CoastalME (Coastal Modelling Environment)
Simulates the long-term behaviour of complex coastlines
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
14#ifndef CELL_H
15#define CELL_H
18This file is part of CoastalME, the Coastal Modelling Environment.
20CoastalME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
22This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
24You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
27#include "cme.h"
28#include "cell_landform.h"
29#include "cell_layer.h"
30#include "raster_grid.h"
34 friend class CSimulation;
55 // //! TODO 007 What is this used for?
56 // bool m_bCheckCell;
205 // Initialize these as empty vectors
207 vector<CRWCellLayer> m_VLayerAboveBasement;
210 vector<double> m_VdAllHorizonTopElev;
217 CGeomCell();
218 ~CGeomCell(void);
220 void SetInContiguousSea(void);
221 bool bIsInContiguousSea(void) const;
223 void SetInContiguousFlood(void); // TODO 007 Do we need this?
224 void UnSetInContiguousFlood(void); // TODO 007 Do we need this?
225 void SetFloodBySetupSurge(void); // TODO 007 Do we need this?
226 bool bIsFloodBySetupSurge(void) const; // TODO 007 Do we need this?
227 void SetFloodBySetupSurgeRunup(void); // TODO 007 Do we need this?
228 bool bIsFloodBySetupSurgeRunup(void) const; // TODO 007 Do we need this?
229 bool bIsInContiguousFlood(void) const; // TODO 007 Do we need this?
231 void SetInActiveZone(bool const);
232 bool bIsInActiveZone(void) const;
233 bool bPotentialPlatformErosion(void) const;
234 // bool bActualPlatformErosion(void) const;
235 void SetAsCoastline(bool const);
236 bool bIsCoastline(void) const;
237 void SetAsFloodLine(bool const);
238 bool bIsFloodLine(void) const;
240 void SetProfileID(int const);
241 int nGetProfileID(void) const;
242 bool bIsProfile(void) const;
244 void SetShadowZoneBoundary(void);
245 bool bIsShadowZoneBoundary(void) const;
247 void SetBoundingBoxEdge(int const);
248 int nGetBoundingBoxEdge(void) const;
249 bool bIsBoundingBoxEdge(void) const;
251 void SetPossibleCoastStartCell(void);
252 bool bIsPossibleCoastStartCell(void) const;
254 void SetPossibleFloodStartCell(void);
255 // bool bIsPossibleFloodStartCell(void) const;
257 void SetPolygonID(int const);
258 int nGetPolygonID(void) const;
262 void SetWaveFlood(void);
263 bool bIsElevLessThanWaterLevel(void) const;
265 void SetCheckCell(void);
266 bool bIsCellCheck(void) const;
268 void SetCheckFloodCell(void);
269 void UnSetCheckFloodCell(void);
270 bool bIsCellFloodCheck(void) const;
272 void SetLocalConsSlope(double const);
273 double dGetLocalConsSlope(void) const;
275 void SetBasementElev(double const);
276 double dGetBasementElev(void) const;
277 bool bBasementElevIsMissingValue(void) const;
279 // double dGetVolEquivSedTopElev(void) const;
280 double dGetSedimentTopElev(void) const;
281 double dGetSedimentPlusInterventionTopElev(void) const;
282 double dGetOverallTopElev(void) const;
284 bool bIsInundated(void) const;
285 double dGetThisIterSWL(void) const;
286 double dGetThisIterTotWaterLevel(void) const;
287 // bool bIsSeaIncBeach(void) const;
288 void SetSeaDepth(void);
289 double dGetSeaDepth(void) const;
290 void InitCell(void);
291 double dGetTotSeaDepth(void) const;
293 void SetWaveHeight(double const);
294 double dGetWaveHeight(void) const;
295 double dGetTotWaveHeight(void) const;
296 void SetWaveAngle(double const);
297 double dGetWaveAngle(void) const;
298 double dGetTotWaveAngle(void) const;
300 void SetCellDeepWaterWaveHeight(double const);
301 double dGetCellDeepWaterWaveHeight(void) const;
302 void SetCellDeepWaterWaveAngle(double const);
303 double dGetCellDeepWaterWaveAngle(void) const;
304 void SetCellDeepWaterWavePeriod(double const);
305 double dGetCellDeepWaterWavePeriod(void) const;
309 void SetBeachProtectionFactor(double const);
310 double dGetBeachProtectionFactor(void) const;
312 void SetSuspendedSediment(double const);
313 void AddSuspendedSediment(double const);
314 double dGetSuspendedSediment(void) const;
315 double dGetTotSuspendedSediment(void) const;
317 int nGetTopNonZeroLayerAboveBasement(void) const;
318 int nGetTopLayerAboveBasement(void) const;
