CoastalME (Coastal Modelling Environment)
Simulates the long-term behaviour of complex coastlines
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CRWCoast Class Reference

Real-world class used to represent coastline objects. More...

#include <coast.h>

Public Member Functions

 CRWCoast (CSimulation *)
 Constructor with initialization list.
 ~CRWCoast (void)
CSimulationpGetSim (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the simulation object.
void SetSeaHandedness (int const)
 Sets the handedness of the coast.
int nGetSeaHandedness (void) const
 Gers the handedness of the coast.
void SetStartEdge (int const)
 Sets the coast's start edge.
int nGetStartEdge (void) const
 Gets the coast's start edge.
void SetEndEdge (int const)
 Sets the coast's end edge.
int nGetEndEdge (void) const
 Gets the coast's end edge.
void SetCoastlineExtCRS (CGeomLine const *)
 Given the vector line of a coast, this initializes coastline values (curvature, breaking wave height, wave angle, and flux orientation etc.)
CGeomLinepLGetCoastlineExtCRS (void)
 Returns the coastline (external CRS)
CGeom2DPointpPtGetCoastlinePointExtCRS (int const)
 Returns a given coast point in external CRS.
int nGetCoastlineSize (void) const
 Gets the size of the coastline.
void SetCoastlineGridCRS (CGeomILine const *)
 Sets the coordinates (grid CRS) of the cells marked as coastline.
CGeom2DIPointpPtiGetCellMarkedAsCoastline (int const)
 Returns the coordinates (grid CRS) of the cells marked as coastline.
int nGetCoastPointGivenCell (CGeom2DIPoint *)
 Returns the coastline number given a cell, or INT_NODATA if neither this cell or any of its neighbouring cells are 'under' a coastline. If it is a neighbouring cell that is under the coastline, then it also changes the cell that is supplied as an input parameter.
double dGetDetailedCurvature (int const) const
 Returns the detailed curvature for a coast point.
void SetDetailedCurvature (int const, double const)
 Sets the detailed curvature for a coast point.
vector< double > * pVGetDetailedCurvature (void)
 Returns a pointer to a vector of detailed curvature for all coast points.
double dGetSmoothCurvature (int const) const
 Returns the smoothed curvature for a coast point.
void SetSmoothCurvature (int const, double const)
 Sets the smoothed curvature for a coast point.
vector< double > * pVGetSmoothCurvature (void)
 Returns a pointer to a vector of smoothed curvature for all coast points.
void SetDetailedCurvatureMean (double const)
 Sets the mean of the coast's detailed curvature.
void SetDetailedCurvatureSTD (double const)
 Sets the standard deviation of the coast's detailed curvature.
void SetSmoothCurvatureMean (double const)
 Sets the mean of the coast's smoothed curvature.
double dGetSmoothCurvatureMean (void) const
 Gets the mean of the coast's smoothed curvature.
void SetSmoothCurvatureSTD (double const)
 Sets the standard deviation of the coast's smoothed curvature.
double dGetSmoothCurvatureSTD (void) const
 Gets the standard deviation of the coast's smoothed curvature.
void AppendProfile (CGeomProfile *)
 Appenda a coastline-normal profile.
CGeomProfilepGetProfile (int const)
 Returns a pointer to a profile, in polygon-ID number sequence.
CGeomProfilepGetLastProfile (void)
 Returns a pointer to the last profile, in polygon-ID number sequence.
int nGetNumProfiles (void) const
 Returns the number of profiles on this coast.
void CreateProfileDownCoastIndex (void)
 Creates an index to profiles in down-coastline sequence.
void InsertProfilesInProfileCoastPointIndex (void)
 Inserts profiles at coastline points in the profile-coastline-point index.
CGeomProfilepGetDownCoastProfile (CGeomProfile const *pProfile)
 Returns a pointer to the profile which is adjacent to and down-coast from the given profile pointer. It returns NULL if there is no valid down-coast profile.
CGeomProfilepGetDownCoastProfileNotIncLastProfile (CGeomProfile const *pProfile)
 Returns a pointer to the profile which is adjacent to and down-coast from the specified profile; however this profile must not be the last (coast-end) profile. It returns NULL if there is no valid down-coast profile.
CGeomProfilepGetUpCoastProfile (CGeomProfile const *pProfile)
 Returns a pointer to the profile which is adjacent to and up-coast from the specified profile. It returns NULL if there is no valid up-coast profile.
void CreateProfilesAtCoastPoints (void)
 Creates a vector which holds, for each coastline point, a null pointer to a coastline-normal profile object.
