Contains CGeomCell definitions.
Geometry class for the cell objects which comprise the raster grid.
double m_dD50Fine
The d50 of fine-sized sediment.
double m_dD50Sand
The d50 of sand-sized sediment.
friend class CGeomProfile
The CGeomProfile class is a friend of the CGeomRasterGrid class.
CGeomCell ** m_Cell
The 2D array of m_Cell objects. A c-style 2D array seems to be faster than using 2D STL vectors.
int nCreateGrid(void)
Creates the 2D CGeomCell array.
double m_dD50Coarse
The d50 of coarse-sized sediment.
CSimulation * m_pSim
A pointer to the CSimulation object.
friend class CSimulation
The CSimulation class is a friend of the CGeomRasterGrid class.
CGeomRasterGrid(CSimulation *)
CSimulation * pGetSim(void)
Returns a pointer to the simulation object.
This class runs CoastalME simulations.
This file contains global definitions for CoastalME.