320 double dGetConsSedTopForLayerAboveBasement(int const) const;
322 void AppendLayers(int const);
323 void CalcAllLayerElevsAndD50(void);
324 int nGetLayerAtElev(double const) const;
325 double dCalcLayerElev(const int);
327 double dGetTotConsFineThickConsiderNotch(void) const;
328 double dGetTotUnconsFine(void) const;
329 double dGetTotConsSandThickConsiderNotch(void) const;
330 double dGetTotUnconsSand(void) const;
331 double dGetTotConsCoarseThickConsiderNotch(void) const;
332 double dGetTotUnconsCoarse(void) const;
334 double dGetTotConsThickness(void) const;
335 double dGetTotUnconsThickness(void) const;
336 double dGetTotAllSedThickness(void) const;
338 void SetPotentialPlatformErosion(double const);
339 double dGetPotentialPlatformErosion(void) const;
340 double dGetTotPotentialPlatformErosion(void) const;
342 void SetActualPlatformErosion(double const);
343 double dGetActualPlatformErosion(void) const;
344 double dGetTotActualPlatformErosion(void) const;
346 void IncrCliffCollapseErosion(double const, double const, double const);
347 double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseErosionFine(void) const;
348 double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseErosionSand(void) const;
350 double dGetTotCliffCollapseFine(void) const;
351 double dGetTotCliffCollapseSand(void) const;
352 double dGetTotCliffCollapseCoarse(void) const;
354 void AddSandTalusDeposition(double const);
356 double dGetTotSandTalusDeposition(void) const;
357 void AddCoarseTalusDeposition(double const);
359 double dGetTotCoarseTalusDeposition(void) const;
361 void SetPotentialBeachErosion(double const);
362 double dGetPotentialBeachErosion(void) const;
363 double dGetTotPotentialBeachErosion(void) const;
364 void SetActualBeachErosion(double const);
365 double dGetActualBeachErosion(void) const;
366 double dGetTotActualBeachErosion(void) const;
367 // bool bActualBeachErosionThisIter(void) const;
369 void IncrBeachDeposition(double const);
370 double dGetBeachDeposition(void) const;
371 double dGetTotBeachDeposition(void) const;
372 // bool bBeachDepositionThisIter(void) const;
374 bool bBeachErosionOrDepositionThisIter(void) const;
376 double dGetUnconsD50(void) const;
378 void SetInterventionClass(int const);
379 int nGetInterventionClass(void) const;
380 void SetInterventionHeight(double const);
381 double dGetInterventionHeight(void) const;
382 double dGetInterventionTopElev(void) const;
384 void SetShadowZoneNumber(int const);
385 int nGetShadowZoneNumber(void) const;
386 bool bIsinThisShadowZone(int const) const;
387 bool bIsinAnyShadowZone(void) const;
388 void SetDownDriftZoneNumber(int const);
389 int nGetDownDriftZoneNumber(void) const;
391#endif // CELL_H
Contains CRWCellLandform definitions.
Contains CRWCellLayer definitions.
double m_dTotActualPlatformErosion
Total depth of sediment actually eroded from the shore platform.
Definition cell.h:146
double dGetTotCliffCollapseFine(void) const
Returns the running total depth of fine-sized sediment eroded by cliff collapse on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:979
void SetCellDeepWaterWavePeriod(double const)
Sets the deep water wave Period on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:917
double dGetTotWaveHeight(void) const
Returns the total wave height on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:868
void SetInContiguousFlood(void)
TODO 007 What do this do? Does it duplicate SetInContiguousSea()?
Definition cell.cpp:121
double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseErosionFine(void) const
Returns the depth of this-timestep fine-sized sediment cliff collapse on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:961
double m_dTotTalusCoarseDeposition
Total depth of unconsolidated coarse sediment deposited as a result of cliff collapse.
Definition cell.h:176
double dGetTotCoarseTalusDeposition(void) const
Returns the total depth of coarse talus deposition from cliff collapse on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:1029
double m_dTotPotentialPlatformErosion
Total depth of sediment eroded from the shore platform, if no supply-limitation.