void SetProfileAtCoastPoint (int const, CGeomProfile *const)
 Sets a pointer to a coast-normal profile at a given coastline point.
bool bIsProfileAtCoastPoint (int const) const
 Returns true if there is a coastline-normal profile at this coast point, false otherwise.
CGeomProfilepGetProfileAtCoastPoint (int const) const
 Returns a pointer to the coastline-normal profile at this coast point.
CGeomProfilepGetProfileWithDownCoastSeq (int const) const
 Returns a pointer to a coastline-normal profile in down-coast sequence.
CGeomProfilepGetProfileWithUpCoastSeq (int const) const
 Returns a pointer to a coastline-normal profile in up-coast sequence.
void SetCoastDeepWaterWaveHeight (int const, double const)
 Sets the deep water wave height for this coast point.
void SetCoastDeepWaterWaveAngle (int const, double const)
 Sets the deep water wave angle for this coast point.
double dGetCoastDeepWaterWaveAngle (int const) const
 Gets the deep water wave angle for this coast point.
void SetCoastDeepWaterWavePeriod (int const, double const)
 Sets the deep water wave period for this coast point.
double dGetCoastDeepWaterWavePeriod (int const) const
 Gets the deep water wave period for this coast point.
void SetBreakingWaveHeight (int const, double const)
 Sets the breaking wave height for this coast point.
double dGetBreakingWaveHeight (int const) const
 Gets the breaking wave height for this coast point.
void SetCoastWaveHeight (int const, double const)
 Sets the coast wave height for this coast point.
double dGetCoastWaveHeight (int const) const
 Gets the coast wave height for this coast point.
void SetBreakingWaveAngle (int const, double const)
 Sets the breaking wave angle for this coast point.
double dGetBreakingWaveAngle (int const) const
 Gets the breaking wave angle for this coast point.
void SetWaveSetupSurge (int const, double const)
 Sets the wave setup surge for this coast point.
double dGetWaveSetupSurge (int const) const
 Gets the wave setup surge for this coast point.
void SetRunUp (int const, double const)
 Sets the wave runup for this coast point.
double dGetRunUp (int const) const
 Gets the wave runup for this coast point.
double dGetLevel (int const, int const) const
 Sets the wave level for this coast point.
void SetDepthOfBreaking (int const, double const)
 Sets the depth of breaking for this coast point.
double dGetDepthOfBreaking (int const) const
 Gets the depth of breaking for this coast point.
void SetBreakingDistance (int const, int const)
 Sets the breaking distance for this coast point.
int nGetBreakingDistance (int const) const
 Gets the breaking distance for this coast point.
void SetFluxOrientation (int const, double const)
 Sets the flux orientation for this coast point.
double dGetFluxOrientation (int const) const
 Gets the flux orientation for this coast point.
void SetWaveEnergyAtBreaking (int const, double const)
 Sets the wave energy at breaking for this coast point.
double dGetWaveEnergyAtBreaking (int const) const
 Gets the wave energy at breaking for this coast point.
void AppendCoastLandform (CACoastLandform *)
 Appends a coastal landform to this coast.
CACoastLandformpGetCoastLandform (int const)
 Returns the coastal landform for a given coast point, or NULL if there is no coast landform here.
void SetPolygonNode (int const, int const)
 Sets a coast polygon node.
int nGetPolygonNode (int const) const
 Gets a coast polygon node.
CGeomCoastPolygonpPolyCreatePolygon (int const, int const, int const, CGeom2DIPoint const *, CGeom2DIPoint const *, int const, int const, vector< CGeom2DPoint > const *, int const, int const, bool const, bool const)
 Creates a coast polygon and returns a pointer to it.
int nGetNumPolygons (void) const
 Returns the number of coast polygons.
CGeomCoastPolygonpGetPolygon (int const) const
 Returns a pointer to a coast polygon, specified by down-coast sequence.
int nGetNumShadowBoundaries (void) const
 Returns the number of shadow boundaries on this coast.
void AppendShadowBoundary (CGeomLine const *)
 Appends a shadow boundary to this coast.
CGeomLinepGetShadowBoundary (int const)
 Returns a pointer to a shadow boundary.
int nGetNumShadowDowndriftBoundaries (void) const
 Returns the number of shadow zone downdrift boundaries on this coast.
void AppendShadowDowndriftBoundary (CGeomLine const *)
 Appends a shadow zone downdrift boundary.
CGeomLinepGetShadowDowndriftBoundary (int const)
 Returns a pointer to a shadow zone downdrift boundary.

