CoastalME (Coastal Modelling Environment)
Simulates the long-term behaviour of complex coastlines
This class runs CoastalME simulations. More...
#include <simulation.h>
Public Member Functions | |
CSimulation (void) | |
The CSimulation constructor. | |
~CSimulation (void) | |
The CSimulation destructor. | |
int | nGetCoastPolygonSize (void) const |
Returns the size of the coast polygon vector. | |
CGeomCoastPolygon * | pGetPolygon (int const) const |
Returns a pointer to a coast polygon, in down-coast sequence. | |
void | AppendPolygon (CGeomCoastPolygon *) |
Appends a pointer to a coast polygon to the coast polygon vector. | |
double | dGetMissingValue (void) const |
Returns the NODATA value. | |
double | dGetThisIterSWL (void) const |
Returns this timestep's still water level. | |
double | dGetThisIterTotWaterLevel (void) const |
Returns this timestep's total water level. | |
int | nGetGridXMax (void) const |
Returns the cell size. | |
int | nGetGridYMax (void) const |
Returns the size of the grid in the Y direction. | |
double | dGetD50Fine (void) const |
Returns the global d50 value for fine sediment. | |
double | dGetD50Sand (void) const |
Returns the global d50 value for sand sediment. | |
double | dGetD50Coarse (void) const |
Returns the global d50 value for coarse sediment. | |
int | nDoSimulation (int, char const *[]) |
Runs the simulation. | |
void | DoSimulationEnd (int const) |
Carries out end-of-simulation tidying (error messages etc.) | |
Data Fields | |
ofstream | LogStream |
Private Member Functions | |
int | nHandleCommandLineParams (int, char const *[]) |
Handles command-line parameters. | |
bool | bReadIniFile (void) |
The bReadIniFile member function reads the initialization file. | |
bool | bReadRunDataFile (void) |
Reads the run details input file and does some initialization. | |
bool | bOpenLogFile (void) |
Opens the log file. | |
bool | bSetUpTSFiles (void) |
The bSetUpTSFiles member function sets up the time series files. | |
void | WriteStartRunDetails (void) |
Writes beginning-of-run information to Out and Log files. | |
bool | bWritePerTimestepResults (void) |
Write the results for this timestep to the .out file. | |
bool | bWriteTSFiles (void) |
Write the results for this timestep to the time series CSV files. | |
int | nWriteEndRunDetails (void) |
Writes end-of-run information to Out, Log and time-series files. | |
int | nReadShapeFunctionFile (void) |
Reads the shape of the erosion potential distribution (see shape function in Walkden & Hall, 2005) | |
int | nReadWaveStationInputFile (int const) |
Reads the deep water wave station input data. Each point in m_strDeepWaterWavesInputFile is a triad of wave height, orientation and period for each time step. | |
int | nReadSedimentInputEventFile (void) |
Reads the sediment input event file. | |
int | nReadTideDataFile (void) |
Reads the tide time series data. | |
int | nSaveProfile (int const, CGeomProfile const *, int const, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > *const, vector< double > const *) const |
Save a coastline-normal profile. | |
bool | bWriteProfileData (int const, CGeomProfile const *, int const, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > *const, vector< double > const *) const |
Writes values for a single profile, for checking purposes. | |
int | nSaveParProfile (int const, CGeomProfile const *, int const, int const, int const, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > *const, vector< double > const *) const |
Save a coastline-normal parallel profile. | |
bool | bWriteParProfileData (int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > *const, vector< double > const *) const |
Writes values for a single parallel profile, for checking purposes. | |
void | WriteLookUpData (void) const |
Output the erosion potential look-up values, for checking purposes. | |
int | nReadRasterBasementDEM (void) |
Reads a raster DEM of basement elevation data to the Cell array. | |
int | nReadRasterGISFile (int const, int const) |
Reads all other raster GIS datafiles into the RasterGrid array. | |
int | nReadVectorGISFile (int const) |
Reads vector GIS datafiles using OGR. | |
bool | bWriteRasterGISFile (int const, string const *, int const =0, double const =0) |
Writes GIS raster files using GDAL, using data from the RasterGrid array. | |
bool | bWriteVectorGISFile (int const, string const *) |
Writes vector GIS files using OGR. | |
void | GetRasterOutputMinMax (int const, double &, double &, int const, double const) |
Finds the max and min values in order to scale raster output if we cannot write doubles. | |
void | SetRasterFileCreationDefaults (void) |
Sets per-driver defaults for raster files created using GDAL. | |
int | nInterpolateWavesToPolygonCells (vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *) |
Interpolates wave properties from all profiles to all within-polygon sea cells, using GDALGridCreate(), the library version of external utility gdal_grid. | |
bool | bCreateErosionPotentialLookUp (vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *) |
Creates a look-up table for erosion potential, given depth over DB. | |
int | nCheckForSedimentInputEvent (void) |
Check to see if we have any sediment input events this timestep, if so then do the event(s) | |
int | nCalcExternalForcing (void) |
Calculate external forcings: change in still water level, tide level and deep water waves height, orientation and period. | |
int | nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel (void) |
At the beginning of each timestep: clear vector coasts, profiles, and polygons, initialize the raster grid, and initialize some per-timestep accounting variables. | |
int | nLocateSeaAndCoasts (int &) |
First find all connected sea areas, then locate the vector coastline(s), then put these onto the raster grid. | |
int | nLocateFloodAndCoasts (void) |
First find all connected sea areas, then locate the vector coastline(s), then put these onto the raster grid. | |
int | nAssignLandformsForAllCoasts (void) |
Each timestep, classify coastal landforms and assign a coastal landform object to every point on every coastline. If, for a given cell, the coastal landform class has not changed then it inherits values from the previous timestep. | |
int | nAssignLandformsForAllCells (void) |
Each timestep, classify landforms for cells that are not on the coastline. | |
int | nDoAllPropagateWaves (void) |
Simulates wave propagation along all coastline-normal profiles. | |
int | nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion (void) |
Does platform erosion on all coastlines by first calculating platform erosion on coastline-normal profiles, then extrapolating this to cells between the profiles. | |
int | nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms (void) |
Update accumulated wave energy in coastal landform objects. | |
int | nDoCliffCollapse (int const, CRWCliff *, double &, double &, double &, double &, double &) |
Simulates cliff collapse on a single cliff object, which happens when when a notch (incised into a condsolidated sediment layer) exceeds a critical depth. This updates the cliff object, the cell 'under' the cliff object, and the polygon which contains the cliff object. | |
int | nDoCliffCollapseDeposition (int const, CRWCliff const *, double const, double const, double const, double const) |
Redistributes the sand-sized and coarse-sized sediment from a cliff collapse onto the foreshore, as unconsolidated talus. The talus is added to the existing beach volume (i.e. to the unconsolidated sediment). The shoreline is iteratively advanced seaward until all this volume is accommodated under a Dean equilibrium profile. This equilibrium beach profile is h(y) = A * y^(2/3) where h(y) is the water depth at a distance y from the shoreline and A is a sediment-dependent scale parameter. | |
int | nUpdateGrid (void) |
Update all cells in the raster raster grid and do some per-timestep accounting. | |
void | FindAllSeaCells (void) |
Finds and flags all sea areas which have at least one cell at a grid edge (i.e. does not flag 'inland' seas) | |
int | FindAllInundatedCells (void) |
Finds and flags all sea areas which have at least one cell at a grid edge (i.e. does not flag 'inland' seas) | |
void | FloodFillSea (int const, int const) |
Flood-fills all sea cells starting from a given cell. The flood fill code used here is adapted from an example by Lode Vandevenne ( | |
void | FloodFillLand (int const, int const) |
Use the sealevel, wave set-up and run-up to evaluate flood hydraulically connected TODO 007 Not clear why we need this. We already have a flood fill sea routine: every cell that isn't sea is land. | |
int | nTraceCoastLine (unsigned int const, int const, int const, vector< bool > *, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > const *) |
Traces a coastline (which is defined to be just above still water level) on the grid using the 'wall follower' rule for maze traversal ( The vector coastlines are then smoothed. | |
int | nTraceAllCoasts (int &) |
Locates all the potential coastline start points on the edges of the raster grid, then traces vector coastline(s) from these start points. | |
int | nTraceFloodCoastLine (unsigned int const, int const, int const, vector< bool > *, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > const *) |
Traces a coastline (which is defined to be just above still water level) on the grid using the 'wall follower' rule for maze traversal ( The vector coastlines are then smoothed. | |
int | nTraceAllFloodCoasts (void) |
Locates all the potential coastline start points on the edges of the raster grid, then traces vector coastline(s) from these start points. | |
void | DoCoastCurvature (int const, int const) |
Calculates both detailed and smoothed curvature for every point on a coastline. | |
int | nCheckAllProfiles (void) |
Check all coastline-normal profiles and modify the profiles if they intersect, then mark valid profiles on the raster grid. | |
int | nCreateAllProfiles (void) |
Create coastline-normal profiles for all coastlines. The first profiles are created 'around' the most concave bits of coast. Also create 'special' profiles at the start and end of the coast, and put these onto the raster grid. | |
void | LocateAndCreateProfiles (int const, int &, int &, int const, vector< bool > *, vector< pair< int, double > > const *) |
For a single coastline, locate the start points for all coastline-normal profiles (except the grid-edge profiles). Then create the profiles. | |
int | nCreateProfile (int const, int const, int const, int const, int &, bool const, CGeom2DIPoint const *) |
Creates a single coastline-normal profile (which may be an intervention profile) | |
int | nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile (bool const, int const, int &, int &) |
Creates a 'special' profile at each end of a coastline, at the edge of the raster grid. This profile is not necessarily normal to the coastline since it goes along the grid's edge. | |
void | MarkProfilesOnGrid (int const, int &) |
For this coastline, marks all coastline-normal profiles (apart from the two 'special' ones at the start and end of the coast) onto the raster grid, i.e. rasterizes multi-line vector objects onto the raster grid. Note that this doesn't work if the vector has already been interpolated to fit on the grid i.e. if distances between vector points are just one cell apart. | |
void | CheckForIntersectingProfiles (void) |
Checks all coastline-normal profiles for intersection, and modifies those that intersect. | |
void | MergeProfilesAtFinalLineSegments (int const, CGeomProfile *, CGeomProfile *, int const, int const, double const, double const, double const, double const) |
Merges two profiles which intersect at their final (most seaward) line segments, seaward of their point of intersection. | |
void | TruncateOneProfileRetainOtherProfile (int const, CGeomProfile *, CGeomProfile *, double const, double const, int const, int const, bool const) |
Truncates one intersecting profile at the point of intersection, and retains the other profile. | |
int | nInsertPointIntoProfilesIfNeededThenUpdate (int const, CGeomProfile *, double const, double const, int const, CGeomProfile *, int const, bool const) |
Inserts an intersection point into the profile that is to be retained, if that point is not already present in the profile, then does the same for all co-incident profiles. Finally adds the numbers of the to-truncate profile (and all its coincident profiles) to the seaward line segments of the to-retain profile and all its coincident profiles. | |
void | TruncateProfileAndAppendNew (int const, CGeomProfile *, int const, vector< CGeom2DPoint > const *, vector< vector< pair< int, int > > > const *) |
Truncate a profile at the point of intersection, and do the same for all its co-incident profiles. | |
void | CreateRasterizedProfile (int const, CGeomProfile *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > *, vector< bool > *, bool &, bool &, bool &, bool &) |
Given a pointer to a coastline-normal profile, returns an output vector of cells which are 'under' every line segment of the profile. If there is a problem with the profile (e.g. a rasterized cell is dry land or coast, or the profile has to be truncated) then we pass this back as an error code. | |
void | RasterizeCliffCollapseProfile (vector< CGeom2DPoint > const *, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > *) const |
Given the start and end points of a cliff-collapse normal profile, returns an output vector of cells which are 'under' the vector line. | |
int | nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile (int const, CGeomProfile *) |
Calculates potential (i.e. unconstrained by available sediment) erosional lowering of the shore platform for a single coastline-normal profile, due to wave action. This routine uses a behavioural rule to modify the original surface elevation profile geometry, in which erosion rate/slope = f(d/Db) based on Walkden & Hall (2005). Originally coded in Matlab by Andres Payo. | |
int | nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles (int const, CGeomProfile *, int const) |
Calculates potential platform erosion on cells to one side of a given coastline-normal profile, up to the next profile. | |
void | ConstructParallelProfile (int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > *const, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > *, vector< CGeom2DPoint > *) |
Constructs a parallel coastline-normal profile. | |
double | dCalcBeachProtectionFactor (int const, int const, double const) |
Calculates the (inverse) beach protection factor as in SCAPE: 0 is fully protected, 1 = no protection. | |
void | FillInBeachProtectionHoles (void) |
Fills in 'holes' in the beach protection i.e. orphan cells which get omitted because of rounding problems. | |
void | FillPotentialPlatformErosionHoles (void) |
Fills in 'holes' in the potential platform erosion i.e. orphan cells which get omitted because of rounding problems. | |
void | DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell (int const, int const) |
Calculates actual (constrained by available sediment) erosion of the consolidated shore platform on a single sea cell. | |
double | dLookUpErosionPotential (double const) const |
The erosion potential lookup: it returns a value for erosion potential given a value of Depth Over DB. | |
int | nGetCoastNormalEndPoint (int const, int const, int const, CGeom2DPoint const *, double const, CGeom2DPoint *, CGeom2DIPoint *, bool const) |
Finds the end point of a coastline-normal line, given the start point on the vector coastline. All coordinates are in the external CRS. | |
int | nLandformToGrid (int const, int const) |
At the end of each timestep, this routine stores the attributes from a single coastal landform object in the grid cell 'under' the object, ready for the next timestep. | |
int | nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile (int const, int const, CGeomProfile *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< bool > *) |
Calculates wave properties along a coastline-normal profile using either the COVE linear wave theory approach or the external CShore model. | |
int | nGetThisProfileElevationsForCShore (int const, CGeomProfile *, int const, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *) |
Get profile horizontal distance and bottom elevation vectors in CShore units. | |
int | nCreateCShoreInfile (int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, double const, double const, double const, double const, double const, double const, double const, double const, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *) |
int | nReadCShoreOutput (int const, string const *, int const, int const, vector< double > const *, vector< double > *) |
void | InterpolateCShoreOutput (vector< double > const *, int const, int const, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *, vector< double > *) |
void | CalcCoastTangents (int const) |
Calculates tangents to a coastline: the tangent is assumed to be the orientation of energy/sediment flux along a coast. The tangent is specified as an angle (in degrees) measured clockwise from north. Based on a routine by Martin Hurst. | |
void | InterpolateWavePropertiesBetweenProfiles (int const, int const) |
Interpolates wave properties from profiles to the coastline points between two profiles. Do this by weighting the wave properties so that they change smoothly between the two profiles. | |
void | InterpolateWaveHeightToCoastPoints (int const) |
Linearly interpolates wave properties from profiles to the coastline cells between two profiles. | |
void | ModifyBreakingWavePropertiesWithinShadowZoneToCoastline (int const, int const) |
Modifies the wave breaking properties at coastline points of profiles within the shadow zone. | |
void | CalcD50AndFillWaveCalcHoles (void) |
Calculates an average d50 for each polygon. Also fills in 'holes' in active zone and wave calcs i.e. orphan cells which should have been included in the active zone but which have been omitted because of rounding problems. | |
int | nDoAllShadowZones (void) |
Finds wave shadow zones and modifies waves in and near them. Note that where up-coast and down-coast shadow zones overlap, the effects on wave values in the overlap area is an additive decrease in wave energy. Changes to wave energy in any down-drift increased-energy zones are also additive. | |
int | nFloodFillShadowZone (int const, CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *) |
Flood fills a shadow zone from the centroid. | |
void | DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone (int const, int const, int const, int const) |
Traverse the shadow zone, changing wave orientation and height, and the down-drift zone, changing only wave height. Do this by following the coast between the shadow boundary start point and end point, and following the downdrift boundary between the same points. At each step, trace a linking line, then move along this line and change wave properties. | |
void | ProcessDownDriftCell (int const, int const, int const, double const, int const) |
Process a single cell which is in the downdrift zone, changing its wave height. | |
void | ProcessShadowZoneCell (int const, int const, int const, CGeom2DIPoint const *, int const, int const, int const) |
Process a single cell which is in the shadow zone, changing its wave height and orientation. | |
int | nCreateAllPolygons (void) |
Create polygons, and mark the polygon boundaries on the raster grid. | |
void | RasterizePolygonJoiningLine (CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, int const) |
Puts a polygon 'joining line' (the line which is the seaward boundary of the polygon, if the polygon doesn't meet at a point) onto the raster grid. | |
void | MarkPolygonCells (void) |
Marks cells of the raster grid that are within each coastal polygon. The flood fill code used here is adapted from an example by Lode Vandevenne ( | |
int | nDoPolygonSharedBoundaries (void) |
For between-polygon potential sediment routing: find which are the adjacent polygons, and calc the length of the shared normal between this polygon and the adjacent polygons TODO 012 Will need to change this when length of coastline-normal profiles (and so polygon seaward length) is determined by depth of closure. | |
void | DoAllPotentialBeachErosion (void) |
Uses either the CERC equation or the Kamphuis (1990) equation to calculate potential (unconstrained) sediment movement between polygons. | |
int | nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition (void) |
Does between-polygon and within-polygon actual (supply-limited) redistribution of transported beach sediment. | |
int | nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion (CGeomCoastPolygon *, int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, int const, vector< CGeom2DIPoint > const *, vector< double > const *, double &, double &, double &) |
This routine erodes unconsolidated beach sediment (either fine, sand, or coarse) on a parallel profile. | |
void | ErodeCellBeachSedimentSupplyLimited (int const, int const, int const, int const, double const, double &) |
Erodes the unconsolidated beach sediment on a single cell, for a single size class, and returns the depth-equivalents of sediment removed. | |
int | nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon (int const, CGeomCoastPolygon *, int const, double const, double &) |
Erodes unconsolidated beach sediment of one texture class on the cells within a polygon. This is done by working down the coastline and constructing profiles which are parallel to the up-coast polygon boundary; then reversing direction and going up-coast, constructing profiles parallel to the down-coast boundary. Then iteratively fit a Dean equilibrium profile until the normal's share of the change in total depth of unconsolidated sediment is accommodated under the revised profile. For erosion, this reduces the beach volume. | |
int | nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon (int const, CGeomCoastPolygon *, int const, double, double &) |
Deposits unconsolidated beach sediment (sand or coarse) on the cells within a polygon. This is done by working down the coastline and constructing profiles which are parallel to the up-coast polygon boundary; then reversing direction and going up-coast, constructing profiles parallel to the down-coast boundary. Then iteratively fit a Dean equilibrium profile until the normal's share of the change in total depth of unconsolidated sediment is accommodated under the revised profile. For deposition, this adds to the beach volume. | |
void | CalcDepthOfClosure (void) |
Calculate the depth of closure. | |
int | nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues (void) |
If the user supplies multiple deep water wave height and angle values, this routine interplates these to all cells (including dry land cells) | |
int | nSetAllCoastpointDeepWaterWaveValues (void) |
Give every coast point a value for deep water wave height and direction TODO 005 This may not be realistic, maybe better to use end-of-profile value instead (how?) | |
int | nDoSedimentInputEvent (int const) |
Do a sediment input event. | |
void | AllPolygonsUpdateStoredUncons (int const) |
Before simulating beach erosion, update the per-polygon values of pre-existing unconsolidated sediment for all three size classes, to include unconsolidated sediment derived from platform erosion, cliff collapse, and sediment input events. | |
bool | bIsInterventionCell (int const, int const) const |
Returns true if the cell is an intervention. | |
bool | bSurroundedByDriftCells (int const, int const) |
Returns true if this cell has four drift cells surrounding it. | |
bool | bElevAboveDeanElev (int const, int const, double const, CRWCellLandform const *) |
Return true if the given elevation is higher than the Dean elevation (and other conditions are met), which means that we could have beach erosion. | |
int | nMarkBoundingBoxEdgeCells (void) |
Mark cells which are at the edge of a bounding box which represents the valid part of the grid, as defined by the basement layer. The valid part of the grid may be the whole grid, or only part of the whole grid. The bounding box may be an irregular shape (but may not have re-entrant edges): simple shapes are more likely to work correctly. | |
bool | bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat (void) |
Checks whether the selected raster GDAL driver supports file creation, 32-bit doubles, etc. | |
bool | bCheckVectorGISOutputFormat (void) |
Checks whether the selected vector OGR driver supports file creation etc. | |
bool | bSaveAllRasterGISFiles (void) |
The bSaveAllRasterGISFiles member function saves the raster GIS files using values from the RasterGrid array. | |
bool | bSaveAllVectorGISFiles (void) |
The bSaveAllvectorGISFiles member function saves the vector GIS files TODO 081 Choose more files to omit from "usual" vector output. | |
bool | bIsWithinValidGrid (int const, int const) const |
Checks whether the supplied point (an x-y pair, in the grid CRS) is within the raster grid, and is a valid cell (i.e. the basement DEM is not NODATA) | |
bool | bIsWithinValidGrid (CGeom2DIPoint const *) const |
Checks whether the supplied point (a reference to a CGeom2DIPoint, in the grid CRS) is within the raster grid, and is a valid cell (i.e. the basement DEM is not NODATA) | |
double | dGridCentroidXToExtCRSX (int const) const |
Given the integer X-axis ordinate of a cell in the raster grid CRS, returns the external CRS X-axis ordinate of the cell's centroid. | |
double | dGridCentroidYToExtCRSY (int const) const |
Given the integer Y-axis ordinate of a cell in the raster grid CRS, returns the external CRS Y-axis ordinate of the cell's centroid. | |
double | dGridXToExtCRSX (double const) const |
Given a real-valued X-axis ordinate in the raster grid CRS (i.e. not the centroid of a cell), returns the external CRS X-axis ordinate. | |
double | dGridYToExtCRSY (double const) const |
Given a real-valued Y-axis ordinate in the raster grid CRS (i.e. not the centroid of a cell), returns the external CRS Y-axis ordinate. | |
CGeom2DIPoint | PtiExtCRSToGridRound (CGeom2DPoint const *) const |
Transforms a pointer to a CGeom2DPoint in the external CRS to the equivalent CGeom2DIPoint in the raster grid CRS (both values rounded). The result may be outside the grid in the +ve direction. | |
CGeom2DPoint | PtGridCentroidToExt (CGeom2DIPoint const *) const |
Transforms a pointer to a CGeom2DIPoint in the raster grid CRS (assumed to be the centroid of a cell) to the equivalent CGeom2DPoint in the external CRS. | |
double | dExtCRSXToGridX (double const) const |
Transforms an X-axis ordinate in the external CRS to the equivalent X-axis ordinate in the raster grid CRS (the result is not rounded, and so may not be integer, and may be outside the grid in the +ve direction) | |
