328 return static_cast<int>(
369 nPoint =
static_cast<int>(it -
526 if (dCellDepth >= dDepthIn)
vector< CGeom2DPoint > m_VPoints
The points which comprise the float-coordinate 2D shape.
Geometry class used to represent 2D point objects with integer coordinates.
Geometry class used to represent 2D point objects with floating-point coordinates.
double dGetSeaDepth(void) const
Returns the depth of seawater on this cell.
void InsertLineSegment(int const)
Inserts a line segment, inheriting from preceding line segments.
int nGetNumLineSegments(void) const
Appends a line segment which then inherits from the preceding line segments.
bool m_bStartOfCoast
Is this a start-of-coast profile?
void TruncateProfile(int const)
Truncates the profile.
int m_nCoastPoint
The coastline point at which this profile hits the coast (not necessarily coincident wih the profile ...
double m_dDeepWaterWaveHeight
The wave height at the end of the profile.
CGeomProfile * m_pUpCoastAdjacentProfile
Pointer to the adjacent up-coast profile (may be an invalid profile)
int nGetCellGivenDepth(CGeomRasterGrid const *, double const)
Returns the index of the cell on this profile which has a sea depth which is just less than a given d...
void SetEndOfCoast(bool const)
Sets a switch to indicate whether this is an end-of-coast profile.
bool m_bHitCoast
Has this profile hit a coastline?
void AppendPointInProfile(double const, double const)
Appends a point to the profile.
double dGetProfileDeepWaterWaveAngle(void) const
Returns the deep-water wave orientation for this profile.
double dGetProfileDeepWaterWaveHeight(void) const
Returns the deep-water wave height for this profile.
int m_nCoastID
The this-coast ID of the profile.
int m_nGlobalID
The global ID of the profile.
int nGetCoastPoint(void) const
Returns the coast point at which the profile starts.
void SetProfileDeepWaterWavePeriod(double const)
Sets the deep-water wave Period for this profile.
bool m_bIntervention
Is this an intervention profile?
bool bIsPointInProfile(double const, double const)
Removes a line segment from the profile.
void SetHitCoast(bool const)
Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile has hit a coast.
vector< CGeom2DPoint > m_VCellInProfileExtCRS
In external CRS, the coords of cells 'under' this profile.
CGeomProfile * m_pDownCoastAdjacentProfile
Pointer to the adjacent down-coast profile (may be an invalid profile)
bool bHitAnotherProfileBadly(void) const
Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile hits another profile badly.
bool m_bCShoreProblem
Has this profile encountered a CShore problem?
bool bProfileOKIncTruncated(void) const
Returns true if this is a problem-free profile, and is not a start-of-coast or an end-of-coast profil...
void SetStartOfCoast(bool const)
Sets a switch to indicate whether this is a start-of-coast profile.
CGeomProfile * pGetUpCoastAdjacentProfile(void) const
CGeomProfile * pGetDownCoastAdjacentProfile(void) const
void AppendCellInProfileExtCRS(double const, double const)
Appends a cell (specified in the external coordinate system) to the profile.
void SetUpCoastAdjacentProfile(CGeomProfile *)
double m_dDeepWaterWaveAngle
The wave orientation at the end of the profile.
CGeom2DIPoint * pPtiGetCellInProfile(int const)
Returns a single cell in the profile.
bool m_bHitAnotherProfileBadly
Has this profile hit another profile?
vector< CGeom2DPoint > PtVGetThisPointAndAllAfter(int const)
Returns a given point from the profile, and all points after this.
void SetTruncated(bool const)
Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile is truncated.
bool bInsertIntersection(double const, double const, int const)
Inserts an intersection into the profile.
CGeom2DIPoint PtiEnd
The seaward end point of the profile in grid CRS.
bool bHitLand(void) const
Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile has hit land.
CGeom2DIPoint PtiStart
The on-coast start point of the profile in grid CRS.
int nGetNumCellsInProfile(void) const
Returns the number of cells in the profile.
CGeomProfile(int const, int const, int const, int const, CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, bool const)
Constructor with initialization list, requires one parameter (the coast point at which the profile st...
vector< CGeom2DIPoint > m_VCellInProfile
In the grid CRS, the integer coordinates of the cells 'under' this profile, point zero is the same as...
bool bProfileOK(void) const
Returns true if this is a problem-free profile, and is not a start-of-coast or an end-of-coast profil...
void SetProfileDeepWaterWaveHeight(double const)
Sets the deep-water wave height for this profile.
bool bTooShort(void) const
Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile is too short to be useful.
void SetDownCoastAdjacentProfile(CGeomProfile *)
bool bHitCoast(void) const
Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile has hit a coast.
bool bIsIntervention(void) const
Returns true if this is an intervention profile.
int nGetGlobalID(void) const
Returns the profile's global ID.
bool m_bEndOfCoast
Is this an end-of-coast profile?
~CGeomProfile(void) override
bool m_bTruncated
Has this profile been truncated?
CGeom2DIPoint * pPtiGetEndPoint(void)
Returns a pointer to the location of the cell (grid CRS) on which the profile ends.
void SetCShoreProblem(bool const)
Sets a switch to indicate whether this profile has a CShore problem.
CGeom2DPoint * pPtGetPointInProfile(int const)
Returns a single point in the profile.
bool bOKIncStartAndEndOfCoast(void) const
Returns true if this is a problem-free profile (however it could be a start-of-coast or an end-of-coa...
int nGetCoastID(void) const
Returns the profile's coast ID.
void AppendCellInProfile(CGeom2DIPoint const *)
Appends a cell to the profile.
void SetPointInProfile(int const, double const, double const)
Sets a single point in the profile.
void SetHitAnotherProfileBadly(bool const)
Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile hits another profile badly.
int nGetProfileSize(void) const
Returns the number of points in the profile.
CGeom2DIPoint * pPtiGetStartPoint(void)
Returns a pointer to the location of the cell (grid CRS) on which the profile starts.
bool m_bTooShort
Is this profile too short?
bool bStartOfCoast(void) const
Returns the switch to indicate whether this is a start-of-coast profile.
void SetEndPoint(CGeom2DIPoint const *)
Sets the the location of the cell (grid CRS) on which the profile ends.
bool bTruncated(void) const
Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile is truncated.
void SetHitLand(bool const)
Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile has hit land.
void SetPointsInProfile(vector< CGeom2DPoint > const *)
Sets all points in the profile.
int m_nCoast
The coast from which this profile projects.
vector< CGeom2DIPoint > * pPtiVGetCellsInProfile(void)
Returns all cells in the profile.
double m_dDeepWaterWavePeriod
The wave period at the end of the profile.
bool bEndOfCoast(void) const
Returns the switch to indicate whether this is an end-of-coast profile.
double dGetProfileDeepWaterWavePeriod(void) const
Returns the deep-water wave Period for this profile.
bool bCShoreProblem(void) const
Returns the switch which indicates whether this profile has a CShore problem.
void SetProfileDeepWaterWaveAngle(double const)
Sets the deep-water wave orientation for this profile.
bool m_bHitLand
Has this profile hit land?
void SetTooShort(bool const)
Sets a switch which indicates whether this profile is too short to be useful.
Geometry cass used to represent the raster grid of cell objects.
CGeomCell ** m_Cell
The 2D array of m_Cell objects. A c-style 2D array seems to be faster than using 2D STL vectors.
This file contains global definitions for CoastalME.
Contains CGeomProfile definitions.