Private Attributes

int m_nSeaHandedness
 Direction of the sea from the coastline, travelling down-coast (i.e. in direction of increasing coast point indices)
int m_nStartEdge
 The edge from which the coast starts.
int m_nEndEdge
 The edge at which the coast ends.
double m_dCurvatureDetailedMean
 The mean of the coast's detailed curvature.
double m_dCurvatureDetailedSTD
 The standard deviation of the coast's detailed curvature.
double m_dCurvatureSmoothMean
 The mean of the coast's smoothed curvature.
double m_dCurvatureSmoothSTD
 The standard deviaton of the coast's smoothed curvature.
 A pointer to the CSimulation object.
CGeomLine m_LCoastlineExtCRS
 Smoothed line of points (external CRS) giving the plan view of the vector coast.
CGeomLine m_LFloodWaveSetupExtCRS
 Line of points (external CRS) giving the plan view of the vector flood of wave setup.
CGeomLine m_LFloodWaveSetupSurgeExtCRS
 Line of points (external CRS) giving the plan view of the vector flood of wave setup + surge.
CGeomLine m_LFloodWaveSetupSurgeRunupExtCRS
 Line of points (external CRS) giving the plan view of the vector flood of wave setup + surge + runup.
CGeomILine m_ILCellsMarkedAsCoastline
 Unsmoothed integer x-y coordinates (grid CRS) of the cell marked as coastline for each point on the vector coastline. Note that where there is a cost-normal profile, this is the same as point zero in the profile coordinates.
vector< int > m_VnBreakingDistance
 Distance of breaking (in cells), at each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< int > m_VnPolygonNode
 At every point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS: INT_NODATA if no nodepoint there, otherwise the node (point of greatest concave curvature) number for a coast polygon.
vector< double > m_VdCurvatureDetailed
 Detailed curvature at each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdCurvatureSmooth
 Smoothed curvature at each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdDeepWaterWaveHeight
 The deep water wave height at the end of a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdDeepWaterWaveAngle
 The deep water wave orientation at the end of a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdDeepWaterWavePeriod
 The deep water wave period at the end of a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdBreakingWaveHeight
 The breaking wave height on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdWaveSetupSurge
 The wave setup on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdRunUp
 The run-up on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdCoastWaveHeight
 The wave height at coast point on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdBreakingWaveAngle
 The breaking wave orientation on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdDepthOfBreaking
 The depth of breaking on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdFluxOrientation
 As in the COVE model, this is the orientation alongshore energy/sediment movement; a +ve flux is in direction of increasing indices along coast. At each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< double > m_VdWaveEnergyAtBreaking
 Wave energy at each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.
vector< CACoastLandform * > m_pVLandform
 Pointer to a coastal landform object, at each point on the coastline.
vector< CGeomProfile * > m_pVNormalProfileDownAllCoastpointSeq
 Pointers to coast-normal profile objects, one for each point on the coastline (is null for most coastline points)
vector< CGeomProfile * > m_pVProfile
 Coast-normal profile objects, in sequence of creation (which is the same as nGetCoastID() sequence)
vector< CGeomProfile * > m_pVProfileDownCoastSeq
 Pointers to coastline-normal objects, in along-coastline sequence.
vector< CGeomLinem_LShadowBoundary
 Lines which comprise the edge of a shadow zone, ext CRS.
vector< CGeomLinem_LShadowDowndriftBoundary
 Lines which comprise the edge of a downdrift zone, ext CRS.

Detailed Description

Real-world class used to represent coastline objects.