double | dExtCRSYToGridY (double const) const |
Transforms a Y-axis ordinate in the external CRS to the equivalent Y-axis ordinate in the raster grid CRS (the result is not rounded, and so may not be integer, and may be outside the grid in the +ve direction) | |
void | KeepWithinValidGrid (int, int, int &, int &) const |
Given two points in the grid CRS (the points assumed not to be coincident), this routine modifies the value of the second point so that it is on a line joining the original two points and is a valid cell within the raster grid. However in some cases (e.g. if the first point is at the edge of the valid part of the raster grid) then the second cell will be coincident with the first cell, and the line joining them is thus of zero length. The calling routine has to be able to handle this. | |
void | KeepWithinValidGrid (CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint *) const |
Constrains the second supplied point (both are CGeom2DIPoints, in the grid CRS) to be a valid cell within the raster grid. | |
CGeom2DIPoint | PtiFindClosestCoastPoint (int const, int const) |
Finds the closest point on any coastline to a given point. | |
int | nConvertMetresToNumCells (double const) const |
Given a length in m, this returns the rounded equivalent number of cells. | |
void | AnnounceLicence (void) |
Tells the user about the licence. | |
void | AnnounceReadBasementDEM (void) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the DEM file. | |
void | AnnounceReadLGIS (void) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the Landscape category GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadICGIS (void) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the Intervention class GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadIHGIS (void) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the Intervention height GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadInitialSuspSedGIS (void) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial suspended sediment depth GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadInitialFineUnconsSedGIS (int const) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial fine unconsolidated sediment depth GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadInitialSandUnconsSedGIS (int const) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial sand unconsolidated sediment depth GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadInitialCoarseUnconsSedGIS (int const) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial coarse unconsolidated sediment depth GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadInitialFineConsSedGIS (int const) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial fine consolidated sediment depth GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadInitialSandConsSedGIS (int const) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial sand consolidated sediment depth GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadInitialCoarseConsSedGIS (int const) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial coarse consolidated sediment depth GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadDeepWaterWaveValuesGIS (void) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the deep water wave values GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadSedimentEventInputValuesGIS (void) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the sediment input events GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadFloodLocationGIS (void) const |
Tells the user that we are now reading the flood location GIS file. | |
void | AnnounceReadTideData (void) const |
Now reading tide data file. | |
void | StartClock (void) |
Starts the clock ticking. | |
bool | bFindExeDir (char const *) |
Finds the folder (directory) in which the CoastalME executable is located. | |
bool | bTimeToQuit (void) |
Checks to see if the simulation has gone on too long, amongst other things. | |
int | nDoSimulationTimeMultiplier (string const *) |
Given a string containing time units, this sets up the appropriate multiplier and display units for the simulation. | |
void | DoEndOfTimestepTotals (void) |
Update and print totals at the end of each timestep. | |
void | DoCPUClockReset (void) |
Resets the CPU clock timer to prevent it 'rolling over', as can happen during long runs. This is a particularly problem under Unix systems where the value returned by clock() is defined in microseconds (for compatibility with systems that have CPU clocks with much higher resolution) i.e. CLOCKS_PER_SEC is 1000000 rather than the more usual 1000. In this case, the value returned from clock() will wrap around after accumulating only 2147 seconds of CPU time (about 36 minutes). | |
void | CalcTime (double const) |
Calculates and displays time elapsed in terms of CPU time and real time, also calculates time per timestep in terms of both CPU time and real time. | |
void | AnnounceProgress (void) |
Displays information regarding the progress of the simulation. | |
string | strListRasterFiles (void) const |
Return a space-separated string containing the names of the raster GIS output files. | |
string | strListVectorFiles (void) const |
Return a space-separated string containing the names of the vector GIS output files. | |
string | strListTSFiles (void) const |
Return a space-separated string containing the names of the time series output files. | |
void | CalcProcessStats (void) |
This calculates and displays process statistics. | |
void | CalcSavitzkyGolayCoeffs (void) |
Calculates the Savitzky-Golay smoothing coefficients for a given size of smoothing window. Derived from a C original by Jean-Pierre Moreau (jpmor.nosp@m.eau@.nosp@m.wanad.nosp@m.oo.f.nosp@m.r,, to whom we are much indebted. | |
CGeomLine | LSmoothCoastSavitzkyGolay (CGeomLine *, int const, int const) const |
Does smoothing of a CGeomLine coastline vector (is in external CRS coordinates) using a Savitzky-Golay filter. Derived from a C original by Jean-Pierre Moreau (jpmor.nosp@m.eau@.nosp@m.wanad.nosp@m.oo.f.nosp@m.r,, to whom we are much indebted. | |
CGeomLine | LSmoothCoastRunningMean (CGeomLine *) const |
Does running-mean smoothing of a CGeomLine coastline vector (is in external CRS coordinates) | |
vector< double > | dVSmoothProfileSlope (vector< double > *) const |
Does running-mean smoothing of the slope of a coastline-normal profile. | |
unsigned long | ulConvertToTimestep (string const *) const |
For sediment input events, parses a string that may be relative (a number of hours or days after the start of the simulation), or absolute (a time/date in the format hh-mm-ss dd/mm/yyyy). Returns the timestep in which the sediment input event occurs. | |
void | WritePolygonShareTable (int const) |
Writes to the log file a table showing polygon to polygon shares of unconsolidated sediment transport, etc. | |
void | WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable (int const) |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon pre-existing unconsolidated sediment. | |
void | WritePolygonSedimentInputEventTable (int const) |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon sediment input event totals. | |
void | WritePolygonShorePlatformErosion (int const) |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon unconsolidated sand/coarse sediment derived from erosion of the consolidated shore platform. | |
void | WritePolygonCliffCollapseErosion (int const) |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon per-polygon cliff collapse. | |
void | WritePolygonSedimentBeforeMovement (int const) |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon totals of stored unconsolidated beach sediment prior to polygon-to-polygon movement. | |
void | WritePolygonPotentialErosion (int const) |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon potential erosion of all size classes of unconsolidated beach sediment. | |
void | WritePolygonUnsortedSequence (int const, vector< vector< int > > &) |
Writes to the log file a table showing the unsorted sequence of polygon processing. | |
void | WritePolygonSortedSequence (int const, vector< vector< int > > &) |
Writes to the log file a table showing the sorted sequence of polygon processing, and any circularities. | |
void | WritePolygonEstimatedMovement (int const, vector< vector< int > > &) |
void | WritePolygonActualMovement (int const, vector< vector< int > > const &) |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon actual movement of unconsolidated beach sediment. | |
void | DoEndOfRunDeletes (void) |
Do end-of-run memory clearance. | |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static int | nUpdateIntervention (void) |
Check to see if we have a new intervention in place (not yet implemented) | |
static bool | bCheckForIntersection (CGeomProfile *const, CGeomProfile *const, int &, int &, double &, double &, double &, double &) |
Checks all line segments of a pair of coastline-normal profiles for intersection. If the lines intersect, returns true with numbers of the line segments at which intersection occurs in nProfile1LineSegment and nProfile1LineSegment, the intersection point in dXIntersect and dYIntersect, and the 'average' seaward endpoint of the two intersecting profiles at dXAvgEnd and dYAvgEnd. | |
static void | CalcDeanProfile (vector< double > *, double const, double const, double const, bool const, int const, double const) |
Calculates a Dean equilibrium profile h(y) = A * y^(2/3) where h(y) is the distance below the highest point in the Dean profile at a distance y from the landward start of the profile. | |
static double | dSubtractProfiles (vector< double > const *, vector< double > const *, vector< bool > const *) |
Calculate the total elevation difference between every point in two elevation profiles (first profile - second profile) | |
static CGeom2DPoint | PtChooseEndPoint (int const, CGeom2DPoint const *, CGeom2DPoint const *, double const, double const, double const, double const) |
Choose which end point to use for the coastline-normal profile. | |
static double | dCalcWaveAngleToCoastNormal (double const, double const, int const) |
Calculates the angle between the wave direction and a normal to the coastline tangent. If wave direction has a component which is down-coast (i.e. in the direction with increasing coast point numbers), then the angle returned is +ve. If wave direction has a component which is up-coast (i.e. in the direction with decreasing coast point numbers), then the angle returned is -ve. If waves are in an off-shore direction, DBL_NODATA is returned. | |
static double | dCalcCurvature (int const, CGeom2DPoint const *, CGeom2DPoint const *, CGeom2DPoint const *) |
Calculates signed Menger curvature ( from three points on a line. Returns +ve values for concave, -ve for convex, and zero if the points are co-linear. Curvature is multiplied by 1000 to give easier-to-read numbers. | |
static bool | bOnOrOffShoreAndUpOrDownCoast (double const, double const, int const, bool &) |
Determines whether the wave orientation at this point on a coast is onshore or offshore, and up-coast or down-coast. | |
static CGeom2DIPoint | PtiFollowWaveAngle (CGeom2DIPoint const *, double const, double &) |
Given a cell and a wave orientation, finds the 'upwave' cell. | |
static bool | bIsWithinPolygon (CGeom2DPoint const *, vector< CGeom2DPoint > const *) |
Determines whether a point is within a polygon: however if the point is exactly on the edge of the polygon, then the result is indeterminate. Modified from code at, our thanks to Darel Rex Finley ( | |
static CGeom2DPoint | PtFindPointInPolygon (vector< CGeom2DPoint > const *, int const) |
Finds a point in a polygon: is guaranteed to succeed, as every strictly closed polygon has at least one triangle that is completely contained within the polygon. Derived from an algorithm at | |
static double | dGetDistanceBetween (CGeom2DPoint const *, CGeom2DPoint const *) |
Returns the distance (in external CRS) between two points. | |
static double | dGetDistanceBetween (CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *) |
Returns the distance (in grid units) between two grid cell points. | |
static double | dTriangleAreax2 (CGeom2DPoint const *, CGeom2DPoint const *, CGeom2DPoint const *) |
Returns twice the signed area of a triangle. | |
static double | dKeepWithin360 (double const) |
Constrains the supplied angle to be within 0 and 360 degrees. | |
static CGeom2DPoint | PtGetPerpendicular (CGeom2DPoint const *, CGeom2DPoint const *, double const, int const) |
Returns a CGeom2DPoint which is the 'other' point of a two-point vector passing through PtStart, and which is perpendicular to the two-point vector from PtStart to PtNext. | |
static CGeom2DIPoint | PtiGetPerpendicular (CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, double const, int const) |
Returns a CGeom2DIPoint (grid CRS) which is the 'other' point of a two-point vector passing through PtiStart, and which is perpendicular to the two-point vector from PtiStart to PtiNext. | |
static CGeom2DIPoint | PtiGetPerpendicular (int const, int const, int const, int const, double const, int const) |
Returns a CGeom2DIPoint (grid CRS) which is the 'other' point of a two-point vector passing through [nStartX][nStartY], and which is perpendicular to the two-point vector from [nStartX][nStartY] to [nNextX][nNextY]. | |
static CGeom2DPoint | PtAverage (CGeom2DPoint const *, CGeom2DPoint const *) |
Returns a point (external CRS) which is the average of (i.e. is midway between) two other external CRS points. | |
static CGeom2DPoint | PtAverage (vector< CGeom2DPoint > *) |
Returns a point (external CRS) which is the average of a vector of external CRS points. | |
static CGeom2DIPoint | PtiWeightedAverage (CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, double const) |
Returns an integer point (grid CRS) which is the weighted average of two other grid CRS integer points. The weight must be <= 1, if the weight is < 0.5 then the output point is closer to the first point, if the weight is > 0.5 then the output point is closer to the second point. | |
static CGeom2DIPoint | PtiPolygonCentroid (vector< CGeom2DIPoint > *) |
Returns an integer point (grid CRS) which is the centroid of a polygon, given by a vector of grid CRS points. From | |
static double | dAngleSubtended (CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *) |
Returns the signed angle BAC (in radians) subtended between three CGeom2DIPoints B A C. From | |
static int | nGetOppositeDirection (int const) |
Returns the opposite direction. | |
static void | AnnounceStart (void) |
Tells the user that we have started the simulation. | |
static void | AnnounceAddLayers (void) |
Tells the user that we are now adding layers. | |
static void | AnnounceReadRasterFiles (void) |
Now reading raster GIS files. | |
static void | AnnounceReadVectorFiles (void) |
Now reading vector GIS files. | |
static void | AnnounceInitializing (void) |
Tells the user that we are now initializing. | |
static void | AnnounceReadSCAPEShapeFunctionFile (void) |
Now reading the SCAPE shape function file. | |
static void | AnnounceAllocateMemory (void) |
Tells the user that we are now allocating memory. | |
static void | AnnounceIsRunning (void) |
Tell the user that the simulation is now running. | |
static void | AnnounceSimEnd (void) |
Announce the end of the simulation. | |
static int | nDoTimeUnits (string const *) |
This finds time units in a string. | |
static double | dGetTimeMultiplier (string const *) |
Given a string containing time units, this returns the appropriate multiplier. | |
static bool | bParseDate (string const *, int &, int &, int &) |
Parses a date string into days, months, and years, and checks each of them. | |
static bool | bParseTime (string const *, int &, int &, int &) |
Parses a time string into hours, minutes, and seconds, and checks each of them. | |
static string | strGetBuild (void) |
Returns the date and time on which the program was compiled. | |
static string | strGetComputerName (void) |
Returns a string, hopefully giving the name of the computer on which the simulation is running. | |
static string | strDispTime (double const, bool const, bool const) |
strDispTime returns a string formatted as h:mm:ss, given a parameter in seconds, with rounding and fractions of a second if desired | |
static string | strDispSimTime (double const) |
strDispSimTime returns a string formatted as year Julian_day hour, given a parameter in hours | |
static string | strGetErrorText (int const) |
Returns an error message given an error code. | |
static void | CalcSavitzkyGolay (double[], int const, int const, int const, int const, int const) |
CalcSavitzkyGolay uses LULinearSolve and LUDecomp. It returns dFilterCoeffsArray[nWindowSize], a set of Savitzky-Golay filter coefficients in wrap-around order. nLeft is the number of leftward data points used, nRight is the number of rightward data points, making the total number of data points used = nLeft + nRight + 1. nDerivOrder is the order of the derivative desired (e.g. nDerivOrder = 0 for smoothed function), nSmoothPolyOrder is the order of the smoothing polynomial also equal to the highest conserved moment; usual values are nSmoothPolyOrder = 2 or nSmoothPolyOrder = 4. Derived from a C original by Jean-Pierre Moreau (jpmor.nosp@m.eau@.nosp@m.wanad.nosp@m.oo.f.nosp@m.r,, to whom we are much indebted. | |
static string | pstrChangeToBackslash (string const *) |
Changes all forward slashes in the input string to backslashes, leaving the original unchanged. | |
static string | pstrChangeToForwardSlash (string const *) |
Swaps all backslashes in the input string to forward slashes, leaving the original unchanged. | |
static string | strTrim (string const *) |
Trims whitespace from both sides of a string, does not change the original string. | |
static string | strTrimLeft (string const *) |
Trims whitespace from the left side of a string, does not change the original string. | |
static string | strTrimRight (string const *) |
Trims whitespace from the right side of a string, does not change the original string. | |
static string | strToLower (string const *) |
Returns the lower case version of an string, leaving the original unchanged. | |
static string | strRemoveSubstr (string *, string const *) |
Returns a string with a substring removed, and with whitespace trimmed. | |
static vector< string > * | VstrSplit (string const *, char const, vector< string > *) |
From They implement (approximately) Python's split() function. This first version puts the results into a pre-constructed string vector. It ignores empty items. | |
static vector< string > | VstrSplit (string const *, char const) |
From They implement (approximately) Python's split() function. This second version returns a new string vector (it calls the first version) | |
static void | AppendEnsureNoGap (vector< CGeom2DIPoint > *, CGeom2DIPoint const *) |
Appends a CGeom2DIPoint to a vector<CGeom2DIPoint>, making sure that the new end point touches the previous end point i.e. that there is no gap between the two points. | |
Private Attributes | |
bool | m_bHaveFineSediment |
Does this simulation consider fine-sized sediment? | |
bool | m_bHaveSandSediment |
Does this simulation consider sand-sized sediment? | |
bool | m_bHaveCoarseSediment |
Does this simulation consider coarse-sized sediment? | |
bool | m_bBasementElevSave |
Save basement raster DEMs? | |
bool | m_bSedimentTopSurfSave |
Save sediment top surface raster DEMs? | |
bool | m_bTopSurfSave |
Save fop surface (sediment and sea) raster DEMs? | |
bool | m_bSliceSave |
Save slices? | |
bool | m_bSeaDepthSave |
Save sea depth raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bAvgSeaDepthSave |
Save average sea depth raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bWaveHeightSave |
Save wave height raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bAvgWaveHeightSave |
Save wave height raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bWaveAngleSave |
Save wave angle raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bAvgWaveAngleSave |
Save average wave angle raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bWaveAngleAndHeightSave |
Save wave angle and wave height raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bAvgWaveAngleAndHeightSave |
Save average wave angle and average wave height raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bDeepWaterWaveAngleAndHeightSave |
Save deep water wave angle and wave height raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bWaveEnergySinceCollapseSave |
Save wave energy since cliff collapse raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bMeanWaveEnergySave |
Save mean wave energy raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bBreakingWaveHeightSave |
Save breaking wave height raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bBeachProtectionSave |
Save beach protection raster GIS files> | |
bool | m_bPotentialPlatformErosionSave |
Save potential shore platform erosion raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bActualPlatformErosionSave |
Save actual (supply-limited) shore platform erosion raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bTotalPotentialPlatformErosionSave |
Save total potential shore platform erosion raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bTotalActualPlatformErosionSave |
Save total actual (supply-limited) shore platform erosion raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bPotentialBeachErosionSave |
Save potential beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bActualBeachErosionSave |
Save actual (supply-limited) beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bTotalPotentialBeachErosionSave |
Save total potential beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bTotalActualBeachErosionSave |
Save total actual (supply-limited) beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bBeachDepositionSave |
Save beach (unconsolidated sediment) deposition raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bTotalBeachDepositionSave |
Save total beach (unconsolidated sediment) deposition raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bLandformSave |
Save coast landform raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bLocalSlopeSave |
Save local slope raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bInterventionClassSave |
Save intervention class raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bInterventionHeightSave |
Save intervention height raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bSuspSedSave |
Save suspended sediment raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bAvgSuspSedSave |
Save average suspended sediment raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bFineUnconsSedSave |
Save fine unconsolidated sediment raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bSandUnconsSedSave |
Save sand unconsolidated sediment raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bCoarseUnconsSedSave |
Save coarse unconsolidated sediment raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bFineConsSedSave |
Save fine consolidated sediment raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bSandConsSedSave |
Save sand consolidated sediment raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bCoarseConsSedSave |
Save coarse consolidated sediment raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bRasterCoastlineSave |
Save raster coastline GIS files? | |
bool | m_bRasterNormalSave |
Save raster coastline-normal GIS files? | |
bool | m_bActiveZoneSave |
Save active zone raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bCliffCollapseSave |
Save cliff collapse raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bTotCliffCollapseSave |
Save total cliff collapse raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bCliffCollapseDepositionSave |
Save cliff collapse deposition raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bTotCliffCollapseDepositionSave |
Save total cliff collapse deposition raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bRasterPolygonSave |
Save raster polygon raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bPotentialPlatformErosionMaskSave |
Save potential platform erosion mask raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bSeaMaskSave |
Save sea mask raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bBeachMaskSave |
Save beach mask raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bShadowZoneCodesSave |
Save wave shadow zones raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bDeepWaterWaveAngleSave |
Save deep water wave angle raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bDeepWaterWaveHeightSave |
Save deep water wave height raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bDeepWaterWavePeriodSave |
Save deep water wave period raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bPolygonUnconsSedUpOrDownDriftSave |
Save polygon unconsolidated sediment up- or down-drift raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bPolygonUnconsSedGainOrLossSave |
Save polygon unconsolidated sediment gain or loss raster GIS files? | |
bool | m_bSaveRegular |
Save GIS files at regular intervals? | |
bool | m_bCoastSave |
Save. | |
bool | m_bNormalsSave |
Save coastline-normal vector GIS files? | |
bool | m_bInvalidNormalsSave |
Save invalid coastline-normal vector GIS files? | |
bool | m_bCoastCurvatureSave |
Save coastline-curvature vector GIS files? | |
bool | m_bPolygonNodeSave |
Save polygon node vector GIS files? | |
bool | m_bPolygonBoundarySave |
Save polygon boundary vector GIS files? | |
bool | m_bCliffNotchSave |
Save cliff notch incision depth vector GIS files? | |
bool | m_bShadowBoundarySave |
Save wave shadow boundary vector GIS files? | |
bool | m_bShadowDowndriftBoundarySave |
Save wave shadow downdrift boundary vector GIS files? | |
bool | m_bSeaAreaTSSave |
Save the sea area time series file? | |
bool | m_bStillWaterLevelTSSave |
Save the still water level time series file? | |
bool | m_bActualPlatformErosionTSSave |
Save the actual (supply-limited) shore platform erosion time series file? | |
bool | m_bCliffCollapseErosionTSSave |
Save the cliff collapse erosion time series file? | |
bool | m_bCliffCollapseDepositionTSSave |
Save the cliff collapse deposition time series file? | |
bool | m_bCliffCollapseNetTSSave |
Save the cliff collapse net change time series file? | |
bool | m_bBeachErosionTSSave |
Save the beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion time series file? | |
bool | m_bBeachDepositionTSSave |
Save the beach (unconsolidated sediment) deposition time series file? | |
bool | m_bBeachSedimentChangeNetTSSave |
Save the beach (unconsolidated sediment) net change time series file? | |