Definition cell.h:140
int m_nBoundingBoxEdge
If this cell is an edge (or bounding box) cell, this specifies the edge.
Definition cell.h:77
double m_dWaveAngle
Wave orientation.
Definition cell.h:110
double dGetTotPotentialPlatformErosion(void) const
Get total potential (unconstrained) shore platform erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:767
bool bIsinAnyShadowZone(void) const
Returns true if this cell is in any shadow zone, false otherwise.
Definition cell.cpp:300
double dGetTotConsFineThickConsiderNotch(void) const
Returns the total thickness of fine consolidated sediment on this cell, minus the depth-equivalent of...
Definition cell.cpp:583
bool bIsFloodBySetupSurge(void) const
TODO 007 What does this do? Is this cell flood by setup surge?
Definition cell.cpp:139
bool m_bCheckFloodCell
TODO 007 What is this used for?
Definition cell.h:59
void CalcAllLayerElevsAndD50(void)
For this cell, calculates the elevation of the top of every layer, and the d50 for the topmost uncons...
Definition cell.cpp:694
int nGetTopLayerAboveBasement(void) const
Returns the index of the topmost sediment layer (layer 0 being the one just above basement),...
Definition cell.cpp:483
double dCalcLayerElev(const int)
For this cell, calculates the elevation of the top of a given layer.
Definition cell.cpp:742
int nGetShadowZoneNumber(void) const
Gets the number of the shadow zone that this cell is in.
Definition cell.cpp:285
void SetWaveHeight(double const)
Sets the wave height on this cell, also increments the total wave height.
Definition cell.cpp:852
bool bIsShadowZoneBoundary(void) const
Returns a flag which shows whether this cell is a shadow zone boundary.
Definition cell.cpp:181
double dGetCellDeepWaterWavePeriod(void) const
Returns the deep water wave period on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:923
void InitCell(void)
Initialise values for this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:798
double dGetCellDeepWaterWaveAngle(void) const
Returns the deep water wave orientation on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:911
bool bBeachErosionOrDepositionThisIter(void) const
Returns true only if this cell has had no deposition or erosion this timestep.
Definition cell.cpp:1104
double dGetTotPotentialBeachErosion(void) const
Get total potential (supply-unconstrained) beach erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:1048
bool bIsFloodBySetupSurgeRunup(void) const
TODO 007 What does this do? Is this cell flood by setup surge runup?
Definition cell.cpp:151
void SetInActiveZone(bool const)
Sets a flag to show whether this cell is in the active zone.
Definition cell.cpp:163
double dGetPotentialBeachErosion(void) const
Get potential (unconstrained) beach erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:1042
bool bIsInContiguousSea(void) const
Is this a sea cell?
Definition cell.cpp:115
double m_dBeachProtectionFactor
Only meaningful if in zone of platform erosion. 0 is fully protected; 1 = no protection.
Definition cell.h:128
bool m_bInContiguousSea
Switch to indicate if this is a sea cell, contiguous with other sea cells.
Definition cell.h:38
bool bIsBoundingBoxEdge(void) const
Is this an edge bounding-box cell?
Definition cell.cpp:103
double m_dTotActualBeachErosion
Total depth of unconsolidated beach sediment actually eroded.
Definition cell.h:188
double dGetTotBeachDeposition(void) const
Get beach erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:1092
void SetSuspendedSediment(double const)
Sets this cell's suspended sediment depth equivalent, it also increments the running total of suspend...
Definition cell.cpp:439
double dGetTotWaveAngle(void) const
Returns the total wave orientation on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:887
void IncrBeachDeposition(double const)
Increment this-timestep beach deposition, also increment total beach deposition.
Definition cell.cpp:1079
void SetActualPlatformErosion(double const)
Set this-timestep actual (constrained) shore platform erosion and increment total actual shore platfo...
Definition cell.cpp:773
double dGetSeaDepth(void) const
Returns the depth of seawater on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:427
bool bPotentialPlatformErosion(void) const
Returns true if this cell has had potential erosion this timestep.
Definition cell.cpp:211
double dGetTotActualBeachErosion(void) const
Get total actual (supply-constrained) beach erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:1067
double m_dBasementElevation
Elevation of basement surface (m)
Definition cell.h:95
int m_nCoastlineNormal
If this cell is 'under' a coastline normal, this is the number of the normal.
