCollapseErosionSand
Depth of eroded sand sediment from cliff collapse, note that this does not include sand sediment erod...
double dGetCliffCollapseSandErodedDeanProfile(void) const
Get the this-iteration total of unconsolidated sand sediment eroded during deposition of cliff collap...
double m_dPreExistingConsSand
Depth of pre-existing consolidated sand sediment.
void AddCliffCollapseErosionSand(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated sand sediment from cliff collapse on this polygon,...
void SetDownCoastAdjacentPolygons(vector< int > const *)
Sets all down-coast adjacent polygons.
double dGetPreExistingConsCoarse(void) const
Get the value of pre-existing consolidated coarse sediment stored on this polygon.
void SetBeachErosionUnconsSand(double const)
Sets a value (must be < 0) for this timestep's erosion of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment (beach r...
double m_dCliffCollapseErosionCoarse
Depth of eroded coarse sediment from cliff collapse, note that this does not include coarse sediment ...
double dGetSedimentInputUnconsCoarse(void) const
Get the value of coarse sediment on the polygon derived from sediment input events(s)
void SetUpCoastAdjacentPolygonBoundaryShares(vector< double > const *)
Sets the boundary shares for all up-coast adjacent polygons.
void SetCoastEndPolygon(void)
Set this coast polygon as the coast-end polygon.
void AddPlatformErosionUnconsCoarse(double const)
Add to the this-iteration total of unconsolidated coarse sediment derived from shore platform erosion...
bool m_bCoastStartPolygon
Is this polygon at the start of the coastline?
double dGetBeachErosionUnconsCoarse(void) const
Returns this timestep's erosion (a value < 0) of coarse unconsolidated sediment (beach redistribution...
void SetUpCoastAdjacentPolygons(vector< int > const *)
Sets all up-coast adjacent polygons.
vector< double > m_VdDownCoastAdjacentPolygonBoundaryShare
The boundary share(s) (0 to 1) with adjacent up-coast polygon(s)
double dGeBeachErosionAllUncons(void) const
Returns this timestep's total (all size classes) beach erosion of unconsolidated sediment on this pol...
double m_dSedimentInputSand
Depth of sand sediment added from this-iteration sediment input event(s)
void SetPreExistingConsSand(double const)
Set the value of pre-existing consolidated sand sediment stored on this polygon.
int nGetDownCoastProfile(void) const
Return the number of the down-coast profile.
bool bDownCoastThisIter(void) const
Is sediment movement on this polygon downcoast this iteration?
int nGetCoastID(void) const
Get the coast ID, this is the same as the down-coast sequence.
void SetNumCellsInPolygon(int const)
Set the number of cells in the polygon.
CGeom2DIPoint PtiGetVertex(int const) const
Returns the point coordinates (grid CRS) for a single vertex of this polygon.
void AddCircularity(int const)
Add a circularity to this polygon.
void SetBeachErosionUnconsCoarse(double const)
Sets a value (must be < 0) for this timestep's erosion of coarse unconsolidated sediment (beach redis...
double m_dPlatformErosionUnconsCoarse
Depth of unconsolidated coarse sediment from shore platform erosion.
int m_nProfileUpCoast
The normal profile which bounds the polygon in the up-coast direction.
double m_dCliffCollapseTalusSand
Depth of unconsolidated sand talus from cliff collapse.
vector< int > VnGetCircularities(void) const
Get all circularities for this polygon.
CGeom2DIPoint * pPtiGetNode(void)
Get the grid coordinates of the cell on which the node sits.
double dGetToDoBeachDepositionUnconsCoarse(void) const
Returns this timestep's still-to-do deposition of coarse unconsolidated sediment (from beach redistri...
This file contains global definitions for CoastalME.
Contains CGeomCoastPolygon definitions.
int nRound(double const d)
Version of the above that returns an int.