bool | m_bSuspSedTSSave |
Save the suspended sediment time series file? | |
bool | m_bFloodSetupSurgeTSSave |
Save the flood setup surge time series file? TODO 007 Does this work correctly? | |
bool | m_bFloodSetupSurgeRunupTSSave |
Save the flood setup surge runup time series file? TODO 007 Does this work correctly? | |
bool | m_bSaveGISThisIter |
Save GIS files this iteration? | |
bool | m_bOutputProfileData |
Output profile data? | |
bool | m_bOutputParallelProfileData |
Output parallel profile data? | |
bool | m_bOutputErosionPotentialData |
Output erosion potential data? | |
bool | m_bOmitSearchNorthEdge |
Omit the north edge of the grid from coast-end searches? | |
bool | m_bOmitSearchSouthEdge |
Omit the south edge of the grid from coast-end searches? | |
bool | m_bOmitSearchWestEdge |
Omit the west edge of the grid from coast-end searches? | |
bool | m_bOmitSearchEastEdge |
Omit the east edge of the grid from coast-end searches? | |
bool | m_bDoShorePlatformErosion |
Simulate shore platform erosion? | |
bool | m_bDoCliffCollapse |
Simulate cliff collapse? | |
bool | m_bDoBeachSedimentTransport |
Simulate unconsolidated sediment (beach) transport? | |
bool | m_bGDALCanCreate |
Is the selected GDAL output file format capable of writing files? | |
bool | m_bGDALCanWriteFloat |
Is the selected GDAL output file format capable of writing floating-point values to files? | |
bool | m_bGDALCanWriteInt32 |
Is the selected GDAL output file format capable of writing 32-bit integers to files? | |
bool | m_bScaleRasterOutput |
Scale raster output? | |
bool | m_bWorldFile |
Write a GIS World file? | |
bool | m_bSingleDeepWaterWaveValues |
Do we have just a point source for (i.e. only a single measurement of) deep water wave values. | |
bool | m_bHaveWaveStationData |
Do we have wave station data? | |
bool | m_bSedimentInput |
Do we have sediment input events? | |
bool | m_bSedimentInputAtPoint |
Do we have sediment inputat a point? | |
bool | m_bSedimentInputAtCoast |
Do we have sediment input at the coast? | |
bool | m_bSedimentInputAlongLine |
Do we have sediment input along a line? | |
bool | m_bSedimentInputEventSave |
Save sediment inut data? | |
bool | m_bSedimentInputThisIter |
Do we have a sediment input event this iteration? | |
bool | m_bRiverineFlooding |
Are we doing flooding? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bWaveSetupSave |
Are we saving the wave setup? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bStormSurgeSave |
Are we saving the storm surge? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bRunUpSave |
Are we saving runup? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bSetupSurgeFloodMaskSave |
Are we saving the setup surge flood mask? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bSetupSurgeRunupFloodMaskSave |
Are we saving the setup surge runup flood mask? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bRasterWaveFloodLineSave |
Are we saving the raster wave flood line? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bVectorWaveFloodLineSave |
Are we saving the vector wave flood line? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bFloodLocation |
Are we saving the flood location? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bFloodSWLSetupLine |
Are we saving the flood still water level setup line? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bFloodSWLSetupSurgeLine |
Are we saving the flood still water level setup surge line? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bFloodSWLSetupSurgeRunupLine |
Are we saving the flood still water level setup surge runup line? TODO 007. | |
bool | m_bGISSaveDigitsSequential |
Are the GIS save digits (which are part of each GIS file name) sequential, or are they the iteration number? | |
char ** | m_papszGDALRasterOptions |
Options for GDAL when handling raster files. | |
char ** | m_papszGDALVectorOptions |
Options for GDAL when handling vector files. | |
int | m_nXGridSize |
The size of the grid in the x direction. | |
int | m_nYGridSize |
The size of the grid in the y direction. | |
int | m_nLayers |
The number of sediment layers. | |
int | m_nCoastSmooth |
Which method to use for coast smoothing. | |
int | m_nCoastSmoothWindow |
The size of the window used for coast smoothing. Must be an odd number. | |
int | m_nSavGolCoastPoly |
The order of the coastline profile smoothing polynomial if Savitsky-Golay smoothing is used (usually 2 or 4, max is 6) | |
int | m_nProfileSmoothWindow |
The size of the window used for running-mean coast-normal profile smoothing (must be odd) | |
int | m_nCoastNormalAvgSpacing |
Average spacing between cost normals, measured in cells. | |
int | m_nCoastCurvatureInterval |
Coast curvature interval is a length, measured in coastline points. | |
int | m_nGISMaxSaveDigits |
The maximum number of digits in GIS filenames. These can be sequential, or the iteration number. | |
int | m_nGISSave |
The save number for GIS files (can be sequential, or the iteration number) | |
int | m_nUSave |
If user-defined GIS save intervals, the number of these. | |
int | m_nThisSave |
Used in calculations of GIS save intervals. | |
int | m_nCoastMax |
Maximum valid coast length when searching for coasts, actually is COAST_LENGTH_MAX * tMax(m_nXGridSize, m_nYGridSize) | |
int | m_nCoastMin |
Minimum valid coast legth when searching for coass, actualli is tMin(m_nXGridSize, m_nYGridSize) | |
int | m_nNumPolygonGlobal |
Number of global (all coasts) polygons. | |
int | m_nUnconsSedimentHandlingAtGridEdges |
How sediment which moves off an edge of the grid is handled. Possible values are GRID_EDGE_CLOSED, GRID_EDGE_OPEN, GRID_EDGE_RECIRCULATE. | |
int | m_nBeachErosionDepositionEquation |
Which beach erosion-deposition equation is used. Possible values are UNCONS_SEDIMENT_EQUATION_CERC and UNCONS_SEDIMENT_EQUATION_KAMPHUIS. | |
int | m_nMissingValue |
The value used for integer missing values. | |
int | m_nXMinBoundingBox |
The minimum x value of the bounding box. | |
int | m_nXMaxBoundingBox |
The maximum x value of the bounding box. | |
int | m_nYMinBoundingBox |
The minimum y value of the bounding box. | |
int | m_nYMaxBoundingBox |
The maximum y value of the bounding box. | |
int | m_nWavePropagationModel |
The wave propagation model used. Possible values are WAVE_MODEL_CSHORE and WAVE_MODEL_COVE. | |
int | m_nSimStartSec |
Start time of the simulation (seconds) | |
int | m_nSimStartMin |
Start time of the simulation (minutes) | |
int | m_nSimStartHour |
Start time of the simulation (hours) | |
int | m_nSimStartDay |
Start date of the simulation (day) | |
int | m_nSimStartMonth |
Start date of the simulation (month) | |
int | m_nSimStartYear |
Start date of the simulation (year) | |
int | m_nDeepWaterWaveDataNumTimeSteps |
The duration of data for deep water waves, expressed as a number of time steps. | |
int | m_nLogFileDetail |
The level of detail in the log file output. Can be LOG_FILE_LOW_DETAIL, LOG_FILE_MIDDLE_DETAIL, LOG_FILE_HIGH_DETAIL, or LOG_FILE_ALL. | |
int | m_nRunUpEquation |
The run-up equation used TODO 007. | |
int | m_nLevel |
int | m_nCoastCurvatureMovingWindowSize |
GDALDataType | m_GDALWriteIntDataType |
The data type used by GDAL for integer operations, can be GDT_Byte, GDT_Int16, GDT_UInt16, GDT_Int32, or GDT_UInt32. | |
GDALDataType | m_GDALWriteFloatDataType |
Thw data type used by GDAL for floating point operations, can be GDT_Byte, GDT_Int16, GDT_UInt16, GDT_Int32, GDT_UInt32, or GDT_Float32. | |
long | m_lGDALMaxCanWrite |
The maximum integer value which GDAL can write, can be UINT8_MAX, INT16_MAX, UINT16_MAX, INT32_MAX, or UINT32_MAX,. | |
long | m_lGDALMinCanWrite |
The minimum integer value which GDAL can write, can be zero, INT16_MIN, INT32_MIN. | |
unsigned long | m_ulIter |
The number of the current iteration (time step) | |
unsigned long | m_ulTotTimestep |
The target number of iterations. | |
unsigned long | m_ulRandSeed [NRNG] |
A seed for each of the NRNG random number generators. | |
unsigned long | m_ulNumCells |
The number of cells in the grid. | |
unsigned long | m_ulThisIterNumSeaCells |
The number of grid cells which are marked as sea, for this iteration. | |
unsigned long | m_ulThisIterNumCoastCells |
The number of grid cells which are marked as coast, for this iteration. | |
unsigned long | m_ulThisIterNumPotentialPlatformErosionCells |
The number of grid cells on which potential platform erosion occurs, for this iteration. | |
unsigned long | m_ulThisIterNumActualPlatformErosionCells |
The number of grid cells on which actual platform erosion occurs, for this iteration. | |
unsigned long | m_ulThisIterNumPotentialBeachErosionCells |
The number of grid cells on which potential beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion occurs, for this iteration. | |
unsigned long | m_ulThisIterNumActualBeachErosionCells |
The number of grid cells on which actual beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion occurs, for this iteration. | |
unsigned long | m_ulThisIterNumBeachDepositionCells |
The number of grid cells on which beach (unconsolidated sediment) deposition occurs, for this iteration. | |
unsigned long | m_ulTotPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfiles |
The number of cells on which on-profile average potential shore platform erosion occurs. | |
unsigned long | m_ulTotPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles |
The number of cells on which between-profile average potential shore platform erosion occurs. | |
unsigned long | m_ulMissingValueBasementCells |
The number of basement cells marked with as missing value. | |
double | m_dDurationUnitsMult |
Multiplier for duration units, to convert to hours. | |
double | m_dNorthWestXExtCRS |
The north-west x coordinate, in the external coordinate reference system (CRS) | |
double | m_dNorthWestYExtCRS |
The north-west y coordinate, in the external coordinate reference system (CRS) | |
double | m_dSouthEastXExtCRS |
The south-east x coordinate, in the external coordinate reference system (CRS) | |
double | m_dSouthEastYExtCRS |
The south-east y coordinate, in the external coordinate reference system (CRS) | |
double | m_dExtCRSGridArea |
The area of the grid (in external CRS units) | |
double | m_dCellSide |
Length of a cell side (in external CRS units) | |
double | m_dCellArea |
Area of a cell (in external CRS units) | |
double | m_dCellDiagonal |
Length of a cell's diagonal (in external CRS units) | |
double | m_dInvCellSide |
Inverse of m_dCellSide. | |
double | m_dInvCellDiagonal |
Inverse of m_dCellDiagonal. | |
double | m_dSimDuration |
Duration of simulation, in hours. | |
double | m_dTimeStep |
The length of an iteration (a time step) in hours. | |
double | m_dSimElapsed |
Time simulated so far, in hours. | |
double | m_dRegularSaveTime |
The time of the next save, in hours from the start of the simulation, if we are saving regularly. | |
double | m_dRegularSaveInterval |
The interval between regular saves, in hours. | |
double | m_dUSaveTime [SAVEMAX] |
Save time, in hours from the start of the simukation, if we are not saving regularly. | |
double | m_dClkLast |
Last value returned by clock() | |
double | m_dCPUClock |
Total elapsed CPU time. | |
double | m_dGeoTransform [6] |
GDAL geotransformation info (see | |
double | m_dSeaWaterDensity |
Density of sea water in kg/m**3. | |
double | m_dOrigSWL |
The start-of-simulation still water level (m) | |
double | m_dFinalSWL |
The end-of-simulation still water (m), is same as m_dOrigSWL unless SWL changes. | |
double | m_dDeltaSWLPerTimestep |
If long-term SWL changes, the increment per timestep. | |
double | m_dThisIterSWL |
The still water level for this timestep (this includes tidal changes and any long-term SWL change) | |
double | m_dThisIterMeanSWL |
The mean still water level for this timestep (does not include tidal changes, but includes any long-term SWL change) | |
double | m_dAccumulatedSeaLevelChange |
If long-term SWL changes, the total change so far since the start of simulation. | |
double | m_dMinSWL |
Minimum still water level. | |
double | m_dMaxSWL |
Maximum still water level. | |
double | m_dThisIterDiffTotWaterLevel |
TODO 007 Info needed. | |
double | m_dThisIterDiffWaveSetupWaterLevel |
TODO 007 Info needed. | |
double | m_dThisIterDiffWaveSetupSurgeWaterLevel |
TODO 007 Info needed. | |
double | m_dThisIterDiffWaveSetupSurgeRunupWaterLevel |
TODO 007 Info needed. | |
double | m_dBreakingWaveHeight |
The height of breaking waves (m) | |
double | m_dC_0 |
Deep water wave speed (m/s) | |
double | m_dL_0 |
Deep water wave length (m) | |
double | m_dWaveDepthRatioForWaveCalcs |
Start depth for wave calculations. | |
double | m_dBreakingWaveHeightDepthRatio |
Breaking wave height-to-depth ratio. | |
double | m_dAllCellsDeepWaterWaveHeight |
Deep water wave height (m) for all sea cells. | |
double | m_dAllCellsDeepWaterWaveAngle |
Deep water wave angle for all sea cells. | |
double | m_dAllCellsDeepWaterWavePeriod |
Deep water wave period for all sea cells. | |
double | m_dMaxUserInputWaveHeight |
Maximum deep water wave height. | |
double | m_dMaxUserInputWavePeriod |
Used to constrain depth of closure. | |
double | m_dR |
Coast platform resistance to erosion R, see Walkden & Hall, 2011. | |
double | m_dD50Fine |
The D50 for fine sediment. | |
double | m_dD50Sand |
The D50 for sand sediment. | |
double | m_dD50Coarse |
The D50 for coarse sediment. | |
double | m_dBeachSedimentDensity |
The density of unconsolidated beach sediment (kg/m**3) | |
double | m_dBeachSedimentPorosity |
The porosity of unconsolidated beach sediment (0 - 1) | |
double | m_dFineErodibility |
The relative erodibility (0- 1) of fine unconsolidated beach sediment. | |
double | m_dSandErodibility |
The relative erodibility (0- 1) of sand unconsolidated beach sediment. | |
double | m_dCoarseErodibility |
The relative erodibility (0- 1) of coarse unconsolidated beach sediment. | |
double | m_dFineErodibilityNormalized |
Relative erodibility of fine unconsolidated beach sediment, normalized. | |
double | m_dSandErodibilityNormalized |
Relative erodibility of sand unconsolidated beach sediment, normalized. | |
double | m_dCoarseErodibilityNormalized |
Relative erodibility of coarse unconsolidated beach sediment, normalized. | |
double | m_dKLS |
Transport parameter KLS in the CERC equation. | |
double | m_dKamphuis |
Transport parameter for the Kamphuis equation. | |
double | m_dG |
Gravitational acceleration (m**2/sec) | |
double | m_dInmersedToBulkVolumetric |
For beach erosion/deposition, conversion from immersed weight to bulk volumetric (sand and voids) transport rate (Leo Van Rijn) TODO 007 Need date of reference. | |
double | m_dDepthOfClosure |
Depth of closure (in m) TODO 007 can be calculated using Hallermeier, R.J. (1978) or Birkemeier (1985) TODO 045 This needs to be a user decision. | |
double | m_dCoastNormalAvgSpacing |
Average spacing of the cost-normal profiles, in m. | |
double | m_dCoastNormalLength |
Length of the cost-normal profiles, in m. | |
double | m_dThisIterTotSeaDepth |
Total sea depth (m) for this iteration. | |
double | m_dThisIterPotentialPlatformErosion |
Total potential platform erosion (all size classes of consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterActualPlatformErosionFineCons |
Total actual platform erosion (fine consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterActualPlatformErosionSandCons |
Total actual platform erosion (sand consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterActualPlatformErosionCoarseCons |
Total actual platform erosion (coarse consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterPotentialBeachErosion |
Total potential beach erosion (all size classes of unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterBeachErosionFine |
Total actual beach erosion (fine unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterBeachErosionSand |
Total actual beach erosion (sand unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterBeachErosionCoarse |
Total actual beach erosion (coarse unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterBeachDepositionSand |
Total beach deposition (sand unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterBeachDepositionCoarse |
Total beach deposition (coarse unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterFineSedimentToSuspension |
Total fine unconsolidated sediment in suspension for this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterPotentialSedLostBeachErosion |
Total unconsolidated sediment from beach erosion (all size classes) lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterLeftGridUnconsFine |
Total fine unconsolidated sediment lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterLeftGridUnconsSand |
Total sand unconsolidated sediment lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterLeftGridUnconsCoarse |
Total coarse unconsolidated sediment lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterCliffCollapseFineErodedDuringDeposition |
Total fine sediment eroded during Dean profile deposition of talus following cliff collapse (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterCliffCollapseSandErodedDuringDeposition |
Total sand sediment eroded during Dean profile deposition of talus following cliff collapse (depth in m) | |
double | m_dThisIterCliffCollapseCoarseErodedDuringDeposition |
Total coarse sediment eroded during Dean profile deposition of talus following cliff collapse (depth in m) | |
double | m_dDepositionSandDiff |
Error term: if we are unable to deposit enough unconslidated sand on polygon(s), this is held over to be deposited the next iteration. | |
double | m_dDepositionCoarseDiff |
Error term: if we are unable to deposit enough unconslidated coarse on polygon(s), this is held over to be deposited the next iteration. | |
double | m_dDepthOverDBMax |
Maximum value of deoth over DB, is used in erosion potential look-up function. | |
double | m_dTotPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfiles |
Total potential platform erosion on profiles. | |
double | m_dTotPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles |
Total potential platform erosion between profiles. | |
double | m_dProfileMaxSlope |
Maximum slope on costline-normal profiles. | |
double | m_dMaxBeachElevAboveSWL |
Maximum elevation of beach above SWL (m) | |
double | m_dCliffErosionResistance |
Resistance of cliff to notch erosion. | |
double | m_dNotchDepthAtCollapse |
Notch overhang (i.e. length of horizontal incision) to initiate collapse (m) | |
double | m_dNotchBaseBelowSWL |
Notch base below SWL (m) | |
double | m_dCliffDepositionA |
Scale parameter A for cliff deposition (m^(1/3)), may be zero for auto-calculation. | |
double | m_dCliffDepositionPlanviewWidth |
Planview width of cliff collapse talus (m) | |
double | m_dCliffTalusMinDepositionLength |
Planview length of cliff deposition talus (m) | |
double | m_dMinCliffTalusHeightFrac |
Minimum height of the landward end of cliff collapse talus, as a fraction of cliff elevation. | |
double | m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionFineUncons |
This-iteration total of fine unconsolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3) | |
double | m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionSandUncons |
This-iteration total of sand unconsolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3) | |
double | m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionCoarseUncons |
This-iteration total of coarse unconsolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3) | |
double | m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionFineCons |
This-iteration total of fine consolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3) | |
double | m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionSandCons |
This-iteration total of sand consolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3) | |
double | m_dThisIterCliffCollapseErosionCoarseCons |
This-iteration total of coarse consolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3) | |
double | m_dThisIterUnconsSandCliffDeposition |
This-iteration total of sand unconsolidated sediment deposited due to cliff collapse (m^3) | |
double | m_dThisIterUnconsCoarseCliffDeposition |
This-iteration total of coarse unconsolidated sediment deposited due to cliff collapse (m^3) | |
double | m_dCoastNormalRandSpacingFactor |
Random factor for spacing of along-coast normals. | |
double | m_dDeanProfileStartAboveSWL |
Berm height i.e. height above SWL of start of depositional Dean profile. | |
double | m_dMissingValue |
Missing value. | |
double | m_dWaveDataWrapHours |
Number of hours after which deep water wave data wraps. | |
double | m_dThisIterTopElevMax |
This-iteration highest elevation of DEM. | |
double | m_dThisIterTopElevMin |
This-iteration lowest elevation of DEM. | |
double | m_dThisiterUnconsFineInput |
Depth (m) of fine unconsolidated sediment added, at this iteration. | |
double | m_dThisiterUnconsSandInput |
Depth (m) of sand unconsolidated sediment added, at this iteration. | |
double | m_dThisiterUnconsCoarseInput |
Depth (m) of coarse unconsolidated sediment added, at this iteration. | |
double | m_dStartIterSuspFineAllCells |
Depth (m) of fine suspended sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons) | |
double | m_dStartIterSuspFineInPolygons |
Depth (m) of fine suspended sediment at the start of the simulation (only cells in polygons) | |
double | m_dStartIterUnconsFineAllCells |
Depth (m) of fine unconsolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons) | |
double | m_dStartIterUnconsSandAllCells |
Depth (m) of sand unconsolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons) | |
double | m_dStartIterUnconsCoarseAllCells |
Depth (m) of coarse unconsolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons) | |
double | m_dStartIterConsFineAllCells |
Depth (m) of fine consolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons) | |
double | m_dStartIterConsSandAllCells |
Depth (m) of sand consolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons) | |
double | m_dStartIterConsCoarseAllCells |
Depth (m) of coarse consolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons) | |
double | m_dTotalFineUnconsInPolygons |
Total fine unconsolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons) | |
double | m_dTotalSandUnconsInPolygons |
Total sand unconsolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons) | |
double | m_dTotalCoarseUnconsInPolygons |
Total coarse unconsolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons) | |
double | m_dTotalFineConsInPolygons |
Total fine consolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons) | |
double | m_dTotalSandConsInPolygons |
Total sand consolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons) | |
double | m_dTotalCoarseConsInPolygons |
Total coarse consolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons) | |
double | m_dUnconsSandNotDepositedLastIter |
Depth of unconsolidated sand sediment that could not be deposited during the last iteration, carried forward to this iteration. | |
double | m_dUnconsCoarseNotDepositedLastIter |
Depth of unconsolidated coarse sediment that could not be deposited during the last iteration, carried forward to this iteration. | |
long double | m_ldGTotPotentialPlatformErosion |
All-simulation total of potential platform erosion (m), all size classes. | |
long double | m_ldGTotFineActualPlatformErosion |
All-simulation total of fine sediment actual platform erosion (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotSandActualPlatformErosion |
All-simulation total of sand sediment actual platform erosion (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCoarseActualPlatformErosion |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment actual platform erosion (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotPotentialSedLostBeachErosion |
All-simulation total of potential sediment lost via beach (unconsolidated) sediment movement (m), all size classes. | |
long double | m_ldGTotActualFineLostBeachErosion |
All-simulation total of fine sediment lost via beach (unconsolidated) sediment movement (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotActualSandLostBeachErosion |
All-simulation total of sand sediment lost via beach (unconsolidated) sediment movement (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotActualCoarseLostBeachErosion |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment lost via beach (unconsolidated) sediment movement (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotSandSedLostCliffCollapse |
All-simulation total of sand sediment lost via cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCoarseSedLostCliffCollapse |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment lost via cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCliffCollapseFine |
All-simulation total of fine sediment from cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCliffCollapseSand |
All-simulation total of sand sediment from cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCliffCollapseCoarse |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment from cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCliffTalusFineToSuspension |
All-simulation total of fine sediment moved to suspension, due to cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCliffTalusSandDeposition |
All-simulation total of sand sediment deposited as talus following cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCliffTalusCoarseDeposition |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment deposited as talus following cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCliffCollapseFineErodedDuringDeposition |
All-simulation total of fine sediment eroded during talus deposition following cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCliffCollapseSandErodedDuringDeposition |
All-simulation total of sand sediment eroded during talus deposition following cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCliffCollapseCoarseErodedDuringDeposition |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment eroded during talus deposition following cliff collapse (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotPotentialBeachErosion |
All-simulation total of potential beach erosion (m), all size classes. | |
long double | m_ldGTotActualFineBeachErosion |
All-simulation total of fine sediment eroded during beach (unconsolidated sediment) movement (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotActualSandBeachErosion |
All-simulation total of sand sediment eroded during beach (unconsolidated sediment) movement (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotActualCoarseBeachErosion |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment eroded during beach (unconsolidated sediment) movement (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotSandBeachDeposition |
