Contains CRWCellLayer definitions.
double m_dTotActualPlatformErosion
Total depth of sediment actually eroded from the shore platform.
double dGetTotCliffCollapseFine(void) const
Returns the running total depth of fine-sized sediment eroded by cliff collapse on this cell.
void SetCellDeepWaterWavePeriod(double const)
Sets the deep water wave Period on this cell.
double dGetTotWaveHeight(void) const
Returns the total wave height on this cell.
void SetInContiguousFlood(void)
TODO 007 What do this do? Does it duplicate SetInContiguousSea()?
double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseErosionFine(void) const
Returns the depth of this-timestep fine-sized sediment cliff collapse on this cell.
double m_dTotTalusCoarseDeposition
Total depth of unconsolidated coarse sediment deposited as a result of cliff collapse.
double dGetTotCoarseTalusDeposition(void) const
Returns the total depth of coarse talus deposition from cliff collapse on this cell.
double m_dTotPotentialPlatformErosion
Total depth of sediment eroded from the shore platform, if no supply-limitation.
int m_nBoundingBoxEdge
If this cell is an edge (or bounding box) cell, this specifies the edge.
double m_dWaveAngle
Wave orientation.
double dGetTotPotentialPlatformErosion(void) const
Get total potential (unconstrained) shore platform erosion.
bool bIsinAnyShadowZone(void) const
Returns true if this cell is in any shadow zone, false otherwise.
double dGetTotConsFineThickConsiderNotch(void) const
Returns the total thickness of fine consolidated sediment on this cell, minus the depth-equivalent of...
bool bIsFloodBySetupSurge(void) const
TODO 007 What does this do? Is this cell flood by setup surge?
bool m_bCheckFloodCell
TODO 007 What is this used for?
void CalcAllLayerElevsAndD50(void)
For this cell, calculates the elevation of the top of every layer, and the d50 for the topmost uncons...
int nGetTopLayerAboveBasement(void) const
Returns the index of the topmost sediment layer (layer 0 being the one just above basement),...
double dCalcLayerElev(const int)
For this cell, calculates the elevation of the top of a given layer.
int nGetShadowZoneNumber(void) const
Gets the number of the shadow zone that this cell is in.
void SetWaveHeight(double const)
Sets the wave height on this cell, also increments the total wave height.
bool bIsShadowZoneBoundary(void) const
Returns a flag which shows whether this cell is a shadow zone boundary.
double dGetCellDeepWaterWavePeriod(void) const
Returns the deep water wave period on this cell.
void InitCell(void)
Initialise values for this cell.
double dGetCellDeepWaterWaveAngle(void) const
Returns the deep water wave orientation on this cell.
bool bBeachErosionOrDepositionThisIter(void) const
Returns true only if this cell has had no deposition or erosion this timestep.
double dGetTotPotentialBeachErosion(void) const
Get total potential (supply-unconstrained) beach erosion.
bool bIsFloodBySetupSurgeRunup(void) const
TODO 007 What does this do? Is this cell flood by setup surge runup?
void SetInActiveZone(bool const)
Sets a flag to show whether this cell is in the active zone.
double dGetPotentialBeachErosion(void) const
Get potential (unconstrained) beach erosion.
bool bIsInContiguousSea(void) const
Is this a sea cell?
double m_dBeachProtectionFactor
Only meaningful if in zone of platform erosion. 0 is fully protected; 1 = no protection.
bool m_bInContiguousSea
Switch to indicate if this is a sea cell, contiguous with other sea cells.
bool bIsBoundingBoxEdge(void) const
Is this an edge bounding-box cell?
double m_dTotActualBeachErosion
Total depth of unconsolidated beach sediment actually eroded.
double dGetTotBeachDeposition(void) const
Get beach erosion.
void SetSuspendedSediment(double const)
Sets this cell's suspended sediment depth equivalent, it also increments the running total of suspend...
double dGetTotWaveAngle(void) const
Returns the total wave orientation on this cell.
void IncrBeachDeposition(double const)
Increment this-timestep beach deposition, also increment total beach deposition.
void SetActualPlatformErosion(double const)
Set this-timestep actual (constrained) shore platform erosion and increment total actual shore platfo...
double dGetSeaDepth(void) const
Returns the depth of seawater on this cell.
bool bPotentialPlatformErosion(void) const
Returns true if this cell has had potential erosion this timestep.
double dGetTotActualBeachErosion(void) const
Get total actual (supply-constrained) beach erosion.
double m_dBasementElevation
Elevation of basement surface (m)
int m_nCoastlineNormal
If this cell is 'under' a coastline normal, this is the number of the normal.
double dGetCellDeepWaterWaveHeight(void) const
Returns the deep water wave height on this cell.