TODO 001 This is a more detailed description of the CRWCoast class.

David Favis-Mortlock
Andres Payo

Definition at line 38 of file coast.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRWCoast()

CRWCoast::CRWCoast ( CSimulation * pSimIn)

Constructor with initialization list.

Definition at line 36 of file coast.cpp.

◆ ~CRWCoast()

CRWCoast::~CRWCoast ( void )


Definition at line 49 of file coast.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AppendCoastLandform()

void CRWCoast::AppendCoastLandform ( CACoastLandform * pCoastLandform)

Appends a coastal landform to this coast.

Definition at line 709 of file coast.cpp.

◆ AppendProfile()

void CRWCoast::AppendProfile ( CGeomProfile * pProfile)

Appenda a coastline-normal profile.

Definition at line 413 of file coast.cpp.

◆ AppendShadowBoundary()

void CRWCoast::AppendShadowBoundary ( CGeomLine const * pLBoundary)

Appends a shadow boundary to this coast.

Definition at line 778 of file coast.cpp.

◆ AppendShadowDowndriftBoundary()

void CRWCoast::AppendShadowDowndriftBoundary ( CGeomLine const * pLBoundary)

Appends a shadow zone downdrift boundary.

Definition at line 797 of file coast.cpp.

◆ bIsProfileAtCoastPoint()

bool CRWCoast::bIsProfileAtCoastPoint ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Returns true if there is a coastline-normal profile at this coast point, false otherwise.

Definition at line 694 of file coast.cpp.

◆ CreateProfileDownCoastIndex()

void CRWCoast::CreateProfileDownCoastIndex ( void )

Creates an index to profiles in down-coastline sequence.

Definition at line 431 of file coast.cpp.

◆ CreateProfilesAtCoastPoints()

void CRWCoast::CreateProfilesAtCoastPoints ( void )

Creates a vector which holds, for each coastline point, a null pointer to a coastline-normal profile object.

Definition at line 669 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetBreakingWaveAngle()

double CRWCoast::dGetBreakingWaveAngle ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the breaking wave angle for this coast point.

Definition at line 604 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetBreakingWaveHeight()

double CRWCoast::dGetBreakingWaveHeight ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the breaking wave height for this coast point.

Definition at line 526 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetCoastDeepWaterWaveAngle()

double CRWCoast::dGetCoastDeepWaterWaveAngle ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the deep water wave angle for this coast point.

Definition at line 500 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetCoastDeepWaterWavePeriod()

double CRWCoast::dGetCoastDeepWaterWavePeriod ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the deep water wave period for this coast point.

Definition at line 513 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetCoastWaveHeight()

double CRWCoast::dGetCoastWaveHeight ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the coast wave height for this coast point.

Definition at line 590 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetDepthOfBreaking()

double CRWCoast::dGetDepthOfBreaking ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the depth of breaking for this coast point.

Definition at line 618 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetDetailedCurvature()

double CRWCoast::dGetDetailedCurvature ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Returns the detailed curvature for a coast point.

Definition at line 311 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetFluxOrientation()

double CRWCoast::dGetFluxOrientation ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the flux orientation for this coast point.

Definition at line 646 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetLevel()

double CRWCoast::dGetLevel ( int const nCoastPoint,
int const level ) const

Sets the wave level for this coast point.

Definition at line 567 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetRunUp()

double CRWCoast::dGetRunUp ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the wave runup for this coast point.

Definition at line 561 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetSmoothCurvature()

double CRWCoast::dGetSmoothCurvature ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Returns the smoothed curvature for a coast point.

Definition at line 331 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetSmoothCurvatureMean()

double CRWCoast::dGetSmoothCurvatureMean ( void ) const

Gets the mean of the coast's smoothed curvature.

Definition at line 381 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetSmoothCurvatureSTD()

double CRWCoast::dGetSmoothCurvatureSTD ( void ) const

Gets the standard deviation of the coast's smoothed curvature.

Definition at line 393 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetWaveEnergyAtBreaking()

double CRWCoast::dGetWaveEnergyAtBreaking ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the wave energy at breaking for this coast point.

Definition at line 661 of file coast.cpp.