All-simulation total of sand sediment deposited during beach (unconsolidated sediment) movement (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCoarseBeachDeposition |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment deposited during beach (unconsolidated sediment) movement (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotSuspendedSediment |
All-simulation total of suspended sediment (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotSandDepositionDiff |
All-simulation total of shortfall in unconsolidated sand sediment deposition (m, not currently used) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCoarseDepositionDiff |
All-simulation total of shortfall in unconsolidated coarse sediment deposition (m, not currently used) | |
long double | m_ldGTotFineSedimentInput |
All-simulation total of fine sediment input (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotSandSedimentInput |
All-simulation total of sand sediment input (m) | |
long double | m_ldGTotCoarseSedimentInput |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment input (m) | |
string | m_strCMEDir |
The CME folder. | |
string | m_strCMEIni |
Folder for the CME .ini file. | |
string | m_strMailAddress |
An email addresx to which to send end-of-simulation messages. | |
string | m_strDataPathName |
Folder in which the CME data file is found. | |
string | m_strRasterGISOutFormat |
Base name for CME raster GIS output files. | |
string | m_strVectorGISOutFormat |
Base name for CME vector GIS output files. | |
string | m_strInitialBasementDEMFile |
Name of initial basement DEM file. | |
string | m_strInitialLandformFile |
Name of initial landform file. | |
string | m_strInterventionClassFile |
Name of intervention class file. | |
string | m_strInterventionHeightFile |
Name of intervention height file. | |
string | m_strInitialSuspSedimentFile |
Name of initial suspended sediment file. | |
string | m_strSCAPEShapeFunctionFile |
Name of SCAPE shape function file. | |
string | m_strTideDataFile |
Name of tide data file. | |
string | m_strLogFile |
Name of output log file. | |
string | m_strOutPath |
Path for all output files. | |
string | m_strOutFile |
Name of main output file. | |
string | m_strGDALBasementDEMDriverCode |
GDAL code for the basement DEM raster file type. | |
string | m_strGDALBasementDEMDriverDesc |
GDAL description of the basement DEM raster file type. | |
string | m_strGDALBasementDEMProjection |
GDAL projection string for the basement DEM raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALBasementDEMDataType |
GDAL data type for the basement DEM raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALLDriverCode |
GDAL code for the for the initial landform class raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALLDriverDesc |
GDAL description of the initial landform class raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALLProjection |
GDAL projection string for the initial landform class raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALLDataType |
GDAL data type for the initial landform class raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALICDriverCode |
GDAL code for the initial intervention class raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALICDriverDesc |
GDAL description of the initial intervention class raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALICProjection |
GDAL projection string for the initial intervention class raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALICDataType |
GDAL data type of the initial intervention class raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALIHDriverCode |
GDAL code for the initial intervention height raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALIHDriverDesc |
GDAL description for the initial intervention height raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALIHProjection |
GDAL projection string for the initial intervention height raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALIHDataType |
GDAL data type for the initial intervention height raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALIWDriverCode |
GDAL code for the initial water depth raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALIWDriverDesc |
GDAL description for the initial water depth raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALIWProjection |
GDAL projection string for the initial water depth raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALIWDataType |
GDAL data type for the initial water depth raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALISSDriverCode |
GDAL code for the initial suspended sediment raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALISSDriverDesc |
GDAL description for the initial suspended sediment raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALISSProjection |
GDAL projection string for the initial suspended sediment raster file. | |
string | m_strGDALISSDataType |
GDAL data type for the initial suspended sediment raster file. | |
string | m_strOGRDWWVDriverCode |
GDAL code for the deep water wave stations vector file. | |
string | m_strOGRDWWVDriverDesc |
string | m_strOGRDWWVGeometry |
GDAL geometry for the deep water wave stations vector file. | |
string | m_strOGRDWWVDataType |
GDAL data type for the deep water wave stations vector file. | |
string | m_strOGRSedInputDriverCode |
GDAL code for the sediment input event locations vector file. | |
string | m_strOGRSedInputDriverDesc |
string | m_strOGRSedInputGeometry |
GDAL geometry for the sediment input event locations vector file. | |
string | m_strOGRSedInputDataType |
GDAL data type for the sediment input event locations vector file. | |
string | m_strOGRFloodDriverCode |
GDAL code for the flood input locations point or vector file. | |
string | m_strOGRFloodDriverDesc |
string | m_strOGRFloodGeometry |
GDAL geometry for the flood input locations point or vector file. | |
string | m_strOGRFloodDataType |
GDAL data type for the flood input locations point or vector file. | |
string | m_strGDALRasterOutputDriverLongname |
GDAL raster output driver long name. | |
string | m_strGDALRasterOutputDriverExtension |
GDAL raster output driver file extension. | |
string | m_strOGRVectorOutputExtension |
GDAL-OGR vector output drive file extension. | |
string | m_strRunName |
The name of this simulation. | |
string | m_strDurationUnits |
The duration units for this simulation. | |
string | m_strDeepWaterWaveStationsShapefile |
The name of the deep water wave stations shape file. | |
string | m_strDeepWaterWavesInputFile |
The name of the deep water wave stations time series file. | |
string | m_strSedimentInputEventShapefile |
The name of the sediment input events shape file. | |
string | m_strSedimentInputEventFile |
The name of the sediment input events time series file. | |
string | m_strFloodLocationShapefile |
The name of the flood loction events shape file. | |
time_t | m_tSysStartTime |
System start-simulation time. | |
time_t | m_tSysEndTime |
System finish-simulation time. | |
ofstream | OutStream |
The main output file stream. | |
ofstream | SeaAreaTSStream |
Sea area time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | StillWaterLevelTSStream |
SWL time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | PlatformErosionTSStream |
Shore platform erosion time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | CliffCollapseErosionTSStream |
Cliff collapse erosion time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | CliffCollapseDepositionTSStream |
Cliff collapse deposition time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | CliffCollapseNetChangeTSStream |
Cliff collapse net change (erosion - deposition) time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | BeachErosionTSStream |
Beach sediment erosion time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | BeachDepositionTSStream |
Beach sediment deposition time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | BeachSedimentNetChangeTSStream |
Beach sediment net change (erosion - deposition) time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | FineSedSuspensionTSStream |
Fine sediment in suspension time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | FloodSetupSurgeTSStream |
Flood setup surge time series file output stream. | |
ofstream | FloodSetupSurgeRunupTSStream |
Flood setup surge runup time series file output stream. | |
vector< bool > | m_bConsChangedThisIter |
One element per layer: has the consolidated sediment of this layer been changed during this iteration? | |
vector< bool > | m_bUnconsChangedThisIter |
One element per layer: has the consolidated sediment of this layer been changed during this iteration? | |
vector< int > | m_VnProfileToSave |
The numbers of the profiles which are to be saved. | |
vector< int > | m_VnDeepWaterWaveStationID |
ID for deep water wave station, this corresponds with the ID in the wave time series file. | |
vector< int > | m_VnSedimentInputLocationID |
ID for sediment input location, this corresponds with the ID in the sediment input time series file. | |
vector< int > | m_VnFloodLocationID |
ID for flood location. | |
vector< int > | m_VnSavGolIndexCoast |
Savitzky-Golay shift index for the coastline vector(s) | |
vector< unsigned long > | m_VulProfileTimestep |
Timesteps at which to save profiles. | |
vector< unsigned long > | m_VlDeepWaterWaveValuesAtTimestep |
Calculate deep water wave values at these timesteps. | |
vector< double > | m_VdSliceElev |
Elevations for raster slice output. | |
vector< double > | m_VdErosionPotential |
For erosion potential lookup. | |
vector< double > | m_VdDepthOverDB |
For erosion potential lookup. | |
vector< double > | m_VdSavGolFCRWCoast |
Savitzky-Golay filter coefficients for the coastline vector(s) | |
vector< double > | m_VdSavGolFCGeomProfile |
Savitzky-Golay filter coefficients for the profile vectors. | |
vector< double > | m_VdTideData |
Tide data: one record per timestep, is the change (m) from still water level for that timestep. | |
vector< double > | m_VdDeepWaterWaveStationX |
X coordinate (grid CRS) for deep water wave station. | |
vector< double > | m_VdDeepWaterWaveStationY |
Y coordinate (grid CRS) for deep water wave station. | |
vector< double > | m_VdThisIterDeepWaterWaveStationHeight |
This-iteration wave height at deep water wave station. | |
vector< double > | m_VdThisIterDeepWaterWaveStationAngle |
This-iteration wave orientation at deep water wave station. | |
vector< double > | m_VdThisIterDeepWaterWaveStationPeriod |
This-iteration wave period at deep water wave station. | |
vector< double > | m_VdTSDeepWaterWaveStationHeight |
Time series of wave heights at deep water wave station. | |
vector< double > | m_VdTSDeepWaterWaveStationAngle |
Time series of wave orientation at deep water wave station. | |
vector< double > | m_VdTSDeepWaterWaveStationPeriod |
Time series of wave period at deep water wave station. | |
vector< double > | m_VdSedimentInputLocationX |
X coordinate (grid CRS) for sediment input event. | |
vector< double > | m_VdSedimentInputLocationY |
X coordinate (grid CRS) for sediment input event. | |
vector< double > | m_VdFloodLocationX |
X coordinate (grid CRS) for total water level flooding. | |
vector< double > | m_VdFloodLocationY |
X coordinate (grid CRS) for total water level flooding. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrInitialFineUnconsSedimentFile |
The name of the initial fine-sized unconsolidated sediment GIS file. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrInitialSandUnconsSedimentFile |
The name of the initial sand-sized unconsolidated sediment GIS file. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrInitialCoarseUnconsSedimentFile |
The name of the initial coarse-sized unconsolidated sediment GIS file. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrInitialFineConsSedimentFile |
The name of the initial fine-sized consolidated sediment GIS file. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrInitialSandConsSedimentFile |
The name of the initial sand-sized consolidated sediment GIS file. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrInitialCoarseConsSedimentFile |
The name of the initial coarse-sized consolidated sediment GIS file. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUFDriverCode |
GDAL driver code for the initial unconsolidated fine sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUFDriverDesc |
GDAL driver description for the initial unconsolidated fine sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUFProjection |
GDAL projection for the initial unconsolidated fine sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUFDataType |
GDAL data type for the initial unconsolidated fine sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUSDriverCode |
GDAL driver code for the initial unconsolidated sand sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUSDriverDesc |
GDAL driver description for the initial unconsolidated sand sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUSProjection |
GDAL projection for the initial unconsolidated sand sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUSDataType |
GDAL data type for the initial unconsolidated sand sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUCDriverCode |
GDAL driver code for the initial unconsolidated coarse sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUCDriverDesc |
GDAL driver description for the initial unconsolidated coarse sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUCProjection |
GDAL projection for the initial unconsolidated coarse sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALIUCDataType |
GDAL data type for the initial unconsolidated coarse sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICFDriverCode |
GDAL driver code for the initial consolidated fine sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICFDriverDesc |
GDAL driver description for the initial consolidated fine sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICFProjection |
GDAL projection for the initial consolidated fine sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICFDataType |
GDAL data type for the initial consolidated fine sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICSDriverCode |
GDAL driver code for the initial consolidated sand sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICSDriverDesc |
GDAL driver description for the initial consolidated sand sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICSProjection |
GDAL dprojection for the initial consolidated sand sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICSDataType |
GDAL data type for the initial consolidated sand sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICCDriverCode |
GDAL driver code for the initial consolidated coarse sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICCDriverDesc |
GDAL driver decription for the initial consolidated coarse sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICCProjection |
GDAL projection for the initial consolidated coarse sediment GIS data. | |
vector< string > | m_VstrGDALICCDataType |
GDAL data type for the initial consolidated coarse sediment GIS data. | |
CGeomRasterGrid * | m_pRasterGrid |
Pointer to the raster grid object. | |
vector< CRWCoast > | m_VCoast |
The coastline objects. | |
vector< CRWCoast > | m_VFloodWaveSetupSurge |
TODO 007 Info needed. | |
vector< CRWCoast > | m_VFloodWaveSetupSurgeRunup |
TODO 007 Info needed. | |
vector< CGeomCoastPolygon * > | m_pVCoastPolygon |
Pointers to coast polygon objects, in down-coast sequence TODO 044 Will need to use global polygon ID here to support multiple coastlines. | |
vector< CGeom2DIPoint > | m_VEdgeCell |
Edge cells. | |
vector< int > | m_VEdgeCellEdge |
The grid edge that each edge cell belongs to. | |
vector< int > | m_VCellFloodLocation |
The location to compute the total water level for flooding. | |
vector< CSedInputEvent * > | m_pVSedInputEvent |
Sediment input events. | |
default_random_engine | m_Rand [NRNG] |
The c++11 random number generators. | |
normal_distribution< double > | m_dUnitNormalDist {0.0, 1.0} |
c++11 unit normal distribution (mean = 0, stdev = 1) | |
This class runs CoastalME simulations.
TODO 001 This is a more detailed description of the CSimulation class
Definition at line 67 of file simulation.h.
CSimulation::CSimulation | ( | void | ) |
The CSimulation constructor.
Definition at line 60 of file simulation.cpp.
CSimulation::~CSimulation | ( | void | ) |
The CSimulation destructor.
Definition at line 429 of file simulation.cpp.
private |
Before simulating beach erosion, update the per-polygon values of pre-existing unconsolidated sediment for all three size classes, to include unconsolidated sediment derived from platform erosion, cliff collapse, and sediment input events.
Definition at line 711 of file do_beach_sediment_movement.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition().
staticprivate |
Tells the user that we are now adding layers.
Definition at line 398 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
staticprivate |
Tells the user that we are now allocating memory.
Definition at line 390 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nReadRasterBasementDEM().
staticprivate |
Tells the user that we are now initializing.
Definition at line 618 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
staticprivate |
Tell the user that the simulation is now running.
Definition at line 627 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user about the licence.
Definition at line 242 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Displays information regarding the progress of the simulation.
Definition at line 1601 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bTimeToQuit(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the DEM file.
Definition at line 377 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the deep water wave values GIS file.
Definition at line 465 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the flood location GIS file.
Definition at line 493 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the Intervention class GIS file.
Definition at line 437 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the Intervention height GIS file.
Definition at line 451 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial coarse consolidated sediment depth GIS file.
Definition at line 585 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial coarse unconsolidated sediment depth GIS file.
Definition at line 546 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial fine consolidated sediment depth GIS file.
Definition at line 559 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial fine unconsolidated sediment depth GIS file.
Definition at line 520 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial sand consolidated sediment depth GIS file.
Definition at line 572 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial sand unconsolidated sediment depth GIS file.
Definition at line 533 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the initial suspended sediment depth GIS file.
Definition at line 507 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the Landscape category GIS file.
Definition at line 423 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
staticprivate |
Now reading raster GIS files.
Definition at line 407 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
staticprivate |
Now reading the SCAPE shape function file.
Definition at line 610 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Tells the user that we are now reading the sediment input events GIS file.
Definition at line 479 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Now reading tide data file.
Definition at line 598 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
staticprivate |
Now reading vector GIS files.
Definition at line 415 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
staticprivate |
Announce the end of the simulation.
Definition at line 1392 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
staticprivate |
Tells the user that we have started the simulation.
Definition at line 177 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
staticprivate |
Appends a CGeom2DIPoint to a vector<CGeom2DIPoint>, making sure that the new end point touches the previous end point i.e. that there is no gap between the two points.
Definition at line 2317 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile().
void CSimulation::AppendPolygon | ( | CGeomCoastPolygon * | pPolygon | ) |
staticprivate |
Checks all line segments of a pair of coastline-normal profiles for intersection. If the lines intersect, returns true with numbers of the line segments at which intersection occurs in nProfile1LineSegment and nProfile1LineSegment, the intersection point in dXIntersect and dYIntersect, and the 'average' seaward endpoint of the two intersecting profiles at dXAvgEnd and dYAvgEnd.
Definition at line 1244 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by CheckForIntersectingProfiles().
private |
Checks whether the selected raster GDAL driver supports file creation, 32-bit doubles, etc.
Definition at line 676 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Checks whether the selected vector OGR driver supports file creation etc.
Definition at line 830 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Creates a look-up table for erosion potential, given depth over DB.
Definition at line 994 of file do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nReadShapeFunctionFile().
private |
Return true if the given elevation is higher than the Dean elevation (and other conditions are met), which means that we could have beach erosion.
Definition at line 1807 of file do_beach_within_polygon.cpp.
Referenced by nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon().
private |
Finds the folder (directory) in which the CoastalME executable is located.
Definition at line 208 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Returns true if the cell is an intervention.
Definition at line 2736 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by GetRasterOutputMinMax(), LSmoothCoastRunningMean(), LSmoothCoastSavitzkyGolay(), nAssignLandformsForAllCoasts(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon(), nTraceCoastLine(), and nTraceFloodCoastLine().
staticprivate |
Determines whether a point is within a polygon: however if the point is exactly on the edge of the polygon, then the result is indeterminate. Modified from code at, our thanks to Darel Rex Finley (
Definition at line 1090 of file create_polygons.cpp.
Referenced by PtFindPointInPolygon().
private |
Checks whether the supplied point (a reference to a CGeom2DIPoint, in the grid CRS) is within the raster grid, and is a valid cell (i.e. the basement DEM is not NODATA)
Definition at line 181 of file gis_utils.cpp.
private |
Checks whether the supplied point (an x-y pair, in the grid CRS) is within the raster grid, and is a valid cell (i.e. the basement DEM is not NODATA)
Definition at line 170 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by bSurroundedByDriftCells(), CalcD50AndFillWaveCalcHoles(), ConstructParallelProfile(), CreateRasterizedProfile(), DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), FillInBeachProtectionHoles(), FillPotentialPlatformErosionHoles(), nDoAllShadowZones(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon(), nFloodFillShadowZone(), nGetCoastNormalEndPoint(), nTraceCoastLine(), nTraceFloodCoastLine(), RasterizeCliffCollapseProfile(), and RasterizePolygonJoiningLine().
staticprivate |
Determines whether the wave orientation at this point on a coast is onshore or offshore, and up-coast or down-coast.
Definition at line 47 of file calc_shadow_zones.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllShadowZones().
private |
staticprivate |
Parses a date string into days, months, and years, and checks each of them.
Definition at line 2480 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), and ulConvertToTimestep().
staticprivate |
Parses a time string into hours, minutes, and seconds, and checks each of them.
Definition at line 2541 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), and ulConvertToTimestep().
private |
The bReadIniFile member function reads the initialization file.
Definition at line 51 of file read_input.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Reads the run details input file and does some initialization.
Definition at line 218 of file read_input.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
The bSaveAllRasterGISFiles member function saves the raster GIS files using values from the RasterGrid array.
Definition at line 882 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by DoSimulationEnd(), nDoSimulation(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
The bSaveAllvectorGISFiles member function saves the vector GIS files TODO 081 Choose more files to omit from "usual" vector output.
Definition at line 1235 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by DoSimulationEnd(), nDoSimulation(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
The bSetUpTSFiles member function sets up the time series files.
Definition at line 1078 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Returns true if this cell has four drift cells surrounding it.
Definition at line 436 of file assign_landforms.cpp.
Referenced by nAssignLandformsForAllCells().
private |
Checks to see if the simulation has gone on too long, amongst other things.
Definition at line 1292 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Writes values for a single parallel profile, for checking purposes.
Definition at line 1081 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nSaveParProfile().
private |
Write the results for this timestep to the .out file.
Definition at line 594 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Writes values for a single profile, for checking purposes.
Definition at line 1014 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nSaveProfile().
private |
Writes GIS raster files using GDAL, using data from the RasterGrid array.
Definition at line 885 of file gis_raster.cpp.
Referenced by bSaveAllRasterGISFiles().
private |
Write the results for this timestep to the time series CSV files.
Definition at line 825 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
Writes vector GIS files using OGR.
Definition at line 381 of file gis_vector.cpp.
Referenced by bSaveAllVectorGISFiles().
private |
Calculates tangents to a coastline: the tangent is assumed to be the orientation of energy/sediment flux along a coast. The tangent is specified as an angle (in degrees) measured clockwise from north. Based on a routine by Martin Hurst.