double dGetInterventionTopElev(void) const
Returns the elevation of the top of the intervention, assuming it rests on the sediment-top surface.
double dGetOverallTopElev(void) const
Returns the highest elevation of the cell, which is either the sediment top elevation plus interventi...
double dGetTotUnconsFine(void) const
Returns the total thickness of fine unconsolidated sediment on this cell.
double m_dLocalConsSlope
Used in erosion calculations, stored here for display purposes.
int nGetTopNonZeroLayerAboveBasement(void) const
Returns the index of the topmost sediment layer (layer 0 being the one just above basement) with non-...
bool m_bFloodBySetupSurgeRunup
TODO 007 What is this used for?
double dGetTotConsSandThickConsiderNotch(void) const
Returns the total thickness of sand-sized consolidated sediment on this cell, minus the depth-equival...
double dGetTotSandTalusDeposition(void) const
Returns the total depth of sand talus deposition from cliff collapse on this cell.
bool bIsInContiguousFlood(void) const
TODO 007 What does this do? Does it just duplicate bIsInContiguousSea()?
double m_dBeachDepositionThisIter
Depth of unconsolidated beach sediment deposited this timestep.
bool m_bPossibleFloodStartCell
TODO 007 What is this used for?
double dGetTotCliffCollapseSand(void) const
Returns the running total depth of sand-sized sediment eroded by cliff collapse on this cell.
double dGetBeachDeposition(void) const
Get beach deposition.
bool bIsInundated(void) const
Returns true if the elevation of the sediment top surface for this cell (plus any intervention) is le...
void AppendLayers(int const)
Appends sediment layers.
bool bIsPossibleCoastStartCell(void) const
Returns a flag which shows whether this cell has been flagged as a possible start- or end-point for a...
void SetActualBeachErosion(double const)
Set this-timestep actual (supply-constrained) beach erosion and increment total actual beach erosion.
double dGetBeachProtectionFactor(void) const
Returns this cell's beach protection factor.
double m_dTalusSandDepositionThisIter
Depth of unconsolidated sand sediment deposited as a result of cliff collapse this timestep.
double m_dTalusCoarseDepositionThisIter
Depth of unconsolidated coarse sediment deposited as a result of cliff collapse this timestep.
double dGetTotAllSedThickness(void) const
Returns the total thickness of all sediment (all size classes) on this cell.
double m_dTotBeachDeposition
Total depth of unconsolidated beach sediment deposited.
void AddCoarseTalusDeposition(double const)
Increments the depth of this-timestep coarse-sized talus from cliff collapse on this cell,...
void SetPotentialBeachErosion(double const)
Set potential (unconstrained) beach erosion and increment total beach potential erosion.
double m_dTotWaveHeight
Total wave height (m) (used to calc average)
int nGetPolygonID(void) const
Returns the global ID number of the polygon which 'contains' this cell (returns INT_NODATA if the cel...
double dGetSedimentTopElev(void) const
Returns the true elevation of the sediment's top surface for this cell (if there is a cliff notch,...
int nGetBoundingBoxEdge(void) const
Returns the number of the bounding-box edge, or NO_DIRECTION if it is not.
bool bIsInActiveZone(void) const
Returns a flag which shows whether this cell is in the active zone.
CRWCellLayer * pGetLayerAboveBasement(int const)
Return a reference to the Nth sediment layer (layer 0 being just above basement)
double m_dTotWaveAngle
Total wave orientation (used to calc average)
void SetInterventionHeight(double const)
Sets the intervention height.
bool bIsFloodLine(void) const
Returns true if the cell is flood line.
int nGetProfileID(void) const
If this cell is 'under' a coastline-normal profile, returns the number of the profile....
double m_dCliffCollapseSandThisIter
Depth of sand sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse this timestep.
double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseCoarseTalusDeposition(void) const
Retuns the depth of this-timestep coarse talus deposition from cliff collapse on this cell.
double dGetSedimentPlusInterventionTopElev(void) const
Returns the true elevation of the sediment's top surface for this cell (if there is a cliff notch,...
double dGetInterventionHeight(void) const
Returns the intervention height.
bool bIsCellCheck(void) const
void SetPolygonID(int const)
Sets the global ID number of the polygon which 'contains' this cell.
void SetAsCoastline(bool const)
Marks this cell as 'under' a coastline.
double m_dPotentialPlatformErosionThisIter
Depth of sediment on the shore platform that could be eroded this timestep, if no supply-limitation.
double m_dTotSandCliffCollapse
Total depth of sand sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse.
double dGetThisIterSWL(void) const
Returns the sea surface elevation at current iteration.
int nGetInterventionClass(void) const
Gets the intervention class.
void SetLocalConsSlope(double const)
Sets the local slope of the consolidated sediment only.
double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseSandTalusDeposition(void) const
Returns the depth of this-timestep sand talus deposition from cliff collapse on this cell.
void SetDownDriftZoneNumber(int const)
Sets the down drift zone number.
static CGeomRasterGrid * m_pGrid
double dGetWaveHeight(void) const
Returns the wave height on this cell.
double dGetWaveAngle(void) const
Returns the wave orientation on this cell.
double dGetTotSeaDepth(void) const
Returns the total depth of seawater on this cell.
double m_dTotFineCliffCollapse
Total depth of fine sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse.
int nGetLayerAtElev(double const) const
Given an elevation, this finds the index of the layer that contains that elevation (layer 0 being the...
double m_dTotCoarseCliffCollapse
Total depth of coarse sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse.