Definition cell.h:83
double dGetCellDeepWaterWaveHeight(void) const
Returns the deep water wave height on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:899
double dGetInterventionTopElev(void) const
Returns the elevation of the top of the intervention, assuming it rests on the sediment-top surface.
Definition cell.cpp:1161
double dGetOverallTopElev(void) const
Returns the highest elevation of the cell, which is either the sediment top elevation plus interventi...
Definition cell.cpp:541
double dGetTotUnconsFine(void) const
Returns the total thickness of fine unconsolidated sediment on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:599
double m_dLocalConsSlope
Used in erosion calculations, stored here for display purposes.
Definition cell.h:92
int nGetTopNonZeroLayerAboveBasement(void) const
Returns the index of the topmost sediment layer (layer 0 being the one just above basement) with non-...
Definition cell.cpp:467
bool m_bFloodBySetupSurgeRunup
TODO 007 What is this used for?
Definition cell.h:74
double dGetTotConsSandThickConsiderNotch(void) const
Returns the total thickness of sand-sized consolidated sediment on this cell, minus the depth-equival...
Definition cell.cpp:609
double dGetTotSandTalusDeposition(void) const
Returns the total depth of sand talus deposition from cliff collapse on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:1023
bool bIsInContiguousFlood(void) const
TODO 007 What does this do? Does it just duplicate bIsInContiguousSea()?
Definition cell.cpp:157
double m_dBeachDepositionThisIter
Depth of unconsolidated beach sediment deposited this timestep.
Definition cell.h:191
bool m_bPossibleFloodStartCell
TODO 007 What is this used for?
Definition cell.h:68
double dGetTotCliffCollapseSand(void) const
Returns the running total depth of sand-sized sediment eroded by cliff collapse on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:985
double dGetBeachDeposition(void) const
Get beach deposition.
Definition cell.cpp:1086
bool bIsInundated(void) const
Returns true if the elevation of the sediment top surface for this cell (plus any intervention) is le...
Definition cell.cpp:547
void AppendLayers(int const)
Appends sediment layers.
Definition cell.cpp:687
bool bIsPossibleCoastStartCell(void) const
Returns a flag which shows whether this cell has been flagged as a possible start- or end-point for a...
Definition cell.cpp:193
void SetActualBeachErosion(double const)
Set this-timestep actual (supply-constrained) beach erosion and increment total actual beach erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:1054
double dGetBeachProtectionFactor(void) const
Returns this cell's beach protection factor.
Definition cell.cpp:943
double m_dTalusSandDepositionThisIter
Depth of unconsolidated sand sediment deposited as a result of cliff collapse this timestep.
Definition cell.h:167
double m_dTalusCoarseDepositionThisIter
Depth of unconsolidated coarse sediment deposited as a result of cliff collapse this timestep.
Definition cell.h:173
double dGetTotAllSedThickness(void) const
Returns the total thickness of all sediment (all size classes) on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:681
double m_dTotBeachDeposition
Total depth of unconsolidated beach sediment deposited.
Definition cell.h:194
void AddCoarseTalusDeposition(double const)
Increments the depth of this-timestep coarse-sized talus from cliff collapse on this cell,...
Definition cell.cpp:1004
void SetPotentialBeachErosion(double const)
Set potential (unconstrained) beach erosion and increment total beach potential erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:1035
double m_dTotWaveHeight
Total wave height (m) (used to calc average)
Definition cell.h:107
int nGetPolygonID(void) const
Returns the global ID number of the polygon which 'contains' this cell (returns INT_NODATA if the cel...
Definition cell.cpp:273
double dGetSedimentTopElev(void) const
Returns the true elevation of the sediment's top surface for this cell (if there is a cliff notch,...
Definition cell.cpp:529
Definition cell.cpp:86
int nGetBoundingBoxEdge(void) const
Returns the number of the bounding-box edge, or NO_DIRECTION if it is not.
Definition cell.cpp:97
bool bIsInActiveZone(void) const
Returns a flag which shows whether this cell is in the active zone.
Definition cell.cpp:169
CRWCellLayer * pGetLayerAboveBasement(int const)
Return a reference to the Nth sediment layer (layer 0 being just above basement)
Definition cell.cpp:509
double m_dTotWaveAngle
Total wave orientation (used to calc average)
Definition cell.h:116
void SetInterventionHeight(double const)
Sets the intervention height.
Definition cell.cpp:1149
bool bIsFloodLine(void) const
Returns true if the cell is flood line.