Definition at line 2091 of file calc_waves.cpp.
Referenced by nTraceCoastLine().
private |
Calculates an average d50 for each polygon. Also fills in 'holes' in active zone and wave calcs i.e. orphan cells which should have been included in the active zone but which have been omitted because of rounding problems.
Definition at line 2168 of file calc_waves.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllPropagateWaves().
staticprivate |
Calculates a Dean equilibrium profile h(y) = A * y^(2/3) where h(y) is the distance below the highest point in the Dean profile at a distance y from the landward start of the profile.
Definition at line 2356 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon().
private |
Calculate the depth of closure.
Definition at line 2437 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
This calculates and displays process statistics.
Definition at line 1636 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nWriteEndRunDetails().
staticprivate |
CalcSavitzkyGolay uses LULinearSolve and LUDecomp. It returns dFilterCoeffsArray[nWindowSize], a set of Savitzky-Golay filter coefficients in wrap-around order. nLeft is the number of leftward data points used, nRight is the number of rightward data points, making the total number of data points used = nLeft + nRight + 1. nDerivOrder is the order of the derivative desired (e.g. nDerivOrder = 0 for smoothed function), nSmoothPolyOrder is the order of the smoothing polynomial also equal to the highest conserved moment; usual values are nSmoothPolyOrder = 2 or nSmoothPolyOrder = 4. Derived from a C original by Jean-Pierre Moreau (jpmor.nosp@m.eau@.nosp@m.wanad.nosp@m.oo.f.nosp@m.r,, to whom we are much indebted.
Definition at line 381 of file smooth_line.cpp.
Referenced by CalcSavitzkyGolayCoeffs().
private |
Calculates the Savitzky-Golay smoothing coefficients for a given size of smoothing window. Derived from a C original by Jean-Pierre Moreau (jpmor.nosp@m.eau@.nosp@m.wanad.nosp@m.oo.f.nosp@m.r,, to whom we are much indebted.
Definition at line 45 of file smooth_line.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
private |
Checks all coastline-normal profiles for intersection, and modifies those that intersect.
Definition at line 945 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by nCheckAllProfiles().
private |
Constructs a parallel coastline-normal profile.
Definition at line 1233 of file do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles().
private |
Given a pointer to a coastline-normal profile, returns an output vector of cells which are 'under' every line segment of the profile. If there is a problem with the profile (e.g. a rasterized cell is dry land or coast, or the profile has to be truncated) then we pass this back as an error code.
Definition at line 1426 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by MarkProfilesOnGrid().
staticprivate |
Returns the signed angle BAC (in radians) subtended between three CGeom2DIPoints B A C. From
Definition at line 659 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by ProcessShadowZoneCell().
private |
Calculates the (inverse) beach protection factor as in SCAPE: 0 is fully protected, 1 = no protection.
Definition at line 1060 of file do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), and nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile().
staticprivate |
Calculates signed Menger curvature ( from three points on a line. Returns +ve values for concave, -ve for convex, and zero if the points are co-linear. Curvature is multiplied by 1000 to give easier-to-read numbers.
Definition at line 157 of file calc_curvature.cpp.
Referenced by DoCoastCurvature().
staticprivate |
Calculates the angle between the wave direction and a normal to the coastline tangent. If wave direction has a component which is down-coast (i.e. in the direction with increasing coast point numbers), then the angle returned is +ve. If wave direction has a component which is up-coast (i.e. in the direction with decreasing coast point numbers), then the angle returned is -ve. If waves are in an off-shore direction, DBL_NODATA is returned.
Definition at line 612 of file calc_waves.cpp.
Referenced by nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile().
private |
Transforms an X-axis ordinate in the external CRS to the equivalent X-axis ordinate in the raster grid CRS (the result is not rounded, and so may not be integer, and may be outside the grid in the +ve direction)
Definition at line 110 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), nGetCoastNormalEndPoint(), nReadVectorGISFile(), and RasterizeCliffCollapseProfile().
private |
Transforms a Y-axis ordinate in the external CRS to the equivalent Y-axis ordinate in the raster grid CRS (the result is not rounded, and so may not be integer, and may be outside the grid in the +ve direction)
Definition at line 119 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), nGetCoastNormalEndPoint(), nReadVectorGISFile(), and RasterizeCliffCollapseProfile().
double CSimulation::dGetD50Coarse | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the global d50 value for coarse sediment.
Returns D50 for coarse sediment.
Definition at line 577 of file simulation.cpp.
double CSimulation::dGetD50Fine | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the global d50 value for fine sediment.
Returns D50 for fine sediment.
Definition at line 561 of file simulation.cpp.
double CSimulation::dGetD50Sand | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the global d50 value for sand sediment.
Returns D50 for sand sediment.
Definition at line 569 of file simulation.cpp.
staticprivate |
Returns the distance (in grid units) between two grid cell points.
Definition at line 151 of file gis_utils.cpp.
staticprivate |
Returns the distance (in external CRS) between two points.
Definition at line 140 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by dCalcCurvature(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nDoAllShadowZones(), nDoPolygonSharedBoundaries(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon().
double CSimulation::dGetMissingValue | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the NODATA value.
Returns the double Missing Value code.
Definition at line 505 of file simulation.cpp.
double CSimulation::dGetThisIterSWL | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns this timestep's still water level.
Returns the still water level (SWL)
Definition at line 513 of file simulation.cpp.
double CSimulation::dGetThisIterTotWaterLevel | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns this timestep's total water level.
Returns the this-iteration total water level.
Definition at line 521 of file simulation.cpp.
staticprivate |
Given a string containing time units, this returns the appropriate multiplier.
Definition at line 263 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), and nReadWaveStationInputFile().
private |
Given the integer X-axis ordinate of a cell in the raster grid CRS, returns the external CRS X-axis ordinate of the cell's centroid.
Definition at line 62 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by bWriteParProfileData(), bWriteProfileData(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), ConstructParallelProfile(), CreateRasterizedProfile(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), MarkProfilesOnGrid(), nAssignLandformsForAllCoasts(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), nCreateProfile(), nDoAllShadowZones(), nDoCliffCollapse(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nFloodFillShadowZone(), nGetCoastNormalEndPoint(), nGetThisProfileElevationsForCShore(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), nTraceAllCoasts(), nTraceCoastLine(), and nTraceFloodCoastLine().
private |
Given the integer Y-axis ordinate of a cell in the raster grid CRS, returns the external CRS Y-axis ordinate of the cell's centroid.
Definition at line 71 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by bWriteParProfileData(), bWriteProfileData(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), ConstructParallelProfile(), CreateRasterizedProfile(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), MarkProfilesOnGrid(), nAssignLandformsForAllCoasts(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), nCreateProfile(), nDoAllShadowZones(), nDoCliffCollapse(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nFloodFillShadowZone(), nGetCoastNormalEndPoint(), nGetThisProfileElevationsForCShore(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), nTraceAllCoasts(), nTraceCoastLine(), and nTraceFloodCoastLine().
private |
Given a real-valued X-axis ordinate in the raster grid CRS (i.e. not the centroid of a cell), returns the external CRS X-axis ordinate.
Definition at line 92 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSedimentInputEvent().
private |
Given a real-valued Y-axis ordinate in the raster grid CRS (i.e. not the centroid of a cell), returns the external CRS Y-axis ordinate.
Definition at line 101 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSedimentInputEvent().
staticprivate |
Constrains the supplied angle to be within 0 and 360 degrees.
Definition at line 367 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by CalcD50AndFillWaveCalcHoles(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), nInterpolateWavesToPolygonCells(), nSetAllCoastpointDeepWaterWaveValues(), ProcessShadowZoneCell(), and PtiFollowWaveAngle().
private |
The erosion potential lookup: it returns a value for erosion potential given a value of Depth Over DB.
Definition at line 1045 of file do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), and nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile().
private |
Calculates actual (constrained by available sediment) erosion of the consolidated shore platform on a single sea cell.
Definition at line 741 of file do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion().
private |
Uses either the CERC equation or the Kamphuis (1990) equation to calculate potential (unconstrained) sediment movement between polygons.
Definition at line 57 of file do_beach_potential_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Calculates both detailed and smoothed curvature for every point on a coastline.
Definition at line 43 of file calc_curvature.cpp.
Referenced by nTraceCoastLine().
private |
Resets the CPU clock timer to prevent it 'rolling over', as can happen during long runs. This is a particularly problem under Unix systems where the value returned by clock() is defined in microseconds (for compatibility with systems that have CPU clocks with much higher resolution) i.e. CLOCKS_PER_SEC is 1000000 rather than the more usual 1000. In this case, the value returned from clock() will wrap around after accumulating only 2147 seconds of CPU time (about 36 minutes).
Definition at line 1343 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bTimeToQuit(), and CalcTime().
private |
Do end-of-run memory clearance.
Definition at line 2772 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Update and print totals at the end of each timestep.
Definition at line 1907 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Traverse the shadow zone, changing wave orientation and height, and the down-drift zone, changing only wave height. Do this by following the coast between the shadow boundary start point and end point, and following the downdrift boundary between the same points. At each step, trace a linking line, then move along this line and change wave properties.
Definition at line 791 of file calc_shadow_zones.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllShadowZones().
void CSimulation::DoSimulationEnd | ( | int const | nRtn | ) |
staticprivate |
Calculate the total elevation difference between every point in two elevation profiles (first profile - second profile)
Definition at line 2394 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), and nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon().
staticprivate |
Returns twice the signed area of a triangle.
Definition at line 162 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by dCalcCurvature().
Does running-mean smoothing of the slope of a coastline-normal profile.
Definition at line 339 of file smooth_line.cpp.
Referenced by nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), and nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile().
private |
Erodes the unconsolidated beach sediment on a single cell, for a single size class, and returns the depth-equivalents of sediment removed.
Definition at line 668 of file do_beach_within_polygon.cpp.
Referenced by nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), and nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon().
private |
Fills in 'holes' in the beach protection i.e. orphan cells which get omitted because of rounding problems.
Definition at line 1096 of file do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion().
private |
Fills in 'holes' in the potential platform erosion i.e. orphan cells which get omitted because of rounding problems.
Definition at line 1159 of file do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion().
private |
Finds and flags all sea areas which have at least one cell at a grid edge (i.e. does not flag 'inland' seas)
Definition at line 1069 of file locate_coast.cpp.
Referenced by nLocateFloodAndCoasts().
private |
Finds and flags all sea areas which have at least one cell at a grid edge (i.e. does not flag 'inland' seas)
Definition at line 78 of file locate_coast.cpp.
Referenced by nLocateSeaAndCoasts().
private |
Use the sealevel, wave set-up and run-up to evaluate flood hydraulically connected TODO 007 Not clear why we need this. We already have a flood fill sea routine: every cell that isn't sea is land.
Definition at line 1111 of file locate_coast.cpp.
Referenced by FindAllInundatedCells().
private |
Flood-fills all sea cells starting from a given cell. The flood fill code used here is adapted from an example by Lode Vandevenne (
Definition at line 109 of file locate_coast.cpp.
Referenced by FindAllSeaCells().
private |
Finds the max and min values in order to scale raster output if we cannot write doubles.
Definition at line 1361 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by bWriteRasterGISFile().
private |
Referenced by nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile().
private |
Linearly interpolates wave properties from profiles to the coastline cells between two profiles.
Definition at line 2050 of file calc_waves.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllPropagateWaves().
private |
Interpolates wave properties from profiles to the coastline points between two profiles. Do this by weighting the wave properties so that they change smoothly between the two profiles.
Definition at line 1876 of file calc_waves.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllPropagateWaves().
private |
Constrains the second supplied point (both are CGeom2DIPoints, in the grid CRS) to be a valid cell within the raster grid.
Definition at line 202 of file gis_utils.cpp.
private |
Given two points in the grid CRS (the points assumed not to be coincident), this routine modifies the value of the second point so that it is on a line joining the original two points and is a valid cell within the raster grid. However in some cases (e.g. if the first point is at the edge of the valid part of the raster grid) then the second cell will be coincident with the first cell, and the line joining them is thus of zero length. The calling routine has to be able to handle this.
Definition at line 210 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by KeepWithinValidGrid(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon(), nGetCoastNormalEndPoint(), RasterizeCliffCollapseProfile(), and RasterizePolygonJoiningLine().
private |
For a single coastline, locate the start points for all coastline-normal profiles (except the grid-edge profiles). Then create the profiles.
Definition at line 273 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by nCreateAllProfiles().
Does running-mean smoothing of a CGeomLine coastline vector (is in external CRS coordinates)
Definition at line 209 of file smooth_line.cpp.
Referenced by nTraceCoastLine().
private |
Does smoothing of a CGeomLine coastline vector (is in external CRS coordinates) using a Savitzky-Golay filter. Derived from a C original by Jean-Pierre Moreau (jpmor.nosp@m.eau@.nosp@m.wanad.nosp@m.oo.f.nosp@m.r,, to whom we are much indebted.
Definition at line 76 of file smooth_line.cpp.
Referenced by nTraceCoastLine().
private |
Marks cells of the raster grid that are within each coastal polygon. The flood fill code used here is adapted from an example by Lode Vandevenne (
Definition at line 496 of file create_polygons.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
For this coastline, marks all coastline-normal profiles (apart from the two 'special' ones at the start and end of the coast) onto the raster grid, i.e. rasterizes multi-line vector objects onto the raster grid. Note that this doesn't work if the vector has already been interpolated to fit on the grid i.e. if distances between vector points are just one cell apart.
Definition at line 1315 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by nCheckAllProfiles().
private |
Merges two profiles which intersect at their final (most seaward) line segments, seaward of their point of intersection.
Definition at line 1722 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by CheckForIntersectingProfiles().
private |
Modifies the wave breaking properties at coastline points of profiles within the shadow zone.
Definition at line 1797 of file calc_waves.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllPropagateWaves().
private |
Each timestep, classify landforms for cells that are not on the coastline.
Definition at line 353 of file assign_landforms.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Each timestep, classify coastal landforms and assign a coastal landform object to every point on every coastline. If, for a given cell, the coastal landform class has not changed then it inherits values from the previous timestep.
Definition at line 41 of file assign_landforms.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Calculate external forcings: change in still water level, tide level and deep water waves height, orientation and period.
Definition at line 35 of file calc_external_forcing.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Calculates potential platform erosion on cells to one side of a given coastline-normal profile, up to the next profile.
Definition at line 401 of file do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion().
private |
Calculates potential (i.e. unconstrained by available sediment) erosional lowering of the shore platform for a single coastline-normal profile, due to wave action. This routine uses a behavioural rule to modify the original surface elevation profile geometry, in which erosion rate/slope = f(d/Db) based on Walkden & Hall (2005). Originally coded in Matlab by Andres Payo.
Definition at line 171 of file do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion().
private |
Calculates wave properties along a coastline-normal profile using either the COVE linear wave theory approach or the external CShore model.
Definition at line 632 of file calc_waves.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllPropagateWaves().
private |
Check all coastline-normal profiles and modify the profiles if they intersect, then mark valid profiles on the raster grid.
Definition at line 1133 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Check to see if we have any sediment input events this timestep, if so then do the event(s)
Definition at line 41 of file do_sediment_input_event.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Given a length in m, this returns the rounded equivalent number of cells.
Definition at line 1784 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Create polygons, and mark the polygon boundaries on the raster grid.
Definition at line 44 of file create_polygons.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Create coastline-normal profiles for all coastlines. The first profiles are created 'around' the most concave bits of coast. Also create 'special' profiles at the start and end of the coast, and put these onto the raster grid.
Definition at line 66 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Referenced by nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile().
private |
Creates a single coastline-normal profile (which may be an intervention profile)
Definition at line 426 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by LocateAndCreateProfiles().
private |
Does between-polygon and within-polygon actual (supply-limited) redistribution of transported beach sediment.
Definition at line 98 of file do_beach_sediment_movement.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Simulates wave propagation along all coastline-normal profiles.
Definition at line 148 of file calc_waves.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Finds wave shadow zones and modifies waves in and near them. Note that where up-coast and down-coast shadow zones overlap, the effects on wave values in the overlap area is an additive decrease in wave energy. Changes to wave energy in any down-drift increased-energy zones are also additive.
Definition at line 139 of file calc_shadow_zones.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllPropagateWaves().
private |
Does platform erosion on all coastlines by first calculating platform erosion on coastline-normal profiles, then extrapolating this to cells between the profiles.
Definition at line 52 of file do_shore_platform_erosion.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Update accumulated wave energy in coastal landform objects.
Definition at line 41 of file do_cliff_collapse.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Simulates cliff collapse on a single cliff object, which happens when when a notch (incised into a condsolidated sediment layer) exceeds a critical depth. This updates the cliff object, the cell 'under' the cliff object, and the polygon which contains the cliff object.
Definition at line 195 of file do_cliff_collapse.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms().
private |
Redistributes the sand-sized and coarse-sized sediment from a cliff collapse onto the foreshore, as unconsolidated talus. The talus is added to the existing beach volume (i.e. to the unconsolidated sediment). The shoreline is iteratively advanced seaward until all this volume is accommodated under a Dean equilibrium profile. This equilibrium beach profile is h(y) = A * y^(2/3) where h(y) is the water depth at a distance y from the shoreline and A is a sediment-dependent scale parameter.
Definition at line 435 of file do_cliff_collapse.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms().
private |
This routine erodes unconsolidated beach sediment (either fine, sand, or coarse) on a parallel profile.
Definition at line 477 of file do_beach_within_polygon.cpp.
Referenced by nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon().
private |
For between-polygon potential sediment routing: find which are the adjacent polygons, and calc the length of the shared normal between this polygon and the adjacent polygons TODO 012 Will need to change this when length of coastline-normal profiles (and so polygon seaward length) is determined by depth of closure.
Definition at line 805 of file create_polygons.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Do a sediment input event.
Definition at line 66 of file do_sediment_input_event.cpp.
Referenced by nCheckForSedimentInputEvent().
int CSimulation::nDoSimulation | ( | int | nArg, |
char const * | pcArgv[] ) |
Runs the simulation.
The nDoSimulation member function of CSimulation sets up and runs the simulation.
Definition at line 585 of file simulation.cpp.
Referenced by main().
private |
Given a string containing time units, this sets up the appropriate multiplier and display units for the simulation.
Definition at line 298 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile().
staticprivate |
This finds time units in a string.
Definition at line 337 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by dGetTimeMultiplier(), and nDoSimulationTimeMultiplier().
private |
Deposits unconsolidated beach sediment (sand or coarse) on the cells within a polygon. This is done by working down the coastline and constructing profiles which are parallel to the up-coast polygon boundary; then reversing direction and going up-coast, constructing profiles parallel to the down-coast boundary. Then iteratively fit a Dean equilibrium profile until the normal's share of the change in total depth of unconsolidated sediment is accommodated under the revised profile. For deposition, this adds to the beach volume.
Definition at line 738 of file do_beach_within_polygon.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition().
private |
Erodes unconsolidated beach sediment of one texture class on the cells within a polygon. This is done by working down the coastline and constructing profiles which are parallel to the up-coast polygon boundary; then reversing direction and going up-coast, constructing profiles parallel to the down-coast boundary. Then iteratively fit a Dean equilibrium profile until the normal's share of the change in total depth of unconsolidated sediment is accommodated under the revised profile. For erosion, this reduces the beach volume.
Definition at line 44 of file do_beach_within_polygon.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition().
private |
Flood fills a shadow zone from the centroid.
Definition at line 669 of file calc_shadow_zones.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllShadowZones().
private |
Finds the end point of a coastline-normal line, given the start point on the vector coastline. All coordinates are in the external CRS.
Definition at line 689 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by nCreateProfile(), and nDoCliffCollapseDeposition().
int CSimulation::nGetCoastPolygonSize | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the size of the coast polygon vector.
Definition at line 2747 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by CRWCoast::nGetNumPolygons(), and WritePolygonShareTable().
int CSimulation::nGetGridXMax | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the cell size.
Returns X grid max.
Returns the size of the grid in the X direction
Definition at line 545 of file simulation.cpp.
int CSimulation::nGetGridYMax | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the size of the grid in the Y direction.
Returns Y grid max.
Definition at line 553 of file simulation.cpp.
staticprivate |
Returns the opposite direction.
Definition at line 1688 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nTraceAllCoasts(), and nTraceAllFloodCoasts().
private |
Get profile horizontal distance and bottom elevation vectors in CShore units.
Definition at line 1479 of file calc_waves.cpp.
Referenced by nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile().
private |
Handles command-line parameters.
Definition at line 86 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
At the beginning of each timestep: clear vector coasts, profiles, and polygons, initialize the raster grid, and initialize some per-timestep accounting variables.
Definition at line 46 of file init_grid.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Inserts an intersection point into the profile that is to be retained, if that point is not already present in the profile, then does the same for all co-incident profiles. Finally adds the numbers of the to-truncate profile (and all its coincident profiles) to the seaward line segments of the to-retain profile and all its coincident profiles.
Definition at line 1903 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by TruncateOneProfileRetainOtherProfile().
private |
If the user supplies multiple deep water wave height and angle values, this routine interplates these to all cells (including dry land cells)
Definition at line 2245 of file gis_raster.cpp.
Referenced by nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Interpolates wave properties from all profiles to all within-polygon sea cells, using GDALGridCreate(), the library version of external utility gdal_grid.
Definition at line 1874 of file gis_raster.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllPropagateWaves().
private |
At the end of each timestep, this routine stores the attributes from a single coastal landform object in the grid cell 'under' the object, ready for the next timestep.
Definition at line 277 of file assign_landforms.cpp.
Referenced by nUpdateGrid().
private |
Creates a 'special' profile at each end of a coastline, at the edge of the raster grid. This profile is not necessarily normal to the coastline since it goes along the grid's edge.
Definition at line 504 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by nCreateAllProfiles().
private |
First find all connected sea areas, then locate the vector coastline(s), then put these onto the raster grid.
Definition at line 1029 of file locate_coast.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
First find all connected sea areas, then locate the vector coastline(s), then put these onto the raster grid.