◆ dGetWaveSetupSurge()

double CRWCoast::dGetWaveSetupSurge ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the wave setup surge for this coast point.

Definition at line 539 of file coast.cpp.

◆ InsertProfilesInProfileCoastPointIndex()

void CRWCoast::InsertProfilesInProfileCoastPointIndex ( void )

Inserts profiles at coastline points in the profile-coastline-point index.

Definition at line 675 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetBreakingDistance()

int CRWCoast::nGetBreakingDistance ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Gets the breaking distance for this coast point.

Definition at line 632 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetCoastlineSize()

int CRWCoast::nGetCoastlineSize ( void ) const

Gets the size of the coastline.

Definition at line 184 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetCoastPointGivenCell()

int CRWCoast::nGetCoastPointGivenCell ( CGeom2DIPoint * pPtiCell)

Returns the coastline number given a cell, or INT_NODATA if neither this cell or any of its neighbouring cells are 'under' a coastline. If it is a neighbouring cell that is under the coastline, then it also changes the cell that is supplied as an input parameter.

Definition at line 241 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetEndEdge()

int CRWCoast::nGetEndEdge ( void ) const

Gets the coast's end edge.

Definition at line 95 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetNumPolygons()

int CRWCoast::nGetNumPolygons ( void ) const

Returns the number of coast polygons.

Definition at line 746 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetNumProfiles()

int CRWCoast::nGetNumProfiles ( void ) const

Returns the number of profiles on this coast.

Definition at line 425 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetNumShadowBoundaries()

int CRWCoast::nGetNumShadowBoundaries ( void ) const

Returns the number of shadow boundaries on this coast.

Definition at line 772 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetNumShadowDowndriftBoundaries()

int CRWCoast::nGetNumShadowDowndriftBoundaries ( void ) const

Returns the number of shadow zone downdrift boundaries on this coast.

Definition at line 791 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetPolygonNode()

int CRWCoast::nGetPolygonNode ( int const nPoint) const

Gets a coast polygon node.

Definition at line 731 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetSeaHandedness()

int CRWCoast::nGetSeaHandedness ( void ) const

Gers the handedness of the coast.

Definition at line 71 of file coast.cpp.

◆ nGetStartEdge()

int CRWCoast::nGetStartEdge ( void ) const

Gets the coast's start edge.

Definition at line 83 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetCoastLandform()

CACoastLandform * CRWCoast::pGetCoastLandform ( int const nCoastPoint)

Returns the coastal landform for a given coast point, or NULL if there is no coast landform here.

Definition at line 715 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetDownCoastProfile()

CGeomProfile * CRWCoast::pGetDownCoastProfile ( CGeomProfile const * pProfile)

Returns a pointer to the profile which is adjacent to and down-coast from the given profile pointer. It returns NULL if there is no valid down-coast profile.

Definition at line 456 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetDownCoastProfileNotIncLastProfile()

CGeomProfile * CRWCoast::pGetDownCoastProfileNotIncLastProfile ( CGeomProfile const * pProfile)

Returns a pointer to the profile which is adjacent to and down-coast from the specified profile; however this profile must not be the last (coast-end) profile. It returns NULL if there is no valid down-coast profile.

Definition at line 462 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetLastProfile()

CGeomProfile * CRWCoast::pGetLastProfile ( void )

Returns a pointer to the last profile, in polygon-ID number sequence.

Definition at line 406 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetPolygon()

CGeomCoastPolygon * CRWCoast::pGetPolygon ( int const nPoly) const

Returns a pointer to a coast polygon, specified by down-coast sequence.

Definition at line 752 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetProfile()

CGeomProfile * CRWCoast::pGetProfile ( int const nProfile)

Returns a pointer to a profile, in polygon-ID number sequence.

Definition at line 399 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetProfileAtCoastPoint()

CGeomProfile * CRWCoast::pGetProfileAtCoastPoint ( int const nCoastPoint) const

Returns a pointer to the coastline-normal profile at this coast point.

Definition at line 703 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetProfileWithDownCoastSeq()

CGeomProfile * CRWCoast::pGetProfileWithDownCoastSeq ( int const nProf) const

Returns a pointer to a coastline-normal profile in down-coast sequence.