Definition cell.cpp:240
int nGetProfileID(void) const
If this cell is 'under' a coastline-normal profile, returns the number of the profile....
Definition cell.cpp:252
double m_dCliffCollapseSandThisIter
Depth of sand sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse this timestep.
Definition cell.h:152
double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseCoarseTalusDeposition(void) const
Retuns the depth of this-timestep coarse talus deposition from cliff collapse on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:1017
double dGetSedimentPlusInterventionTopElev(void) const
Returns the true elevation of the sediment's top surface for this cell (if there is a cliff notch,...
Definition cell.cpp:535
double dGetInterventionHeight(void) const
Returns the intervention height.
Definition cell.cpp:1155
bool bIsCellCheck(void) const
void SetPolygonID(int const)
Sets the global ID number of the polygon which 'contains' this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:267
void SetAsCoastline(bool const)
Marks this cell as 'under' a coastline.
Definition cell.cpp:222
double m_dPotentialPlatformErosionThisIter
Depth of sediment on the shore platform that could be eroded this timestep, if no supply-limitation.
Definition cell.h:137
double m_dTotSandCliffCollapse
Total depth of sand sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse.
Definition cell.h:161
double dGetThisIterSWL(void) const
Returns the sea surface elevation at current iteration.
Definition cell.cpp:553
int nGetInterventionClass(void) const
Gets the intervention class.
Definition cell.cpp:1133
void SetLocalConsSlope(double const)
Sets the local slope of the consolidated sediment only.
Definition cell.cpp:394
double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseSandTalusDeposition(void) const
Returns the depth of this-timestep sand talus deposition from cliff collapse on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:1011
void SetDownDriftZoneNumber(int const)
Sets the down drift zone number.
Definition cell.cpp:376
static CGeomRasterGrid * m_pGrid
Definition cell.h:215
double dGetWaveHeight(void) const
Returns the wave height on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:862
double dGetWaveAngle(void) const
Returns the wave orientation on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:881
double dGetTotSeaDepth(void) const
Returns the total depth of seawater on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:433
double m_dTotFineCliffCollapse
Total depth of fine sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse.
Definition cell.h:158
int nGetLayerAtElev(double const) const
Given an elevation, this finds the index of the layer that contains that elevation (layer 0 being the...
Definition cell.cpp:726
double m_dTotCoarseCliffCollapse
Total depth of coarse sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse.
Definition cell.h:164
CRWCellLandform m_Landform
This cell's landform data.
Definition cell.h:203
double m_dCliffCollapseFineThisIter
Depth of fine sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse this timestep.
Definition cell.h:149
double m_dDeepWaterWaveHeight
Wave height if this is a deep water cell.
Definition cell.h:119
double dGetLocalConsSlope(void) const
Returns the local slope of the consolidated sediment only.
Definition cell.cpp:400
double m_dActualBeachErosionThisIter
Depth of unconsolidated beach sediment actually eroded this timestep.
Definition cell.h:185
double m_dTotSuspendedSediment
Total depth of suspended sediment (m) since simulation start (used to calc average)
Definition cell.h:134
void SetInterventionClass(int const)
Sets the landform category and subcategory for an intervention.
Definition cell.cpp:1119
bool m_bInContiguousFlood
TODO 007 What is this?
Definition cell.h:41
void SetWaveValuesToDeepWaterWaveValues(void)
Sets wave height to the deep water wave height value, and sets wave orientation to the deep water wav...
Definition cell.cpp:929
void SetBoundingBoxEdge(int const)
Set the edge number if this cell is an edge bounding-box cell.
Definition cell.cpp:91
double dGetTotUnconsCoarse(void) const
Returns the total thickness of coarse unconsolidated sediment on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:651
void SetFloodBySetupSurgeRunup(void)
TODO 007 What does this do? Set this cell as flood by setup surge runup.
Definition cell.cpp:145
void SetPotentialPlatformErosion(double const)
Set potential (unconstrained) shore platform erosion and increment total shore platform potential ero...
Definition cell.cpp:754
bool m_bIsInActiveZone
Switch to indicate that this cell is in the active zone.
Definition cell.h:44
void SetPossibleFloodStartCell(void)
TODO 007 What is this for? Sets a flag to show that this cell has been flagged as a possible start-po...
Definition cell.cpp:199
void AddSuspendedSediment(double const)
Adds to this cell's suspended sediment depth equivalent, it also increments the running total of susp...