Definition at line 55 of file locate_coast.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Mark cells which are at the edge of a bounding box which represents the valid part of the grid, as defined by the basement layer. The valid part of the grid may be the whole grid, or only part of the whole grid. The bounding box may be an irregular shape (but may not have re-entrant edges): simple shapes are more likely to work correctly.
Definition at line 218 of file gis_raster.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Referenced by nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile().
private |
Reads a raster DEM of basement elevation data to the Cell array.
Definition at line 52 of file gis_raster.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Reads all other raster GIS datafiles into the RasterGrid array.
Definition at line 453 of file gis_raster.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Reads the sediment input event file.
Definition at line 3471 of file read_input.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Reads the shape of the erosion potential distribution (see shape function in Walkden & Hall, 2005)
Definition at line 3044 of file read_input.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Reads the tide time series data.
Definition at line 2992 of file read_input.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Reads vector GIS datafiles using OGR.
Definition at line 47 of file gis_vector.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Reads the deep water wave station input data. Each point in m_strDeepWaterWavesInputFile is a triad of wave height, orientation and period for each time step.
Definition at line 3151 of file read_input.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Save a coastline-normal parallel profile.
Definition at line 1059 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles().
private |
Save a coastline-normal profile.
Definition at line 991 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile().
private |
Give every coast point a value for deep water wave height and direction TODO 005 This may not be realistic, maybe better to use end-of-profile value instead (how?)
Definition at line 62 of file calc_waves.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Locates all the potential coastline start points on the edges of the raster grid, then traces vector coastline(s) from these start points.
Definition at line 287 of file locate_coast.cpp.
Referenced by nLocateSeaAndCoasts().
private |
Locates all the potential coastline start points on the edges of the raster grid, then traces vector coastline(s) from these start points.
Definition at line 1265 of file locate_coast.cpp.
Referenced by nLocateFloodAndCoasts().
private |
Traces a coastline (which is defined to be just above still water level) on the grid using the 'wall follower' rule for maze traversal ( The vector coastlines are then smoothed.
Definition at line 393 of file locate_coast.cpp.
Referenced by nTraceAllCoasts().
private |
Traces a coastline (which is defined to be just above still water level) on the grid using the 'wall follower' rule for maze traversal ( The vector coastlines are then smoothed.
Definition at line 1362 of file locate_coast.cpp.
Referenced by nTraceAllFloodCoasts().
private |
Update all cells in the raster raster grid and do some per-timestep accounting.
Definition at line 36 of file update_grid.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
staticprivate |
Check to see if we have a new intervention in place (not yet implemented)
Definition at line 29 of file do_intervention.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Writes end-of-run information to Out, Log and time-series files.
Definition at line 1132 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
CGeomCoastPolygon * CSimulation::pGetPolygon | ( | int const | nPoly | ) | const |
Returns a pointer to a coast polygon, in down-coast sequence.
Definition at line 2755 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by CRWCoast::pGetPolygon(), WritePolygonCliffCollapseErosion(), WritePolygonPotentialErosion(), WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable(), WritePolygonSedimentBeforeMovement(), WritePolygonSedimentInputEventTable(), WritePolygonShareTable(), and WritePolygonShorePlatformErosion().
private |
Process a single cell which is in the downdrift zone, changing its wave height.
Definition at line 1207 of file calc_shadow_zones.cpp.
Referenced by DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone().
private |
Process a single cell which is in the shadow zone, changing its wave height and orientation.
Definition at line 1261 of file calc_shadow_zones.cpp.
Referenced by DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone().
Changes all forward slashes in the input string to backslashes, leaving the original unchanged.
Definition at line 2143 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), and nHandleCommandLineParams().
Swaps all backslashes in the input string to forward slashes, leaving the original unchanged.
Definition at line 2153 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by AnnounceReadBasementDEM(), AnnounceReadDeepWaterWaveValuesGIS(), AnnounceReadFloodLocationGIS(), AnnounceReadICGIS(), AnnounceReadIHGIS(), AnnounceReadInitialCoarseConsSedGIS(), AnnounceReadInitialCoarseUnconsSedGIS(), AnnounceReadInitialFineConsSedGIS(), AnnounceReadInitialFineUnconsSedGIS(), AnnounceReadInitialSandConsSedGIS(), AnnounceReadInitialSandUnconsSedGIS(), AnnounceReadInitialSuspSedGIS(), AnnounceReadLGIS(), AnnounceReadSedimentEventInputValuesGIS(), AnnounceReadTideData(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
staticprivate |
Returns a point (external CRS) which is the average of (i.e. is midway between) two other external CRS points.
Definition at line 385 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nCreateAllPolygons(), nGetCoastNormalEndPoint(), and PtFindPointInPolygon().
staticprivate |
Returns a point (external CRS) which is the average of a vector of external CRS points.
Definition at line 432 of file gis_utils.cpp.
staticprivate |
Choose which end point to use for the coastline-normal profile.
Definition at line 805 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by nGetCoastNormalEndPoint().
staticprivate |
Finds a point in a polygon: is guaranteed to succeed, as every strictly closed polygon has at least one triangle that is completely contained within the polygon. Derived from an algorithm at
Definition at line 1124 of file create_polygons.cpp.
staticprivate |
Returns a CGeom2DPoint which is the 'other' point of a two-point vector passing through PtStart, and which is perpendicular to the two-point vector from PtStart to PtNext.
Definition at line 557 of file gis_utils.cpp.
private |
Transforms a pointer to a CGeom2DIPoint in the raster grid CRS (assumed to be the centroid of a cell) to the equivalent CGeom2DPoint in the external CRS.
Definition at line 80 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon().
private |
Transforms a pointer to a CGeom2DPoint in the external CRS to the equivalent CGeom2DIPoint in the raster grid CRS (both values rounded). The result may be outside the grid in the +ve direction.
Definition at line 128 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by LSmoothCoastRunningMean(), LSmoothCoastSavitzkyGolay(), nCheckAllProfiles(), and nCreateAllPolygons().
private |
Finds the closest point on any coastline to a given point.
Definition at line 1747 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSedimentInputEvent().
staticprivate |
Given a cell and a wave orientation, finds the 'upwave' cell.
Definition at line 71 of file calc_shadow_zones.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllShadowZones().
staticprivate |
Returns a CGeom2DIPoint (grid CRS) which is the 'other' point of a two-point vector passing through PtiStart, and which is perpendicular to the two-point vector from PtiStart to PtiNext.
Definition at line 591 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), and nDoSedimentInputEvent().
staticprivate |
Returns a CGeom2DIPoint (grid CRS) which is the 'other' point of a two-point vector passing through [nStartX][nStartY], and which is perpendicular to the two-point vector from [nStartX][nStartY] to [nNextX][nNextY].
Definition at line 625 of file gis_utils.cpp.
staticprivate |
Returns an integer point (grid CRS) which is the centroid of a polygon, given by a vector of grid CRS points. From
Definition at line 480 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllShadowZones().
staticprivate |
Returns an integer point (grid CRS) which is the weighted average of two other grid CRS integer points. The weight must be <= 1, if the weight is < 0.5 then the output point is closer to the first point, if the weight is > 0.5 then the output point is closer to the second point.
Definition at line 415 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by nFloodFillShadowZone().
private |
Given the start and end points of a cliff-collapse normal profile, returns an output vector of cells which are 'under' the vector line.
Definition at line 1043 of file do_cliff_collapse.cpp.
Referenced by nDoCliffCollapseDeposition().
private |
Puts a polygon 'joining line' (the line which is the seaward boundary of the polygon, if the polygon doesn't meet at a point) onto the raster grid.
Definition at line 449 of file create_polygons.cpp.
Referenced by nCreateAllPolygons().
private |
Sets per-driver defaults for raster files created using GDAL.
Definition at line 1618 of file gis_utils.cpp.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat().
private |
staticprivate |
strDispSimTime returns a string formatted as year Julian_day hour, given a parameter in hours
Definition at line 1473 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by AnnounceProgress(), DoSimulationEnd(), nWriteEndRunDetails(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
staticprivate |
strDispTime returns a string formatted as h:mm:ss, given a parameter in seconds, with rounding and fractions of a second if desired
Definition at line 1522 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by AnnounceProgress(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), CalcProcessStats(), and CalcTime().
staticprivate |
Returns the date and time on which the program was compiled.
Definition at line 1584 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by AnnounceStart(), SetRasterFileCreationDefaults(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
staticprivate |
Returns a string, hopefully giving the name of the computer on which the simulation is running.
Definition at line 1320 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by AnnounceLicence(), DoSimulationEnd(), SetRasterFileCreationDefaults(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
staticprivate |
Returns an error message given an error code.
Definition at line 1818 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by DoSimulationEnd().
private |
Return a space-separated string containing the names of the raster GIS output files.
Definition at line 635 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Return a space-separated string containing the names of the time series output files.
Definition at line 992 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Return a space-separated string containing the names of the vector GIS output files.
Definition at line 888 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by WriteStartRunDetails().
Returns a string with a substring removed, and with whitespace trimmed.
Definition at line 2239 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile().
Returns the lower case version of an string, leaving the original unchanged.
Definition at line 2219 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), nReadRasterGISFile(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), SetRasterFileCreationDefaults(), and ulConvertToTimestep().
Trims whitespace from both sides of a string, does not change the original string.
Definition at line 2194 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), bReadIniFile(), bReadRunDataFile(), nHandleCommandLineParams(), nReadSedimentInputEventFile(), nReadShapeFunctionFile(), nReadTideDataFile(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), strRemoveSubstr(), and ulConvertToTimestep().
Trims whitespace from the left side of a string, does not change the original string.
Definition at line 2163 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bReadIniFile(), bReadRunDataFile(), and nReadWaveStationInputFile().
Trims whitespace from the right side of a string, does not change the original string.
Definition at line 2176 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bReadIniFile(), bReadRunDataFile(), and nReadWaveStationInputFile().
private |
Truncates one intersecting profile at the point of intersection, and retains the other profile.
Definition at line 1865 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by CheckForIntersectingProfiles().
private |
Truncate a profile at the point of intersection, and do the same for all its co-incident profiles.
Definition at line 2081 of file create_profiles.cpp.
Referenced by TruncateOneProfileRetainOtherProfile().
private |
For sediment input events, parses a string that may be relative (a number of hours or days after the start of the simulation), or absolute (a time/date in the format hh-mm-ss dd/mm/yyyy). Returns the timestep in which the sediment input event occurs.
Definition at line 2602 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by nReadSedimentInputEventFile().
From They implement (approximately) Python's split() function. This second version returns a new string vector (it calls the first version)
staticprivate |
From They implement (approximately) Python's split() function. This first version puts the results into a pre-constructed string vector. It ignores empty items.
Definition at line 2259 of file utils.cpp.
Referenced by bParseDate(), bParseTime(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadSedimentInputEventFile(), nReadShapeFunctionFile(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), ulConvertToTimestep(), and VstrSplit().
private |
Output the erosion potential look-up values, for checking purposes.
Definition at line 962 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon actual movement of unconsolidated beach sediment.
Definition at line 1811 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition().
private |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon per-polygon cliff collapse.
Definition at line 1516 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon potential erosion of all size classes of unconsolidated beach sediment.
Definition at line 1621 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition().
private |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon pre-existing unconsolidated sediment.
Definition at line 1384 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon totals of stored unconsolidated beach sediment prior to polygon-to-polygon movement.
Definition at line 1583 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition().
private |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon sediment input event totals.
Definition at line 1445 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Writes to the log file a table showing polygon to polygon shares of unconsolidated sediment transport, etc.
Definition at line 1349 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Writes to the log file a table showing per-polygon unconsolidated sand/coarse sediment derived from erosion of the consolidated shore platform.
Definition at line 1483 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Writes to the log file a table showing the sorted sequence of polygon processing, and any circularities.
Definition at line 1742 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition().
private |
Writes to the log file a table showing the unsorted sequence of polygon processing.
Definition at line 1687 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition().
private |
Writes beginning-of-run information to Out and Log files.
Definition at line 63 of file write_output.cpp.
Referenced by nDoSimulation().
private |
Beach sediment deposition time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1292 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), and bWriteTSFiles().
private |
Beach sediment erosion time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1289 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), and bWriteTSFiles().
private |
Beach sediment net change (erosion - deposition) time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1295 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), and bWriteTSFiles().
private |
Cliff collapse deposition time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1283 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), and ~CSimulation().
private |
Cliff collapse erosion time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1280 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), and ~CSimulation().
private |
Cliff collapse net change (erosion - deposition) time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1286 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), and ~CSimulation().
private |
Fine sediment in suspension time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1298 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), and ~CSimulation().
private |
Flood setup surge runup time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1304 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), and ~CSimulation().
private |
Flood setup surge time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1301 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), and ~CSimulation().
ofstream CSimulation::LogStream |
Definition at line 1768 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bOpenLogFile(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), CalcTime(), CreateRasterizedProfile(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoCPUClockReset(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), DoSimulationEnd(), MarkProfilesOnGrid(), nAssignLandformsForAllCoasts(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), nCheckAllProfiles(), nCreateAllPolygons(), nCreateAllProfiles(), nCreateProfile(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nDoAllPropagateWaves(), nDoAllShadowZones(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapse(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nDoSimulation(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon(), nFloodFillShadowZone(), nGetCoastNormalEndPoint(), nGetThisProfileElevationsForCShore(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nInsertPointIntoProfilesIfNeededThenUpdate(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), nMarkBoundingBoxEdgeCells(), nReadRasterGISFile(), nReadVectorGISFile(), nTraceAllCoasts(), nTraceCoastLine(), nTraceFloodCoastLine(), nWriteEndRunDetails(), StartClock(), TruncateOneProfileRetainOtherProfile(), WritePolygonActualMovement(), WritePolygonCliffCollapseErosion(), WritePolygonPotentialErosion(), WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable(), WritePolygonSedimentBeforeMovement(), WritePolygonSedimentInputEventTable(), WritePolygonShareTable(), WritePolygonShorePlatformErosion(), WritePolygonSortedSequence(), WritePolygonUnsortedSequence(), WriteStartRunDetails(), and ~CSimulation().
private |
Save active zone raster GIS files?
Definition at line 203 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save actual (supply-limited) beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion raster GIS files?
Definition at line 146 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save actual (supply-limited) shore platform erosion raster GIS files?
Definition at line 134 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save the actual (supply-limited) shore platform erosion time series file?
Definition at line 284 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Save average sea depth raster GIS files?
Definition at line 95 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save average suspended sediment raster GIS files?
Definition at line 176 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save average wave angle and average wave height raster GIS files?
Definition at line 113 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save average wave angle raster GIS files?
Definition at line 107 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Save wave height raster GIS files?
Definition at line 101 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save basement raster DEMs?
Definition at line 80 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save beach (unconsolidated sediment) deposition raster GIS files?
Definition at line 155 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save the beach (unconsolidated sediment) deposition time series file?
Definition at line 299 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Save the beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion time series file?
Definition at line 296 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Save beach mask raster GIS files?
Definition at line 227 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save beach protection raster GIS files>
Definition at line 128 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save the beach (unconsolidated sediment) net change time series file?
Definition at line 302 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Save breaking wave height raster GIS files?
Definition at line 125 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save cliff collapse deposition raster GIS files?
Definition at line 212 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Save the cliff collapse deposition time series file?
Definition at line 290 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Save the cliff collapse erosion time series file?
Definition at line 287 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Save the cliff collapse net change time series file?
Definition at line 293 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Save cliff collapse raster GIS files?
Definition at line 206 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Save cliff notch incision depth vector GIS files?
Definition at line 269 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save coarse consolidated sediment raster GIS files?
Definition at line 194 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save coarse unconsolidated sediment raster GIS files?
Definition at line 185 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save coastline-curvature vector GIS files?
Definition at line 260 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Definition at line 251 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
One element per layer: has the consolidated sediment of this layer been changed during this iteration?
Definition at line 1307 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), nDoCliffCollapse(), nDoSimulation(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Save deep water wave angle and wave height raster GIS files?
Definition at line 116 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save deep water wave angle raster GIS files?
Definition at line 233 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Save deep water wave height raster GIS files?
Definition at line 236 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Save deep water wave period raster GIS files?
Definition at line 239 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Simulate unconsolidated sediment (beach) transport?
Definition at line 344 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Simulate cliff collapse?
Definition at line 341 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Simulate shore platform erosion?
Definition at line 338 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Save fine consolidated sediment raster GIS files?
Definition at line 188 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save fine unconsolidated sediment raster GIS files?
Definition at line 179 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Are we saving the flood location? TODO 007.
Definition at line 410 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Save the flood setup surge runup time series file? TODO 007 Does this work correctly?
Definition at line 311 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Save the flood setup surge time series file? TODO 007 Does this work correctly?
Definition at line 308 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Are we saving the flood still water level setup line? TODO 007.
Definition at line 413 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Are we saving the flood still water level setup surge line? TODO 007.
Definition at line 416 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Are we saving the flood still water level setup surge runup line? TODO 007.
Definition at line 419 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Is the selected GDAL output file format capable of writing files?
Definition at line 347 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), and CSimulation().
private |
Is the selected GDAL output file format capable of writing floating-point values to files?
Definition at line 350 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), and CSimulation().
private |
Is the selected GDAL output file format capable of writing 32-bit integers to files?
Definition at line 353 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), and CSimulation().
private |
Are the GIS save digits (which are part of each GIS file name) sequential, or are they the iteration number?
Definition at line 422 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Does this simulation consider coarse-sized sediment?
Definition at line 77 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), nReadSedimentInputEventFile(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Does this simulation consider fine-sized sediment?
Definition at line 71 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), nReadSedimentInputEventFile(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Does this simulation consider sand-sized sediment?
Definition at line 74 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), nReadSedimentInputEventFile(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Do we have wave station data?
Definition at line 365 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), nDoSimulation(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Save intervention class raster GIS files?
Definition at line 167 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save intervention height raster GIS files?
Definition at line 170 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save invalid coastline-normal vector GIS files?
Definition at line 257 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save coast landform raster GIS files?
Definition at line 161 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save local slope raster GIS files?
Definition at line 164 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save mean wave energy raster GIS files?
Definition at line 122 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save coastline-normal vector GIS files?
Definition at line 254 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Omit the east edge of the grid from coast-end searches?
Definition at line 335 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), FindAllInundatedCells(), FindAllSeaCells(), nTraceAllCoasts(), nTraceAllFloodCoasts(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Omit the north edge of the grid from coast-end searches?
Definition at line 326 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), FindAllInundatedCells(), FindAllSeaCells(), nTraceAllCoasts(), nTraceAllFloodCoasts(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Omit the south edge of the grid from coast-end searches?
Definition at line 329 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), FindAllInundatedCells(), FindAllSeaCells(), nTraceAllCoasts(), nTraceAllFloodCoasts(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Omit the west edge of the grid from coast-end searches?
Definition at line 332 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), FindAllInundatedCells(), FindAllSeaCells(), nTraceAllCoasts(), nTraceAllFloodCoasts(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Output erosion potential data?
Definition at line 323 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Output parallel profile data?
Definition at line 320 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Output profile data?
Definition at line 317 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Save polygon boundary vector GIS files?
Definition at line 266 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save polygon node vector GIS files?
Definition at line 263 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save polygon unconsolidated sediment gain or loss raster GIS files?
Definition at line 245 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Save polygon unconsolidated sediment up- or down-drift raster GIS files?
Definition at line 242 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Save potential beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion raster GIS files?
Definition at line 143 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save potential platform erosion mask raster GIS files?
Definition at line 221 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save potential shore platform erosion raster GIS files?
Definition at line 131 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save raster coastline GIS files?
Definition at line 197 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save raster coastline-normal GIS files?
Definition at line 200 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save raster polygon raster GIS files?
Definition at line 218 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Are we saving the raster wave flood line? TODO 007.
Definition at line 404 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), and CSimulation().
private |
Are we doing flooding? TODO 007.
Definition at line 386 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Are we saving runup? TODO 007.
Definition at line 395 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Save sand consolidated sediment raster GIS files?
Definition at line 191 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save sand unconsolidated sediment raster GIS files?
Definition at line 182 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save GIS files this iteration?
Definition at line 314 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceProgress(), bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), DoSimulationEnd(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Save GIS files at regular intervals?
Definition at line 248 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Scale raster output?
Definition at line 356 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Save the sea area time series file?
Definition at line 278 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Save sea depth raster GIS files?
Definition at line 92 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save sea mask raster GIS files?
Definition at line 224 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Do we have sediment input events?
Definition at line 368 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Do we have sediment input along a line?
Definition at line 377 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nReadSedimentInputEventFile(), nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Do we have sediment input at the coast?
Definition at line 374 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nReadSedimentInputEventFile(), nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Do we have sediment inputat a point?
Definition at line 371 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nReadSedimentInputEventFile(), nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Save sediment inut data?
Definition at line 380 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Do we have a sediment input event this iteration?
Definition at line 383 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceProgress(), CSimulation(), nCheckForSedimentInputEvent(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Save sediment top surface raster DEMs?
Definition at line 83 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Are we saving the setup surge flood mask? TODO 007.
Definition at line 398 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Are we saving the setup surge runup flood mask? TODO 007.
Definition at line 401 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Save wave shadow boundary vector GIS files?
Definition at line 272 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save wave shadow downdrift boundary vector GIS files?
Definition at line 275 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save wave shadow zones raster GIS files?
Definition at line 230 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Do we have just a point source for (i.e. only a single measurement of) deep water wave values.
Definition at line 362 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CalcDepthOfClosure(), CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), nDoAllPropagateWaves(), nDoSimulation(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Save slices?
Definition at line 89 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Save the still water level time series file?
Definition at line 281 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Are we saving the storm surge? TODO 007.
Definition at line 392 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Save suspended sediment raster GIS files?
Definition at line 173 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save the suspended sediment time series file?
Definition at line 305 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListTSFiles().
private |
Save fop surface (sediment and sea) raster DEMs?
Definition at line 86 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save total actual (supply-limited) beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion raster GIS files?
Definition at line 152 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save total actual (supply-limited) shore platform erosion raster GIS files?
Definition at line 140 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save total beach (unconsolidated sediment) deposition raster GIS files?
Definition at line 158 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save total potential beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion raster GIS files?
Definition at line 149 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save total potential shore platform erosion raster GIS files?
Definition at line 137 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save total cliff collapse deposition raster GIS files?