Definition at line 441 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetProfileWithUpCoastSeq()

CGeomProfile * CRWCoast::pGetProfileWithUpCoastSeq ( int const nProf) const

Returns a pointer to a coastline-normal profile in up-coast sequence.

Definition at line 448 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetShadowBoundary()

CGeomLine * CRWCoast::pGetShadowBoundary ( int const n)

Returns a pointer to a shadow boundary.

Definition at line 784 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetShadowDowndriftBoundary()

CGeomLine * CRWCoast::pGetShadowDowndriftBoundary ( int const n)

Returns a pointer to a shadow zone downdrift boundary.

Definition at line 803 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pGetSim()

CSimulation * CRWCoast::pGetSim ( void ) const

Returns a pointer to the simulation object.

Definition at line 59 of file coast.cpp.

Referenced by nGetNumPolygons(), and pGetPolygon().

◆ pGetUpCoastProfile()

CGeomProfile * CRWCoast::pGetUpCoastProfile ( CGeomProfile const * pProfile)

Returns a pointer to the profile which is adjacent to and up-coast from the specified profile. It returns NULL if there is no valid up-coast profile.

Definition at line 473 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pLGetCoastlineExtCRS()

CGeomLine * CRWCoast::pLGetCoastlineExtCRS ( void )

Returns the coastline (external CRS)

Definition at line 148 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pPolyCreatePolygon()

CGeomCoastPolygon * CRWCoast::pPolyCreatePolygon ( int const nGlobalID,
int const nCoastID,
int const nCoastPoint,
CGeom2DIPoint const * pPtiNode,
CGeom2DIPoint const * pPtiAntiNode,
int const nProfileUpCoast,
int const nProfileDownCoast,
vector< CGeom2DPoint > const * pVIn,
int const nNumPointsUpCoastProfile,
int const nNumPointsDownCoastProfile,
bool const bStartCoast,
bool const bEndCoast )

Creates a coast polygon and returns a pointer to it.

Definition at line 738 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pPtGetCoastlinePointExtCRS()

CGeom2DPoint * CRWCoast::pPtGetCoastlinePointExtCRS ( int const n)

Returns a given coast point in external CRS.

Definition at line 154 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pPtiGetCellMarkedAsCoastline()

CGeom2DIPoint * CRWCoast::pPtiGetCellMarkedAsCoastline ( int const n)

Returns the coordinates (grid CRS) of the cells marked as coastline.

Definition at line 211 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pVGetDetailedCurvature()

vector< double > * CRWCoast::pVGetDetailedCurvature ( void )

Returns a pointer to a vector of detailed curvature for all coast points.

Definition at line 325 of file coast.cpp.

◆ pVGetSmoothCurvature()

vector< double > * CRWCoast::pVGetSmoothCurvature ( void )

Returns a pointer to a vector of smoothed curvature for all coast points.

Definition at line 345 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetBreakingDistance()

void CRWCoast::SetBreakingDistance ( int const nCoastPoint,
int const nDist )

Sets the breaking distance for this coast point.

Definition at line 625 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetBreakingWaveAngle()

void CRWCoast::SetBreakingWaveAngle ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dOrientation )

Sets the breaking wave angle for this coast point.

Definition at line 597 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetBreakingWaveHeight()

void CRWCoast::SetBreakingWaveHeight ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dHeight )

Sets the breaking wave height for this coast point.

Definition at line 519 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetCoastDeepWaterWaveAngle()

void CRWCoast::SetCoastDeepWaterWaveAngle ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dOrientation )

Sets the deep water wave angle for this coast point.

Definition at line 493 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetCoastDeepWaterWaveHeight()

void CRWCoast::SetCoastDeepWaterWaveHeight ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dHeight )

Sets the deep water wave height for this coast point.

Definition at line 479 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetCoastDeepWaterWavePeriod()

void CRWCoast::SetCoastDeepWaterWavePeriod ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dPeriod )

Sets the deep water wave period for this coast point.

Definition at line 507 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetCoastlineExtCRS()

void CRWCoast::SetCoastlineExtCRS ( CGeomLine const * pLCoast)

Given the vector line of a coast, this initializes coastline values (curvature, breaking wave height, wave angle, and flux orientation etc.)