CRWCellLandform m_Landform
This cell's landform data.
double m_dCliffCollapseFineThisIter
Depth of fine sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse this timestep.
double m_dDeepWaterWaveHeight
Wave height if this is a deep water cell.
double dGetLocalConsSlope(void) const
Returns the local slope of the consolidated sediment only.
double m_dActualBeachErosionThisIter
Depth of unconsolidated beach sediment actually eroded this timestep.
double m_dTotSuspendedSediment
Total depth of suspended sediment (m) since simulation start (used to calc average)
void SetInterventionClass(int const)
Sets the landform category and subcategory for an intervention.
bool m_bInContiguousFlood
TODO 007 What is this?
void SetWaveValuesToDeepWaterWaveValues(void)
Sets wave height to the deep water wave height value, and sets wave orientation to the deep water wav...
void SetBoundingBoxEdge(int const)
Set the edge number if this cell is an edge bounding-box cell.
double dGetTotUnconsCoarse(void) const
Returns the total thickness of coarse unconsolidated sediment on this cell.
void SetFloodBySetupSurgeRunup(void)
TODO 007 What does this do? Set this cell as flood by setup surge runup.
void SetPotentialPlatformErosion(double const)
Set potential (unconstrained) shore platform erosion and increment total shore platform potential ero...
bool m_bIsInActiveZone
Switch to indicate that this cell is in the active zone.
void SetPossibleFloodStartCell(void)
TODO 007 What is this for? Sets a flag to show that this cell has been flagged as a possible start-po...
void AddSuspendedSediment(double const)
Adds to this cell's suspended sediment depth equivalent, it also increments the running total of susp...
bool m_bShadowBoundary
Switch to show this cell is 'under' a shadow boundaryu.
int nGetDownDriftZoneNumber(void) const
Gets the down drift zone number.
double dGetTotUnconsSand(void) const
Returns the total thickness of sand-sized unconsolidated sediment on this cell.
void UnSetInContiguousFlood(void)
TODO 007 What does this do? Is it just the inverse of SetInContiguousSea()?
double dGetUnconsD50(void) const
Returns the D50 of unconsolidated sediment on this cell.
double m_dPotentialBeachErosionThisIter
Depth of unconsolidated beach sediment that could be eroded this timestep, if no supply-limitation.
bool bIsCellFloodCheck(void) const
Returns true if this cell is checked, false otherwise (flood switch)
double dGetTotActualPlatformErosion(void) const
Get total actual (constrained) shore platform erosion.
bool bIsElevLessThanWaterLevel(void) const
Returns true if the top elevation of this cell (sediment plus any intervention) is less than this ite...
vector< double > m_VdAllHorizonTopElev
Number of layer-top elevations (inc. that of the basement, which is m_VdAllHorizonTopElev[0]); size 1...
double m_dWavePeriod
Wave period (s)
double m_dSeaDepth
Depth of still water (m), is zero if not inundated.
double dGetTotUnconsThickness(void) const
Returns the total thickness of unconsolidated sediment (all size classes) on this cell.
double dGetBasementElev(void) const
Returns this cell's basement elevation.
int m_nPolygonID
If this cell is within a polygon, this is the ID of the polygon.
double m_dActualPlatformErosionThisIter
Depth of sediment actually eroded from the shore platform this timestep.
double dGetPotentialPlatformErosion(void) const
Get potential (unconstrained) shore platform erosion.
double dGetTotSuspendedSediment(void) const
Returns the total suspended sediment depth equivalent on this cell.
double m_dDeepWaterWaveAngle
Wave orientation if this is a deep water cell.
double dGetActualBeachErosion(void) const
Get actual (supply-constrained) beach erosion.
void SetSeaDepth(void)
Returns the depth of seawater on this cell if the sediment top is < SWL, or zero.
void SetShadowZoneNumber(int const)
Set the number of the shadow zone that this cell is in.
double dGetTotConsCoarseThickConsiderNotch(void) const
Returns the total thickness of coarse consolidated sediment on this cell, minus the depth-equivalent ...
void SetCellDeepWaterWaveAngle(double const)
Sets the deep water wave orientation on this cell.
bool m_bPossibleCoastStartCell
Switch to show that this cell could be the start of a coastline.