Definition at line 215 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Save total cliff collapse raster GIS files?
Definition at line 209 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
One element per layer: has the consolidated sediment of this layer been changed during this iteration?
Definition at line 1310 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by ErodeCellBeachSedimentSupplyLimited(), nDoCliffCollapse(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoSimulation(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Are we saving the vector wave flood line? TODO 007.
Definition at line 407 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Save wave angle and wave height raster GIS files?
Definition at line 110 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save wave angle raster GIS files?
Definition at line 104 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Save wave energy since cliff collapse raster GIS files?
Definition at line 119 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListVectorFiles().
private |
Save wave height raster GIS files?
Definition at line 98 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and strListRasterFiles().
private |
Are we saving the wave setup? TODO 007.
Definition at line 389 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllVectorGISFiles(), and CSimulation().
private |
Write a GIS World file?
Definition at line 359 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), SetRasterFileCreationDefaults(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
If long-term SWL changes, the total change so far since the start of simulation.
Definition at line 673 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Deep water wave angle for all sea cells.
Definition at line 712 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), nDoAllPropagateWaves(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Deep water wave height (m) for all sea cells.
Definition at line 709 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CalcDepthOfClosure(), CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), nDoAllPropagateWaves(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Deep water wave period for all sea cells.
Definition at line 715 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CalcDepthOfClosure(), CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The density of unconsolidated beach sediment (kg/m**3)
Definition at line 736 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The porosity of unconsolidated beach sediment (0 - 1)
Definition at line 739 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The height of breaking waves (m)
Definition at line 694 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation().
private |
Breaking wave height-to-depth ratio.
Definition at line 706 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), ModifyBreakingWavePropertiesWithinShadowZoneToCoastline(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), and nInterpolateWavesToPolygonCells().
private |
Deep water wave speed (m/s)
Definition at line 697 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile().
private |
Area of a cell (in external CRS units)
Definition at line 616 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteRasterGISFile(), CSimulation(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nDoSimulation(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), nWriteEndRunDetails(), WritePolygonActualMovement(), WritePolygonCliffCollapseErosion(), WritePolygonPotentialErosion(), WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable(), WritePolygonSedimentBeforeMovement(), WritePolygonSedimentInputEventTable(), and WritePolygonShorePlatformErosion().
private |
Length of a cell's diagonal (in external CRS units)
Definition at line 619 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and nReadRasterBasementDEM().
private |
Length of a cell side (in external CRS units)
Definition at line 613 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), MarkPolygonCells(), nAssignLandformsForAllCoasts(), nConvertMetresToNumCells(), nDoAllShadowZones(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nDoSimulation(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Scale parameter A for cliff deposition (m^(1/3)), may be zero for auto-calculation.
Definition at line 868 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Planview width of cliff collapse talus (m)
Definition at line 871 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Resistance of cliff to notch erosion.
Definition at line 859 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Planview length of cliff deposition talus (m)
Definition at line 874 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Last value returned by clock()
Definition at line 646 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoCPUClockReset(), and StartClock().
private |
The relative erodibility (0- 1) of coarse unconsolidated beach sediment.
Definition at line 748 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Relative erodibility of coarse unconsolidated beach sediment, normalized.
Definition at line 757 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), ErodeCellBeachSedimentSupplyLimited(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Average spacing of the cost-normal profiles, in m.
Definition at line 775 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CheckForIntersectingProfiles(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Length of the cost-normal profiles, in m.
Definition at line 778 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nCreateProfile(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Random factor for spacing of along-coast normals.
Definition at line 904 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), LocateAndCreateProfiles(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Total elapsed CPU time.
Definition at line 649 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CalcTime(), CSimulation(), DoCPUClockReset(), and StartClock().
private |
The D50 for coarse sediment.
Definition at line 733 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), dGetD50Coarse(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The D50 for fine sediment.
Definition at line 727 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), dGetD50Fine(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The D50 for sand sediment.
Definition at line 730 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), dGetD50Sand(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Berm height i.e. height above SWL of start of depositional Dean profile.
Definition at line 907 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
If long-term SWL changes, the increment per timestep.
Definition at line 664 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Error term: if we are unable to deposit enough unconslidated coarse on polygon(s), this is held over to be deposited the next iteration.
Definition at line 841 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Error term: if we are unable to deposit enough unconslidated sand on polygon(s), this is held over to be deposited the next iteration.
Definition at line 838 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Depth of closure (in m) TODO 007 can be calculated using Hallermeier, R.J. (1978) or Birkemeier (1985) TODO 045 This needs to be a user decision.
Definition at line 772 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CalcDepthOfClosure(), CSimulation(), ModifyBreakingWavePropertiesWithinShadowZoneToCoastline(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), nCheckAllProfiles(), nCreateProfile(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Maximum value of deoth over DB, is used in erosion potential look-up function.
Definition at line 844 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCreateErosionPotentialLookUp(), CSimulation(), dLookUpErosionPotential(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), nReadShapeFunctionFile(), and WriteLookUpData().
private |
Multiplier for duration units, to convert to hours.
Definition at line 595 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), and nDoSimulationTimeMultiplier().
private |
The area of the grid (in external CRS units)
Definition at line 610 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The end-of-simulation still water (m), is same as m_dOrigSWL unless SWL changes.
Definition at line 661 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The relative erodibility (0- 1) of fine unconsolidated beach sediment.
Definition at line 742 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Relative erodibility of fine unconsolidated beach sediment, normalized.
Definition at line 751 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), ErodeCellBeachSedimentSupplyLimited(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Gravitational acceleration (m**2/sec)
Definition at line 766 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CalcDepthOfClosure(), CSimulation(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL geotransformation info (see
Definition at line 652 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteRasterGISFile(), CSimulation(), dExtCRSXToGridX(), dExtCRSYToGridY(), dGridCentroidXToExtCRSX(), dGridCentroidYToExtCRSY(), dGridXToExtCRSX(), dGridYToExtCRSY(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), nReadRasterGISFile(), PtGridCentroidToExt(), and PtiExtCRSToGridRound().
private |
For beach erosion/deposition, conversion from immersed weight to bulk volumetric (sand and voids) transport rate (Leo Van Rijn) TODO 007 Need date of reference.
Definition at line 769 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Inverse of m_dCellDiagonal.
Definition at line 625 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and nReadRasterBasementDEM().
private |
Inverse of m_dCellSide.
Definition at line 622 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and nReadRasterBasementDEM().
private |
Transport parameter for the Kamphuis equation.
Definition at line 763 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Transport parameter KLS in the CERC equation.
Definition at line 760 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Deep water wave length (m)
Definition at line 700 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile().
private |
Maximum elevation of beach above SWL (m)
Definition at line 856 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Maximum still water level.
Definition at line 679 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
Maximum deep water wave height.
Definition at line 718 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CalcDepthOfClosure(), CSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Used to constrain depth of closure.
Definition at line 721 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CalcDepthOfClosure(), CSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Minimum height of the landward end of cliff collapse talus, as a fraction of cliff elevation.
Definition at line 877 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Minimum still water level.
Definition at line 676 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
Missing value.
Definition at line 910 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteRasterGISFile(), CSimulation(), dGetMissingValue(), GetRasterOutputMinMax(), nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(), nInterpolateWavesToPolygonCells(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), and nReadRasterGISFile().
private |
The north-west x coordinate, in the external coordinate reference system (CRS)
Definition at line 598 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The north-west y coordinate, in the external coordinate reference system (CRS)
Definition at line 601 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Notch base below SWL (m)
Definition at line 865 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoCliffCollapse(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Notch overhang (i.e. length of horizontal incision) to initiate collapse (m)
Definition at line 862 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The start-of-simulation still water level (m)
Definition at line 658 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Maximum slope on costline-normal profiles.
Definition at line 853 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), dVSmoothProfileSlope(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Coast platform resistance to erosion R, see Walkden & Hall, 2011.
Definition at line 724 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The interval between regular saves, in hours.
Definition at line 640 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The time of the next save, in hours from the start of the simulation, if we are saving regularly.
Definition at line 637 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
The relative erodibility (0- 1) of sand unconsolidated beach sediment.
Definition at line 745 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Relative erodibility of sand unconsolidated beach sediment, normalized.
Definition at line 754 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), ErodeCellBeachSedimentSupplyLimited(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Density of sea water in kg/m**3.
Definition at line 655 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Duration of simulation, in hours.
Definition at line 628 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceProgress(), bReadRunDataFile(), bTimeToQuit(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), nWriteEndRunDetails(), ulConvertToTimestep(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Time simulated so far, in hours.
Definition at line 634 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceProgress(), bTimeToQuit(), bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteTSFiles(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CSimulation(), DoSimulationEnd(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
The south-east x coordinate, in the external coordinate reference system (CRS)
Definition at line 604 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The south-east y coordinate, in the external coordinate reference system (CRS)
Definition at line 607 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Depth (m) of coarse consolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons)
Definition at line 952 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Depth (m) of fine consolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons)
Definition at line 946 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Depth (m) of sand consolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons)
Definition at line 949 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Depth (m) of fine suspended sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons)
Definition at line 931 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Depth (m) of fine suspended sediment at the start of the simulation (only cells in polygons)
Definition at line 934 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), MarkPolygonCells(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Depth (m) of coarse unconsolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons)
Definition at line 943 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Depth (m) of fine unconsolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons)
Definition at line 937 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Depth (m) of sand unconsolidated sediment at the start of the simulation, all cells (both inside and outside polygons)
Definition at line 940 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total actual platform erosion (coarse consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 793 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total actual platform erosion (fine consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 787 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total actual platform erosion (sand consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 790 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total beach deposition (coarse unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 811 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total beach deposition (sand unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 808 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total actual beach erosion (coarse unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 805 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total actual beach erosion (fine unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 799 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total actual beach erosion (sand unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 802 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total coarse sediment eroded during Dean profile deposition of talus following cliff collapse (depth in m)
Definition at line 835 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nDoCliffCollapseDeposition().
private |
This-iteration total of coarse consolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
Definition at line 895 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapse(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
This-iteration total of coarse unconsolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
Definition at line 886 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapse(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
This-iteration total of fine consolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
Definition at line 889 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapse(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
This-iteration total of fine unconsolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
Definition at line 880 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapse(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
This-iteration total of sand consolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
Definition at line 892 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapse(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
This-iteration total of sand unconsolidated sediment produced by cliff collapse (m^3)
Definition at line 883 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapse(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total fine sediment eroded during Dean profile deposition of talus following cliff collapse (depth in m)
Definition at line 829 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nDoCliffCollapseDeposition().
private |
Total sand sediment eroded during Dean profile deposition of talus following cliff collapse (depth in m)
Definition at line 832 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nDoCliffCollapseDeposition().
private |
TODO 007 Info needed.
Definition at line 682 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), dGetThisIterTotWaterLevel(), and FloodFillLand().
private |
TODO 007 Info needed.
Definition at line 691 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteTSFiles(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CSimulation(), and FloodFillLand().
private |
TODO 007 Info needed.
Definition at line 688 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteTSFiles(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CSimulation(), and FloodFillLand().
private |
private |
Total fine unconsolidated sediment in suspension for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 814 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nDoCliffCollapse(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and nUpdateGrid().
private |
Total coarse unconsolidated sediment lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 826 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and WritePolygonActualMovement().
private |
Total fine unconsolidated sediment lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 820 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total sand unconsolidated sediment lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 823 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and WritePolygonActualMovement().
private |
The mean still water level for this timestep (does not include tidal changes, but includes any long-term SWL change)
Definition at line 670 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), and nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon().
private |
Total potential beach erosion (all size classes of unconsolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 796 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total potential platform erosion (all size classes of consolidated sediment) for this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 784 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), FillPotentialPlatformErosionHoles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Total unconsolidated sediment from beach erosion (all size classes) lost from the grid this iteration (depth in m)
Definition at line 817 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
The still water level for this timestep (this includes tidal changes and any long-term SWL change)
Definition at line 667 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteTSFiles(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CreateRasterizedProfile(), CSimulation(), dGetThisIterSWL(), nAssignLandformsForAllCells(), nAssignLandformsForAllCoasts(), nCalcExternalForcing(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), nDoSimulation(), nGetThisProfileElevationsForCShore(), nLocateFloodAndCoasts(), nLocateSeaAndCoasts(), and nTraceCoastLine().
private |
This-iteration highest elevation of DEM.
Definition at line 916 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nLocateFloodAndCoasts(), nLocateSeaAndCoasts(), and nUpdateGrid().
private |
This-iteration lowest elevation of DEM.
Definition at line 919 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nLocateFloodAndCoasts(), nLocateSeaAndCoasts(), and nUpdateGrid().
private |
Total sea depth (m) for this iteration.
Definition at line 781 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and nUpdateGrid().
private |
This-iteration total of coarse unconsolidated sediment deposited due to cliff collapse (m^3)
Definition at line 901 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Depth (m) of coarse unconsolidated sediment added, at this iteration.
Definition at line 928 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Depth (m) of fine unconsolidated sediment added, at this iteration.
Definition at line 922 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
This-iteration total of sand unconsolidated sediment deposited due to cliff collapse (m^3)
Definition at line 898 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
Depth (m) of sand unconsolidated sediment added, at this iteration.
Definition at line 925 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
The length of an iteration (a time step) in hours.
Definition at line 631 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bTimeToQuit(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), CSimulation(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), nDoAllPropagateWaves(), nDoSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), and ulConvertToTimestep().
private |
Total coarse consolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons)
Definition at line 970 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable().
private |
Total coarse unconsolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons)
Definition at line 961 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable().
private |
Total fine consolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons)
Definition at line 964 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable().
private |
Total fine unconsolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons)
Definition at line 955 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable().
private |
Total sand consolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons)
Definition at line 967 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable().
private |
Total sand unconsolidated sediment in all polygons, before polygon-to-polygon movement (only cells in polygons)
Definition at line 958 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable().
private |
Total potential platform erosion between profiles.
Definition at line 850 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), FillPotentialPlatformErosionHoles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
Total potential platform erosion on profiles.
Definition at line 847 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
Depth of unconsolidated coarse sediment that could not be deposited during the last iteration, carried forward to this iteration.
Definition at line 976 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Depth of unconsolidated sand sediment that could not be deposited during the last iteration, carried forward to this iteration.
Definition at line 973 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
c++11 unit normal distribution (mean = 0, stdev = 1)
Definition at line 1508 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CheckForIntersectingProfiles(), and LocateAndCreateProfiles().
private |
Save time, in hours from the start of the simukation, if we are not saving regularly.
Definition at line 643 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Number of hours after which deep water wave data wraps.
Definition at line 913 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Start depth for wave calculations.
Definition at line 703 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Thw data type used by GDAL for floating point operations, can be GDT_Byte, GDT_Int16, GDT_UInt16, GDT_Int32, GDT_UInt32, or GDT_Float32.
Definition at line 544 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), and CSimulation().
private |
The data type used by GDAL for integer operations, can be GDT_Byte, GDT_Int16, GDT_UInt16, GDT_Int32, or GDT_UInt32.
Definition at line 541 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), and CSimulation().
private |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment eroded during beach (unconsolidated sediment) movement (m)
Definition at line 1047 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment lost via beach (unconsolidated) sediment movement (m)
Definition at line 1002 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of fine sediment eroded during beach (unconsolidated sediment) movement (m)
Definition at line 1041 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of fine sediment lost via beach (unconsolidated) sediment movement (m)
Definition at line 996 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of sand sediment eroded during beach (unconsolidated sediment) movement (m)
Definition at line 1044 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of sand sediment lost via beach (unconsolidated) sediment movement (m)
Definition at line 999 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment from cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1017 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment eroded during talus deposition following cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1035 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of fine sediment from cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1011 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of fine sediment eroded during talus deposition following cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1029 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of sand sediment from cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1014 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of sand sediment eroded during talus deposition following cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1032 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment deposited as talus following cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1026 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of fine sediment moved to suspension, due to cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1020 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of sand sediment deposited as talus following cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1023 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment actual platform erosion (m)
Definition at line 990 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment deposited during beach (unconsolidated sediment) movement (m)
Definition at line 1053 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of shortfall in unconsolidated coarse sediment deposition (m, not currently used)
Definition at line 1062 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and DoEndOfTimestepTotals().
private |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment input (m)
Definition at line 1071 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of coarse sediment lost via cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1008 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of fine sediment actual platform erosion (m)
Definition at line 984 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of fine sediment input (m)
Definition at line 1065 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of potential beach erosion (m), all size classes.
Definition at line 1038 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of potential platform erosion (m), all size classes.
Definition at line 981 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of potential sediment lost via beach (unconsolidated) sediment movement (m), all size classes.
Definition at line 993 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of sand sediment actual platform erosion (m)
Definition at line 987 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of sand sediment deposited during beach (unconsolidated sediment) movement (m)
Definition at line 1050 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of shortfall in unconsolidated sand sediment deposition (m, not currently used)
Definition at line 1059 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and DoEndOfTimestepTotals().
private |
All-simulation total of sand sediment input (m)
Definition at line 1068 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of sand sediment lost via cliff collapse (m)
Definition at line 1005 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
All-simulation total of suspended sediment (m)
Definition at line 1056 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
The maximum integer value which GDAL can write, can be UINT8_MAX, INT16_MAX, UINT16_MAX, INT32_MAX, or UINT32_MAX,.
Definition at line 547 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), and CSimulation().
private |
The minimum integer value which GDAL can write, can be zero, INT16_MIN, INT32_MIN.
Definition at line 550 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), and CSimulation().
private |
Which beach erosion-deposition equation is used. Possible values are UNCONS_SEDIMENT_EQUATION_CERC and UNCONS_SEDIMENT_EQUATION_KAMPHUIS.
Definition at line 488 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), WritePolygonPotentialErosion(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Coast curvature interval is a length, measured in coastline points.
Definition at line 455 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Definition at line 538 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), DoCoastCurvature(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Maximum valid coast length when searching for coasts, actually is COAST_LENGTH_MAX * tMax(m_nXGridSize, m_nYGridSize)
Definition at line 470 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), nTraceCoastLine(), and nTraceFloodCoastLine().
private |
Minimum valid coast legth when searching for coass, actualli is tMin(m_nXGridSize, m_nYGridSize)
Definition at line 473 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), nTraceCoastLine(), and nTraceFloodCoastLine().
private |
Average spacing between cost normals, measured in cells.
Definition at line 452 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nCreateAllProfiles(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
Which method to use for coast smoothing.
Definition at line 440 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), nTraceCoastLine(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The size of the window used for coast smoothing. Must be an odd number.
Definition at line 443 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CalcSavitzkyGolayCoeffs(), CSimulation(), LSmoothCoastRunningMean(), LSmoothCoastSavitzkyGolay(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The duration of data for deep water waves, expressed as a number of time steps.
Definition at line 527 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nCalcExternalForcing(), and nReadWaveStationInputFile().
private |
The maximum number of digits in GIS filenames. These can be sequential, or the iteration number.
Definition at line 458 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The save number for GIS files (can be sequential, or the iteration number)
Definition at line 461 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceProgress(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CSimulation(), DoSimulationEnd(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
The number of sediment layers.
Definition at line 437 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Definition at line 536 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), FloodFillLand(), nDoSimulation(), nLocateFloodAndCoasts(), and nTraceFloodCoastLine().
private |
The level of detail in the log file output. Can be LOG_FILE_LOW_DETAIL, LOG_FILE_MIDDLE_DETAIL, LOG_FILE_HIGH_DETAIL, or LOG_FILE_ALL.
Definition at line 530 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bOpenLogFile(), bReadRunDataFile(), CreateRasterizedProfile(), CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), MarkProfilesOnGrid(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), nCheckAllProfiles(), nCreateAllProfiles(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nDoAllShadowZones(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapse(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nDoSimulation(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon(), nFloodFillShadowZone(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), nMarkBoundingBoxEdgeCells(), nTraceAllCoasts(), nTraceCoastLine(), nTraceFloodCoastLine(), nWriteEndRunDetails(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The value used for integer missing values.
Definition at line 491 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteRasterGISFile(), CSimulation(), nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(), and nReadRasterGISFile().
private |
Number of global (all coasts) polygons.
Definition at line 482 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CalcD50AndFillWaveCalcHoles(), CSimulation(), and nCreateAllPolygons().
private |
The size of the window used for running-mean coast-normal profile smoothing (must be odd)
Definition at line 449 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), dVSmoothProfileSlope(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The run-up equation used TODO 007.
Definition at line 533 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), and nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile().
private |
The order of the coastline profile smoothing polynomial if Savitsky-Golay smoothing is used (usually 2 or 4, max is 6)
Definition at line 446 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CalcSavitzkyGolayCoeffs(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Start date of the simulation (day)
Definition at line 518 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), ulConvertToTimestep(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Start time of the simulation (hours)
Definition at line 515 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), ulConvertToTimestep(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Start time of the simulation (minutes)
Definition at line 512 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), ulConvertToTimestep(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Start date of the simulation (month)
Definition at line 521 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), ulConvertToTimestep(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Start time of the simulation (seconds)
Definition at line 509 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), ulConvertToTimestep(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Start date of the simulation (year)
Definition at line 524 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), ulConvertToTimestep(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Used in calculations of GIS save intervals.
Definition at line 467 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and nDoSimulation().
private |
How sediment which moves off an edge of the grid is handled. Possible values are GRID_EDGE_CLOSED, GRID_EDGE_OPEN, GRID_EDGE_RECIRCULATE.
Definition at line 485 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nWriteEndRunDetails(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
If user-defined GIS save intervals, the number of these.
Definition at line 464 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), CSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The wave propagation model used. Possible values are WAVE_MODEL_CSHORE and WAVE_MODEL_COVE.
Definition at line 506 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The size of the grid in the x direction.
Definition at line 431 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bIsWithinValidGrid(), bIsWithinValidGrid(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CalcD50AndFillWaveCalcHoles(), CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), FillInBeachProtectionHoles(), FillPotentialPlatformErosionHoles(), FindAllInundatedCells(), FloodFillLand(), FloodFillSea(), GetRasterOutputMinMax(), KeepWithinValidGrid(), LSmoothCoastRunningMean(), LSmoothCoastSavitzkyGolay(), MarkPolygonCells(), nAssignLandformsForAllCells(), nCheckAllProfiles(), nDoAllPropagateWaves(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), nDoSimulation(), nFloodFillShadowZone(), nGetGridXMax(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(), nMarkBoundingBoxEdgeCells(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), nReadRasterGISFile(), nReadVectorGISFile(), nUpdateGrid(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The maximum x value of the bounding box.
