111 int nZeroThickness = 0;
133 double dSedThickness =
134 if (dSedThickness <= 0)
191 if (nZeroThickness > 0)
193 cerr <<
m_ulIter <<
": " <<
WARN << nZeroThickness <<
" cells have no sediment, is this correct?" << endl;
194 LogStream <<
m_ulIter <<
": " <<
WARN << nZeroThickness <<
" cells have no sediment, is this correct?" << endl;
Contains CGeomCell definitions.
double m_dThisIterPotentialBeachErosion
Total potential beach erosion (all size classes of unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth...
void CalcDepthOfClosure(void)
Calculate the depth of closure.
int m_nLogFileDetail
The level of detail in the log file output. Can be LOG_FILE_LOW_DETAIL, LOG_FILE_MIDDLE_DETAIL,...
double m_dAllCellsDeepWaterWaveHeight
Deep water wave height (m) for all sea cells.
int m_nYMinBoundingBox
The minimum y value of the bounding box.
CGeomRasterGrid * m_pRasterGrid
Pointer to the raster grid object.
int m_nXGridSize
The size of the grid in the x direction.
double m_dThisIterBeachErosionCoarse
Total actual beach erosion (coarse unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
vector< CRWCoast > m_VFloodWaveSetupSurgeRunup
TODO 007 Info needed.
double m_dStartIterUnconsCoarseAllCells
Depth (m) of coarse unconsolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside an...
vector< CRWCoast > m_VCoast
The coastline objects.
bool m_bSingleDeepWaterWaveValues
Do we have just a point source for (i.e. only a single measurement of) deep water wave values.
double m_dThisIterActualPlatformErosionCoarseCons
Total actual platform erosion (coarse consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
int m_nYGridSize
The size of the grid in the y direction.
double m_dStartIterSuspFineInPolygons
Depth (m) of fine suspended sediment at the start of the simulation (only cells in polygons)
unsigned long m_ulThisIterNumCoastCells
The number of grid cells which are marked as coast, for this iteration.
double m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionCoarseUncons
This-iteration total of coarse unconsolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
vector< CRWCoast > m_VFloodWaveSetupSurge
TODO 007 Info needed.
unsigned long m_ulThisIterNumActualPlatformErosionCells
The number of grid cells on which actual platform erosion occurs, for this iteration.
int m_nXMaxBoundingBox
The maximum x value of the bounding box.
double m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionFineUncons
This-iteration total of fine unconsolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
int m_nLayers
The number of sediment layers.
double m_dStartIterConsCoarseAllCells
Depth (m) of coarse consolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and ...
double m_dStartIterConsSandAllCells
Depth (m) of sand consolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and ou...
unsigned long m_ulThisIterNumBeachDepositionCells
The number of grid cells on which beach (unconsolidated sediment) deposition occurs,...
double m_dThisiterUnconsCoarseInput
Depth (m) of coarse unconsolidated sediment added, at this iteration.
double m_dThisIterPotentialPlatformErosion
Total potential platform erosion (all size classes of consolidated sediment) for this iteration (dept...
double m_dThisiterUnconsFineInput
Depth (m) of fine unconsolidated sediment added, at this iteration.
bool m_bHaveWaveStationData
Do we have wave station data?
double m_dThisIterActualPlatformErosionSandCons
Total actual platform erosion (sand consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
double m_dThisIterBeachDepositionCoarse
Total beach deposition (coarse unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
double dGridCentroidYToExtCRSY(int const) const
Given the integer Y-axis ordinate of a cell in the raster grid CRS, returns the external CRS Y-axis o...
double m_dAllCellsDeepWaterWaveAngle
Deep water wave angle for all sea cells.
double m_dThisIterUnconsCoarseCliffDeposition
This-iteration total of coarse unconsolidated sediment deposited due to cliff collapse (m^3)
double m_dThisIterTotSeaDepth
Total sea depth (m) for this iteration.
double m_dThisIterUnconsSandCliffDeposition
This-iteration total of sand unconsolidated sediment deposited due to cliff collapse (m^3)
int nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(void)
If the user supplies multiple deep water wave height and angle values, this routine interplates these...
double m_dThisIterPotentialSedLostBeachErosion
Total unconsolidated sediment from beach erosion (all size classes) lost from the grid this iteration...
double m_dStartIterConsFineAllCells
Depth (m) of fine consolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and ou...
double m_dThisIterBeachErosionSand
Total actual beach erosion (sand unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
double m_dThisIterFineSedimentToSuspension
Total fine unconsolidated sediment in suspension for this iteration (depth in m)
double m_dThisIterBeachErosionFine
Total actual beach erosion (fine unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
unsigned long m_ulThisIterNumActualBeachErosionCells
The number of grid cells on which actual beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion occurs,...
int m_nYMaxBoundingBox
The maximum y value of the bounding box.
vector< bool > m_bUnconsChangedThisIter
One element per layer: has the consolidated sediment of this layer been changed during this iteration...
unsigned long m_ulThisIterNumPotentialPlatformErosionCells
The number of grid cells on which potential platform erosion occurs, for this iteration.
double m_dStartIterUnconsSandAllCells
Depth (m) of sand unconsolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and ...
double m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionFineCons
This-iteration total of fine consolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
unsigned long m_ulThisIterNumSeaCells
The number of grid cells which are marked as sea, for this iteration.
double m_dStartIterUnconsFineAllCells
Depth (m) of fine unconsolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and ...
int m_nXMinBoundingBox
The minimum x value of the bounding box.
unsigned long m_ulThisIterNumPotentialBeachErosionCells
The number of grid cells on which potential beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion occurs,...
double m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionSandCons
This-iteration total of sand consolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
double m_dThisIterBeachDepositionSand
Total beach deposition (sand unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
double m_dThisIterLeftGridUnconsCoarse
Total coarse unconsolidated sediment lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m)
double m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionSandUncons
This-iteration total of sand unconsolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
unsigned long m_ulIter
The number of the current iteration (time step)
double dGridCentroidXToExtCRSX(int const) const
Given the integer X-axis ordinate of a cell in the raster grid CRS, returns the external CRS X-axis o...
double m_dThisiterUnconsSandInput
Depth (m) of sand unconsolidated sediment added, at this iteration.
double m_dAllCellsDeepWaterWavePeriod
Deep water wave period for all sea cells.
double m_dThisIterActualPlatformErosionFineCons
Total actual platform erosion (fine consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
double m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionCoarseCons
This-iteration total of coarse consolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
double m_dThisIterLeftGridUnconsSand
Total sand unconsolidated sediment lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m)
int nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(void)
At the beginning of each timestep: clear vector coasts, profiles, and polygons, initialize the raster...
double m_dStartIterSuspFineAllCells
Depth (m) of fine suspended sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outsi...
vector< bool > m_bConsChangedThisIter
One element per layer: has the consolidated sediment of this layer been changed during this iteration...
vector< CGeomCoastPolygon * > m_pVCoastPolygon
Pointers to coast polygon objects, in down-coast sequence TODO 044 Will need to use global polygon ID...
double m_dThisIterLeftGridUnconsFine
Total fine unconsolidated sediment lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m)
This file contains global definitions for CoastalME.
Contains CRWCoast definitions.
Contains CGeomLine definitions.
Contains CGeomRasterGrid definitions.
Contains CSimulation definitions.