Definition cell.cpp:447
bool m_bShadowBoundary
Switch to show this cell is 'under' a shadow boundaryu.
Definition cell.h:62
int nGetDownDriftZoneNumber(void) const
Gets the down drift zone number.
Definition cell.cpp:382
double dGetTotUnconsSand(void) const
Returns the total thickness of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:625
void UnSetInContiguousFlood(void)
TODO 007 What does this do? Is it just the inverse of SetInContiguousSea()?
Definition cell.cpp:127
friend class CSimulation
Definition cell.h:34
double dGetUnconsD50(void) const
Returns the D50 of unconsolidated sediment on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:1113
double m_dPotentialBeachErosionThisIter
Depth of unconsolidated beach sediment that could be eroded this timestep, if no supply-limitation.
Definition cell.h:179
bool bIsCellFloodCheck(void) const
Returns true if this cell is checked, false otherwise (flood switch)
Definition cell.cpp:370
double dGetTotActualPlatformErosion(void) const
Get total actual (constrained) shore platform erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:786
bool bIsElevLessThanWaterLevel(void) const
Returns true if the top elevation of this cell (sediment plus any intervention) is less than this ite...
Definition cell.cpp:340
vector< double > m_VdAllHorizonTopElev
Number of layer-top elevations (inc. that of the basement, which is m_VdAllHorizonTopElev[0]); size 1...
Definition cell.h:210
double m_dWavePeriod
Wave period (s)
Definition cell.h:113
double m_dSeaDepth
Depth of still water (m), is zero if not inundated.
Definition cell.h:98
double dGetTotUnconsThickness(void) const
Returns the total thickness of unconsolidated sediment (all size classes) on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:671
double dGetBasementElev(void) const
Returns this cell's basement elevation.
Definition cell.cpp:412
int m_nPolygonID
If this cell is within a polygon, this is the ID of the polygon.
Definition cell.h:80
double m_dActualPlatformErosionThisIter
Depth of sediment actually eroded from the shore platform this timestep.
Definition cell.h:143
double dGetPotentialPlatformErosion(void) const
Get potential (unconstrained) shore platform erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:761
double dGetTotSuspendedSediment(void) const
Returns the total suspended sediment depth equivalent on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:461
double m_dDeepWaterWaveAngle
Wave orientation if this is a deep water cell.
Definition cell.h:122
double dGetActualBeachErosion(void) const
Get actual (supply-constrained) beach erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:1061
void SetSeaDepth(void)
Returns the depth of seawater on this cell if the sediment top is < SWL, or zero.
Definition cell.cpp:792
void SetShadowZoneNumber(int const)
Set the number of the shadow zone that this cell is in.
Definition cell.cpp:279
double dGetTotConsCoarseThickConsiderNotch(void) const
Returns the total thickness of coarse consolidated sediment on this cell, minus the depth-equivalent ...
Definition cell.cpp:635
void SetCellDeepWaterWaveAngle(double const)
Sets the deep water wave orientation on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:905
bool m_bPossibleCoastStartCell
Switch to show that this cell could be the start of a coastline.
Definition cell.h:65
Constructor with initialization list.
Definition cell.cpp:29
double dGetActualPlatformErosion(void) const
Get actual (constrained) shore platform erosion.
Definition cell.cpp:780
void SetFloodBySetupSurge(void)
TODO 007 What does this do? Set this cell as flood by setup surger.
Definition cell.cpp:133
int m_nShadowZoneNumber
If this cell is within a shadow zone, this is the number of the shadow zone.
Definition cell.h:86
bool bIsinThisShadowZone(int const) const
Returns true if this cell is in the shadow zone with number given by the parameter,...
Definition cell.cpp:291
double m_dDeepWaterWavePeriod
Wave period if this is a deep water cell.
Definition cell.h:125
double m_dTotPotentialBeachErosion
Total depth of unconsolidated beach sediment eroded; if no supply-limitation.
Definition cell.h:182
double m_dSuspendedSediment
Suspended sediment as depth equivalent (m)
Definition cell.h:131
double m_dTotTalusSandDeposition
Total depth of unconsolidated sand sediment deposited as a result of cliff collapse.
Definition cell.h:170
double dGetTotConsThickness(void) const
Returns the total thickness of consolidated sediment (all size classes) on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:661
void SetCheckFloodCell(void)
Set this cell as checked (flood switch)
Definition cell.cpp:358
void SetInContiguousSea(void)
Set this cell as a sea cell.