Constructor with initialization list.
double dGetActualPlatformErosion(void) const
Get actual (constrained) shore platform erosion.
void SetFloodBySetupSurge(void)
TODO 007 What does this do? Set this cell as flood by setup surger.
int m_nShadowZoneNumber
If this cell is within a shadow zone, this is the number of the shadow zone.
bool bIsinThisShadowZone(int const) const
Returns true if this cell is in the shadow zone with number given by the parameter,...
double m_dDeepWaterWavePeriod
Wave period if this is a deep water cell.
double m_dTotPotentialBeachErosion
Total depth of unconsolidated beach sediment eroded; if no supply-limitation.
double m_dSuspendedSediment
Suspended sediment as depth equivalent (m)
double m_dTotTalusSandDeposition
Total depth of unconsolidated sand sediment deposited as a result of cliff collapse.
double dGetTotConsThickness(void) const
Returns the total thickness of consolidated sediment (all size classes) on this cell.
void SetCheckFloodCell(void)
Set this cell as checked (flood switch)
void SetInContiguousSea(void)
Set this cell as a sea cell.
int m_nDownDriftZoneNumber
If this cell is within a downdrift zone, this is the number of the downdrift zone.
double m_dWaveHeight
Wave height (m)
void SetWaveAngle(double const)
Sets the wave orientation on this cell, also increments the total wave orientation.
void SetProfileID(int const)
Marks this cell as 'under' a coastline-normal profile.
void SetPossibleCoastStartCell(void)
Sets a flag to show that this cell has been flagged as a possible start- or end-point for a coastline...
void SetShadowZoneBoundary(void)
Sets a flag to show that this cell is a shadow zone boundary.
double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseErosionCoarse(void) const
Returns the depth of this-timestep coarse-sized sediment cliff collapse on this cell.
void SetBasementElev(double const)
Sets this cell's basement elevation.
void IncrCliffCollapseErosion(double const, double const, double const)
Increments the fine, sand, and coarse depths of this-timestep cliff collapse on this cell,...
void AddSandTalusDeposition(double const)
Increments the depth of this-timestep sand-sized talus from cliff collapse on this cell,...
double dGetSuspendedSediment(void) const
Returns the suspended sediment depth equivalent on this cell.
bool bIsProfile(void) const
Returns true if this cell is 'under' a coastline normal.
double m_dUnconsD50
d50 of unconsolidated sediment on top layer with unconsolidated sediment depth > 0
double m_dInterventionHeight
Height of intervention structure.
vector< CRWCellLayer > m_VLayerAboveBasement
Number of layers NOT including the basement. Layer 0 is the lowest.
bool m_bFloodLine
TODO 007 What is this used for? Switch to indicate that this cell is 'under' a flood line.
bool bIsCoastline(void) const
Returns true if the cell is 'under' a coastline.
void UnSetCheckFloodCell(void)
Set the cell as not checked (flood switch)
void SetCellDeepWaterWaveHeight(double const)
Sets the deep water wave height on this cell.
double dGetThisIterCliffCollapseErosionSand(void) const
Returns the depth of this-timestep sand-sized sediment cliff collapse on this cell.
bool bBasementElevIsMissingValue(void) const
Returns true if this cells's basement data is NODATA, is needed for irregularly-shaped DEMs.
double dGetTotCliffCollapseCoarse(void) const
Returns the running total depth of coarse-sized sediment eroded by cliff collapse on this cell.
bool m_bWaveFlood
TODO 007 What is this used for? Switch to indicate that this cell is 'under' a wave flood line.
double m_dCliffCollapseCoarseThisIter
Depth of coarse sediment (consolidated and unconsolidated) removed via cliff collapse this timestep.
CRWCellLandform * pGetLandform(void)
Returns a pointer to this cell's CRWCellLandform object.
void SetBeachProtectionFactor(double const)
void SetAsFloodLine(bool const)
Marks this cell is flood line.
double m_dTotSeaDepth
Total depth of still water (m) since beginning of simulation (used to calc average)
double dGetConsSedTopForLayerAboveBasement(int const) const
Returns the elevation of the top of the consolidated sediment only, for a given layer (layer 0 being ...
bool m_bFloodBySetupSurge
TODO 007 What is this used for?
double dGetThisIterTotWaterLevel(void) const
Returns the total water level at current iteration.
bool m_bCoastline
Switch to indicate that this cell is 'under' a coastline.
Geometry cass used to represent the raster grid of cell objects.
Real-world class used to represent the sediment layers associated with a cell object.
This file contains global definitions for CoastalME.
Contains CGeomRasterGrid definitions.