Definition at line 497 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), FloodFillSea(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nInterpolateWavesToPolygonCells(), and nLandformToGrid().
private |
The minimum x value of the bounding box.
Definition at line 494 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), FloodFillSea(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nInterpolateWavesToPolygonCells(), and nLandformToGrid().
private |
The size of the grid in the y direction.
Definition at line 434 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bIsWithinValidGrid(), bIsWithinValidGrid(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CalcD50AndFillWaveCalcHoles(), CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), FillInBeachProtectionHoles(), FillPotentialPlatformErosionHoles(), FindAllInundatedCells(), FloodFillLand(), FloodFillSea(), GetRasterOutputMinMax(), KeepWithinValidGrid(), LSmoothCoastRunningMean(), LSmoothCoastSavitzkyGolay(), MarkPolygonCells(), nAssignLandformsForAllCells(), nCheckAllProfiles(), nDoAllPropagateWaves(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), nDoSimulation(), nFloodFillShadowZone(), nGetGridYMax(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(), nMarkBoundingBoxEdgeCells(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), nReadRasterGISFile(), nReadVectorGISFile(), nUpdateGrid(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The maximum y value of the bounding box.
Definition at line 503 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), FloodFillSea(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nInterpolateWavesToPolygonCells(), and nLandformToGrid().
private |
The minimum y value of the bounding box.
Definition at line 500 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), FloodFillSea(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nInterpolateWavesToPolygonCells(), and nLandformToGrid().
private |
Options for GDAL when handling raster files.
Definition at line 425 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteRasterGISFile(), CSimulation(), and SetRasterFileCreationDefaults().
private |
Options for GDAL when handling vector files.
Definition at line 428 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteVectorGISFile(), and CSimulation().
private |
Pointer to the raster grid object.
Definition at line 1478 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bElevAboveDeanElev(), bIsInterventionCell(), bIsWithinValidGrid(), bIsWithinValidGrid(), bSurroundedByDriftCells(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CalcD50AndFillWaveCalcHoles(), ConstructParallelProfile(), CreateRasterizedProfile(), CSimulation(), dCalcBeachProtectionFactor(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), ErodeCellBeachSedimentSupplyLimited(), FillInBeachProtectionHoles(), FillPotentialPlatformErosionHoles(), FindAllInundatedCells(), FindAllSeaCells(), FloodFillLand(), FloodFillSea(), GetRasterOutputMinMax(), KeepWithinValidGrid(), MarkPolygonCells(), MarkProfilesOnGrid(), ModifyBreakingWavePropertiesWithinShadowZoneToCoastline(), nAssignLandformsForAllCells(), nAssignLandformsForAllCoasts(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), nCheckAllProfiles(), nCreateAllPolygons(), nCreateProfile(), nDoAllPropagateWaves(), nDoAllShadowZones(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), nDoCliffCollapse(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nDoSimulation(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon(), nFloodFillShadowZone(), nGetThisProfileElevationsForCShore(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(), nInterpolateWavesToPolygonCells(), nLandformToGrid(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), nMarkBoundingBoxEdgeCells(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), nReadRasterGISFile(), nTraceAllCoasts(), nTraceAllFloodCoasts(), nTraceCoastLine(), nTraceFloodCoastLine(), nUpdateGrid(), ProcessDownDriftCell(), ProcessShadowZoneCell(), RasterizePolygonJoiningLine(), and ~CSimulation().
private |
Pointers to coast polygon objects, in down-coast sequence TODO 044 Will need to use global polygon ID here to support multiple coastlines.
Definition at line 1490 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AppendPolygon(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfRunDeletes(), GetRasterOutputMinMax(), nCreateAllPolygons(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nGetCoastPolygonSize(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), pGetPolygon(), WritePolygonActualMovement(), WritePolygonCliffCollapseErosion(), WritePolygonPotentialErosion(), WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable(), WritePolygonSedimentBeforeMovement(), WritePolygonSedimentInputEventTable(), WritePolygonShorePlatformErosion(), and WritePolygonSortedSequence().
private |
Sediment input events.
Definition at line 1502 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nCheckForSedimentInputEvent(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), and nReadSedimentInputEventFile().
private |
The c++11 random number generators.
Definition at line 1505 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CheckForIntersectingProfiles(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), LocateAndCreateProfiles(), nDoSimulation(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon().
private |
The CME folder.
Definition at line 1074 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bFindExeDir(), bReadIniFile(), bReadRunDataFile(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), and nReadShapeFunctionFile().
private |
Folder for the CME .ini file.
Definition at line 1077 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadIniFile(), nHandleCommandLineParams(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Folder in which the CME data file is found.
Definition at line 1083 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadIniFile(), bReadRunDataFile(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The name of the deep water wave stations time series file.
Definition at line 1250 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadDeepWaterWaveValuesGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The name of the deep water wave stations shape file.
Definition at line 1247 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadVectorGISFile(), nReadWaveStationInputFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The duration units for this simulation.
Definition at line 1244 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nDoSimulationTimeMultiplier().
private |
The name of the flood loction events shape file.
Definition at line 1259 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadFloodLocationGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL data type for the basement DEM raster file.
Definition at line 1133 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterBasementDEM(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL code for the basement DEM raster file type.
Definition at line 1124 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL description of the basement DEM raster file type.
Definition at line 1127 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterBasementDEM(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL projection string for the basement DEM raster file.
Definition at line 1130 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL data type of the initial intervention class raster file.
Definition at line 1157 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL code for the initial intervention class raster file.
Definition at line 1148 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL description of the initial intervention class raster file.
Definition at line 1151 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL projection string for the initial intervention class raster file.
Definition at line 1154 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL data type for the initial intervention height raster file.
Definition at line 1169 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL code for the initial intervention height raster file.
Definition at line 1160 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL description for the initial intervention height raster file.
Definition at line 1163 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL projection string for the initial intervention height raster file.
Definition at line 1166 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL data type for the initial suspended sediment raster file.
Definition at line 1193 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL code for the initial suspended sediment raster file.
Definition at line 1184 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL description for the initial suspended sediment raster file.
Definition at line 1187 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL projection string for the initial suspended sediment raster file.
Definition at line 1190 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL data type for the initial water depth raster file.
Definition at line 1181 of file simulation.h.
private |
GDAL code for the initial water depth raster file.
Definition at line 1172 of file simulation.h.
private |
GDAL description for the initial water depth raster file.
Definition at line 1175 of file simulation.h.
private |
GDAL projection string for the initial water depth raster file.
Definition at line 1178 of file simulation.h.
private |
GDAL data type for the initial landform class raster file.
Definition at line 1145 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL code for the for the initial landform class raster file.
Definition at line 1136 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL description of the initial landform class raster file.
Definition at line 1139 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL projection string for the initial landform class raster file.
Definition at line 1142 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL raster output driver file extension.
Definition at line 1235 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), and bWriteRasterGISFile().
private |
GDAL raster output driver long name.
Definition at line 1232 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Name of initial basement DEM file.
Definition at line 1094 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadBasementDEM(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterBasementDEM(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Name of initial landform file.
Definition at line 1097 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadLGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nDoSimulation(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Name of initial suspended sediment file.
Definition at line 1106 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadInitialSuspSedGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Name of intervention class file.
Definition at line 1100 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadICGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nDoSimulation(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Name of intervention height file.
Definition at line 1103 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadIHGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Name of output log file.
Definition at line 1115 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bOpenLogFile(), bReadRunDataFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
An email addresx to which to send end-of-simulation messages.
Definition at line 1080 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadIniFile(), and DoSimulationEnd().
private |
GDAL data type for the deep water wave stations vector file.
Definition at line 1205 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL code for the deep water wave stations vector file.
Definition at line 1196 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Definition at line 1199 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL geometry for the deep water wave stations vector file.
Definition at line 1202 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL data type for the flood input locations point or vector file.
Definition at line 1229 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL code for the flood input locations point or vector file.
Definition at line 1220 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Definition at line 1223 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL geometry for the flood input locations point or vector file.
Definition at line 1226 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL data type for the sediment input event locations vector file.
Definition at line 1217 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL code for the sediment input event locations vector file.
Definition at line 1208 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Definition at line 1211 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile().
private |
GDAL geometry for the sediment input event locations vector file.
Definition at line 1214 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
GDAL-OGR vector output drive file extension.
Definition at line 1238 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckVectorGISOutputFormat(), and bWriteVectorGISFile().
private |
Name of main output file.
Definition at line 1121 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Path for all output files.
Definition at line 1118 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadIniFile(), bReadRunDataFile(), bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteParProfileData(), bWriteProfileData(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), nDoSimulation(), WriteLookUpData(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Base name for CME raster GIS output files.
Definition at line 1086 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckRasterGISOutputFormat(), bCheckVectorGISOutputFormat(), bReadRunDataFile(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), and SetRasterFileCreationDefaults().
private |
The name of this simulation.
Definition at line 1241 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), DoSimulationEnd(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Name of SCAPE shape function file.
Definition at line 1109 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadShapeFunctionFile().
private |
The name of the sediment input events time series file.
Definition at line 1256 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadSedimentEventInputValuesGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadSedimentInputEventFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The name of the sediment input events shape file.
Definition at line 1253 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Name of tide data file.
Definition at line 1112 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadTideData(), bReadRunDataFile(), nDoSimulation(), nReadTideDataFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Base name for CME vector GIS output files.
Vector GIS output format
Definition at line 1091 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCheckVectorGISOutputFormat(), bReadRunDataFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
System finish-simulation time.
Definition at line 1265 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CalcTime(), CSimulation(), DoSimulationEnd(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
System start-simulation time.
Definition at line 1262 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceLicence(), AnnounceProgress(), CalcTime(), CSimulation(), StartClock(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The number of the current iteration (time step)
Definition at line 553 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bTimeToQuit(), bWriteParProfileData(), bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteProfileData(), bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CreateRasterizedProfile(), CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), DoEndOfTimestepTotals(), DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), DoSimulationEnd(), GetRasterOutputMinMax(), MarkProfilesOnGrid(), nAssignLandformsForAllCoasts(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), nCheckAllProfiles(), nCheckForSedimentInputEvent(), nCreateAllPolygons(), nCreateAllProfiles(), nCreateProfile(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nDoAllPropagateWaves(), nDoAllShadowZones(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapse(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nDoSimulation(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon(), nFloodFillShadowZone(), nGetCoastNormalEndPoint(), nGetThisProfileElevationsForCShore(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nInsertPointIntoProfilesIfNeededThenUpdate(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), nLocateFloodAndCoasts(), nLocateSeaAndCoasts(), nMarkBoundingBoxEdgeCells(), nSaveParProfile(), nSaveProfile(), nTraceAllCoasts(), nTraceCoastLine(), nTraceFloodCoastLine(), TruncateOneProfileRetainOtherProfile(), WritePolygonActualMovement(), WritePolygonCliffCollapseErosion(), WritePolygonPotentialErosion(), WritePolygonPreExistingSedimentTable(), WritePolygonSedimentBeforeMovement(), WritePolygonSedimentInputEventTable(), WritePolygonShareTable(), WritePolygonShorePlatformErosion(), WritePolygonSortedSequence(), and WritePolygonUnsortedSequence().
private |
The number of basement cells marked with as missing value.
Definition at line 592 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), and nMarkBoundingBoxEdgeCells().
private |
The number of cells in the grid.
Definition at line 562 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteRasterGISFile(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues().
private |
A seed for each of the NRNG random number generators.
Definition at line 559 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), CSimulation(), nDoSimulation(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The number of grid cells on which actual beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion occurs, for this iteration.
Definition at line 580 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
The number of grid cells on which actual platform erosion occurs, for this iteration.
Definition at line 574 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), DoActualPlatformErosionOnCell(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
The number of grid cells on which beach (unconsolidated sediment) deposition occurs, for this iteration.
Definition at line 583 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), nDoParallelProfileUnconsErosion(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
The number of grid cells which are marked as coast, for this iteration.
Definition at line 568 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and nUpdateGrid().
private |
The number of grid cells on which potential beach (unconsolidated sediment) erosion occurs, for this iteration.
Definition at line 577 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
The number of grid cells on which potential platform erosion occurs, for this iteration.
Definition at line 571 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CSimulation(), FillPotentialPlatformErosionHoles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), and nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel().
private |
The number of grid cells which are marked as sea, for this iteration.
Definition at line 565 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), bWriteTSFiles(), CSimulation(), FloodFillSea(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), and nUpdateGrid().
private |
The number of cells on which between-profile average potential shore platform erosion occurs.
Definition at line 589 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), FillPotentialPlatformErosionHoles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
The number of cells on which on-profile average potential shore platform erosion occurs.
Definition at line 586 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CSimulation(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), and nWriteEndRunDetails().
private |
The target number of iterations.
Definition at line 556 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bTimeToQuit(), CalcTime(), and CSimulation().
private |
The location to compute the total water level for flooding.
Definition at line 1499 of file simulation.h.
The coastline objects.
Definition at line 1481 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AllPolygonsUpdateStoredUncons(), bWriteVectorGISFile(), CalcCoastTangents(), CalcD50AndFillWaveCalcHoles(), CheckForIntersectingProfiles(), DoAllPotentialBeachErosion(), DoCoastCurvature(), DoEndOfRunDeletes(), DoShadowZoneAndDownDriftZone(), FloodFillLand(), InterpolateWaveHeightToCoastPoints(), InterpolateWavePropertiesBetweenProfiles(), LocateAndCreateProfiles(), MarkPolygonCells(), MarkProfilesOnGrid(), MergeProfilesAtFinalLineSegments(), ModifyBreakingWavePropertiesWithinShadowZoneToCoastline(), nAssignLandformsForAllCoasts(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionBetweenProfiles(), nCalcPotentialPlatformErosionOnProfile(), nCalcWavePropertiesOnProfile(), nCheckAllProfiles(), nCreateAllPolygons(), nCreateAllProfiles(), nCreateProfile(), nDoAllActualBeachErosionAndDeposition(), nDoAllPropagateWaves(), nDoAllShadowZones(), nDoAllShorePlatFormErosion(), nDoAllWaveEnergyToCoastLandforms(), nDoCliffCollapse(), nDoCliffCollapseDeposition(), nDoPolygonSharedBoundaries(), nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nDoUnconsDepositionOnPolygon(), nDoUnconsErosionOnPolygon(), nGetCoastNormalEndPoint(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nInsertPointIntoProfilesIfNeededThenUpdate(), nLandformToGrid(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), nLocateSeaAndCoasts(), nSetAllCoastpointDeepWaterWaveValues(), nTraceCoastLine(), nUpdateGrid(), PtiFindClosestCoastPoint(), TruncateProfileAndAppendNew(), WritePolygonSortedSequence(), and WritePolygonUnsortedSequence().
private |
X coordinate (grid CRS) for deep water wave station.
Definition at line 1352 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(), and nReadVectorGISFile().
private |
Y coordinate (grid CRS) for deep water wave station.
Definition at line 1355 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(), and nReadVectorGISFile().
private |
For erosion potential lookup.
Definition at line 1340 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by dLookUpErosionPotential(), nReadShapeFunctionFile(), and WriteLookUpData().
private |
For erosion potential lookup.
Definition at line 1337 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bCreateErosionPotentialLookUp(), dLookUpErosionPotential(), nReadShapeFunctionFile(), and WriteLookUpData().
private |
X coordinate (grid CRS) for total water level flooding.
Definition at line 1382 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by FloodFillLand(), and nReadVectorGISFile().
private |
X coordinate (grid CRS) for total water level flooding.
Definition at line 1385 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by FloodFillLand(), and nReadVectorGISFile().
private |
Savitzky-Golay filter coefficients for the profile vectors.
Definition at line 1346 of file simulation.h.
private |
Savitzky-Golay filter coefficients for the coastline vector(s)
Definition at line 1343 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CalcSavitzkyGolayCoeffs(), and LSmoothCoastSavitzkyGolay().
private |
X coordinate (grid CRS) for sediment input event.
Definition at line 1376 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nDoSedimentInputEvent(), and nReadVectorGISFile().
private |
X coordinate (grid CRS) for sediment input event.
Definition at line 1379 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nDoSedimentInputEvent(), and nReadVectorGISFile().
private |
Elevations for raster slice output.
Definition at line 1334 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), bSaveAllRasterGISFiles(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
This-iteration wave orientation at deep water wave station.
Definition at line 1361 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nCalcExternalForcing(), nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(), and nReadWaveStationInputFile().
private |
This-iteration wave height at deep water wave station.
Definition at line 1358 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nCalcExternalForcing(), nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(), and nReadWaveStationInputFile().
private |
This-iteration wave period at deep water wave station.
Definition at line 1364 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nCalcExternalForcing(), nInterpolateAllDeepWaterWaveValues(), and nReadWaveStationInputFile().
private |
Tide data: one record per timestep, is the change (m) from still water level for that timestep.
Definition at line 1349 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nCalcExternalForcing(), and nReadTideDataFile().
private |
Time series of wave orientation at deep water wave station.
Definition at line 1370 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nCalcExternalForcing(), and nReadWaveStationInputFile().
private |
Time series of wave heights at deep water wave station.
Definition at line 1367 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nCalcExternalForcing(), and nReadWaveStationInputFile().
private |
Time series of wave period at deep water wave station.
Definition at line 1373 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nCalcExternalForcing(), and nReadWaveStationInputFile().
private |
Edge cells.
Definition at line 1493 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by FindAllInundatedCells(), FindAllSeaCells(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), nMarkBoundingBoxEdgeCells(), nTraceAllCoasts(), and nTraceAllFloodCoasts().
private |
The grid edge that each edge cell belongs to.
Definition at line 1496 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by FindAllInundatedCells(), FindAllSeaCells(), nLocateAndCreateGridEdgeProfile(), nMarkBoundingBoxEdgeCells(), nTraceAllCoasts(), and nTraceAllFloodCoasts().
TODO 007 Info needed.
Definition at line 1484 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteVectorGISFile(), DoEndOfRunDeletes(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nLocateFloodAndCoasts(), and nTraceFloodCoastLine().
TODO 007 Info needed.
Definition at line 1487 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWriteVectorGISFile(), DoEndOfRunDeletes(), nInitGridAndCalcStillWaterLevel(), nLocateFloodAndCoasts(), and nTraceFloodCoastLine().
private |
Calculate deep water wave values at these timesteps.
Definition at line 1331 of file simulation.h.
private |
ID for deep water wave station, this corresponds with the ID in the wave time series file.
Definition at line 1316 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nCalcExternalForcing(), nDoSimulation(), and nReadVectorGISFile().
private |
ID for flood location.
Definition at line 1322 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nReadVectorGISFile().
private |
The numbers of the profiles which are to be saved.
Definition at line 1313 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nSaveParProfile(), nSaveProfile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Savitzky-Golay shift index for the coastline vector(s)
Definition at line 1325 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by CalcSavitzkyGolayCoeffs(), and LSmoothCoastSavitzkyGolay().
private |
ID for sediment input location, this corresponds with the ID in the sediment input time series file.
Definition at line 1319 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by nDoSedimentInputEvent(), nReadSedimentInputEventFile(), and nReadVectorGISFile().
GDAL data type for the initial consolidated coarse sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1475 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver code for the initial consolidated coarse sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1466 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver decription for the initial consolidated coarse sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1469 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL projection for the initial consolidated coarse sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1472 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL data type for the initial consolidated fine sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1451 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver code for the initial consolidated fine sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1442 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver description for the initial consolidated fine sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1445 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL projection for the initial consolidated fine sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1448 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL data type for the initial consolidated sand sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1463 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver code for the initial consolidated sand sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1454 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver description for the initial consolidated sand sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1457 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL dprojection for the initial consolidated sand sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1460 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL data type for the initial unconsolidated coarse sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1439 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver code for the initial unconsolidated coarse sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1430 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver description for the initial unconsolidated coarse sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1433 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL projection for the initial unconsolidated coarse sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1436 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL data type for the initial unconsolidated fine sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1415 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver code for the initial unconsolidated fine sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1406 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver description for the initial unconsolidated fine sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1409 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL projection for the initial unconsolidated fine sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1412 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL data type for the initial unconsolidated sand sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1427 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver code for the initial unconsolidated sand sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1418 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL driver description for the initial unconsolidated sand sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1421 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
GDAL projection for the initial unconsolidated sand sediment GIS data.
Definition at line 1424 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
The name of the initial coarse-sized consolidated sediment GIS file.
Definition at line 1403 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadInitialCoarseConsSedGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
The name of the initial coarse-sized unconsolidated sediment GIS file.
Definition at line 1394 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadInitialCoarseUnconsSedGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
The name of the initial fine-sized consolidated sediment GIS file.
Definition at line 1397 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadInitialFineConsSedGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
The name of the initial fine-sized unconsolidated sediment GIS file.
Definition at line 1388 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadInitialFineUnconsSedGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
The name of the initial sand-sized consolidated sediment GIS file.
Definition at line 1400 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadInitialSandConsSedGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
The name of the initial sand-sized unconsolidated sediment GIS file.
Definition at line 1391 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by AnnounceReadInitialSandUnconsSedGIS(), bReadRunDataFile(), nReadRasterGISFile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
Timesteps at which to save profiles.
Definition at line 1328 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bReadRunDataFile(), nSaveParProfile(), nSaveProfile(), and WriteStartRunDetails().
private |
The main output file stream.
Definition at line 1268 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bWritePerTimestepResults(), CalcProcessStats(), CalcTime(), DoSimulationEnd(), nDoSimulation(), nWriteEndRunDetails(), WriteStartRunDetails(), and ~CSimulation().
private |
Shore platform erosion time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1277 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), and ~CSimulation().
private |
Sea area time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1271 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), and ~CSimulation().
private |
SWL time series file output stream.
Definition at line 1274 of file simulation.h.
Referenced by bSetUpTSFiles(), bWriteTSFiles(), and ~CSimulation().