Definition cell.cpp:109
int m_nDownDriftZoneNumber
If this cell is within a downdrift zone, this is the number of the downdrift zone.
Definition cell.h:89
double m_dWaveHeight
Wave height (m)
Definition cell.h:104
void SetWaveAngle(double const)
Sets the wave orientation on this cell, also increments the total wave orientation.
Definition cell.cpp:874
void SetProfileID(int const)
Marks this cell as 'under' a coastline-normal profile.
Definition cell.cpp:246
void SetPossibleCoastStartCell(void)
Sets a flag to show that this cell has been flagged as a possible start- or end-point for a coastline...
Definition cell.cpp:187
void SetShadowZoneBoundary(void)
Sets a flag to show that this cell is a shadow zone boundary.
Definition cell.cpp:175
double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseErosionCoarse(void) const
Returns the depth of this-timestep coarse-sized sediment cliff collapse on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:973
void SetBasementElev(double const)
Sets this cell's basement elevation.
Definition cell.cpp:406
void IncrCliffCollapseErosion(double const, double const, double const)
Increments the fine, sand, and coarse depths of this-timestep cliff collapse on this cell,...
Definition cell.cpp:949
void AddSandTalusDeposition(double const)
Increments the depth of this-timestep sand-sized talus from cliff collapse on this cell,...
Definition cell.cpp:997
double dGetSuspendedSediment(void) const
Returns the suspended sediment depth equivalent on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:455
bool bIsProfile(void) const
Returns true if this cell is 'under' a coastline normal.
Definition cell.cpp:258
double m_dUnconsD50
d50 of unconsolidated sediment on top layer with unconsolidated sediment depth > 0
Definition cell.h:197
double m_dInterventionHeight
Height of intervention structure.
Definition cell.h:200
vector< CRWCellLayer > m_VLayerAboveBasement
Number of layers NOT including the basement. Layer 0 is the lowest.
Definition cell.h:207
bool m_bFloodLine
TODO 007 What is this used for? Switch to indicate that this cell is 'under' a flood line.
Definition cell.h:50
bool bIsCoastline(void) const
Returns true if the cell is 'under' a coastline.
Definition cell.cpp:228
void UnSetCheckFloodCell(void)
Set the cell as not checked (flood switch)
Definition cell.cpp:364
void SetCellDeepWaterWaveHeight(double const)
Sets the deep water wave height on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:893
void SetCheckCell(void)
double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseErosionSand(void) const
Returns the depth of this-timestep sand-sized sediment cliff collapse on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:967
bool bBasementElevIsMissingValue(void) const
Returns true if this cells's basement data is NODATA, is needed for irregularly-shaped DEMs.
Definition cell.cpp:418
double dGetTotCliffCollapseCoarse(void) const
Returns the running total depth of coarse-sized sediment eroded by cliff collapse on this cell.
Definition cell.cpp:991
bool m_bWaveFlood
TODO 007 What is this used for? Switch to indicate that this cell is 'under' a wave flood line.
Definition cell.h:53
double m_dCliffCollapseCoarseThisIter
Depth of coarse sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse this timestep.
Definition cell.h:155
CRWCellLandform * pGetLandform(void)
Returns a pointer to this cell's CRWCellLandform object.
Definition cell.cpp:388
void SetBeachProtectionFactor(double const)
Definition cell.cpp:937
void SetWaveFlood(void)
void SetAsFloodLine(bool const)
Marks this cell is flood line.
Definition cell.cpp:234
double m_dTotSeaDepth
Total depth of still water (m) since beginning of simulation (used to calc average)
Definition cell.h:101
double dGetConsSedTopForLayerAboveBasement(int const) const
Returns the elevation of the top of the consolidated sediment only, for a given layer (layer 0 being ...
Definition cell.cpp:492
bool m_bFloodBySetupSurge
TODO 007 What is this used for?
Definition cell.h:71
double dGetThisIterTotWaterLevel(void) const
Returns the total water level at current iteration.
Definition cell.cpp:559
bool m_bCoastline
Switch to indicate that this cell is 'under' a coastline.
Definition cell.h:47
Geometry cass used to represent the raster grid of cell objects.
Definition raster_grid.h:35
Real-world class used to represent the landform of a cell.
Real-world class used to represent the sediment layers associated with a cell object.
Definition cell_layer.h:32
This file contains global definitions for CoastalME.
Contains CGeomRasterGrid definitions.