Definition at line 101 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetCoastlineGridCRS()

void CRWCoast::SetCoastlineGridCRS ( CGeomILine const * pILCoastCells)

Sets the coordinates (grid CRS) of the cells marked as coastline.

Definition at line 195 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetCoastWaveHeight()

void CRWCoast::SetCoastWaveHeight ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dHeight )

Sets the coast wave height for this coast point.

Definition at line 583 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetDepthOfBreaking()

void CRWCoast::SetDepthOfBreaking ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dDepth )

Sets the depth of breaking for this coast point.

Definition at line 611 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetDetailedCurvature()

void CRWCoast::SetDetailedCurvature ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dCurvature )

Sets the detailed curvature for a coast point.

Definition at line 318 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetDetailedCurvatureMean()

void CRWCoast::SetDetailedCurvatureMean ( double const dMean)

Sets the mean of the coast's detailed curvature.

Definition at line 351 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetDetailedCurvatureSTD()

void CRWCoast::SetDetailedCurvatureSTD ( double const dSTD)

Sets the standard deviation of the coast's detailed curvature.

Definition at line 363 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetEndEdge()

void CRWCoast::SetEndEdge ( int const nEdge)

Sets the coast's end edge.

Definition at line 89 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetFluxOrientation()

void CRWCoast::SetFluxOrientation ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dOrientation )

Sets the flux orientation for this coast point.

Definition at line 639 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetPolygonNode()

void CRWCoast::SetPolygonNode ( int const nPoint,
int const nNode )

Sets a coast polygon node.

Definition at line 724 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetProfileAtCoastPoint()

void CRWCoast::SetProfileAtCoastPoint ( int const nCoastPoint,
CGeomProfile * const pProfile )

Sets a pointer to a coast-normal profile at a given coastline point.

Definition at line 687 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetRunUp()

void CRWCoast::SetRunUp ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dRunUp )

Sets the wave runup for this coast point.

Definition at line 555 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetSeaHandedness()

void CRWCoast::SetSeaHandedness ( int const nNewHandedness)

Sets the handedness of the coast.

Definition at line 65 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetSmoothCurvature()

void CRWCoast::SetSmoothCurvature ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dCurvature )

Sets the smoothed curvature for a coast point.

Definition at line 338 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetSmoothCurvatureMean()

void CRWCoast::SetSmoothCurvatureMean ( double const dMean)

Sets the mean of the coast's smoothed curvature.

Definition at line 375 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetSmoothCurvatureSTD()

void CRWCoast::SetSmoothCurvatureSTD ( double const dSTD)

Sets the standard deviation of the coast's smoothed curvature.

Definition at line 387 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetStartEdge()

void CRWCoast::SetStartEdge ( int const nEdge)

Sets the coast's start edge.

Definition at line 77 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetWaveEnergyAtBreaking()

void CRWCoast::SetWaveEnergyAtBreaking ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dEnergy )

Sets the wave energy at breaking for this coast point.

Definition at line 653 of file coast.cpp.

◆ SetWaveSetupSurge()

void CRWCoast::SetWaveSetupSurge ( int const nCoastPoint,
double const dWaveSetup )

Sets the wave setup surge for this coast point.

Definition at line 533 of file coast.cpp.

Field Documentation

◆ m_dCurvatureDetailedMean

double CRWCoast::m_dCurvatureDetailedMean

The mean of the coast's detailed curvature.

Definition at line 51 of file coast.h.

Referenced by CRWCoast(), and SetDetailedCurvatureMean().

◆ m_dCurvatureDetailedSTD

double CRWCoast::m_dCurvatureDetailedSTD

The standard deviation of the coast's detailed curvature.

Definition at line 54 of file coast.h.

Referenced by CRWCoast(), and SetDetailedCurvatureSTD().

◆ m_dCurvatureSmoothMean

double CRWCoast::m_dCurvatureSmoothMean

The mean of the coast's smoothed curvature.

Definition at line 57 of file coast.h.

Referenced by CRWCoast(), dGetSmoothCurvatureMean(), and SetSmoothCurvatureMean().

◆ m_dCurvatureSmoothSTD

double CRWCoast::m_dCurvatureSmoothSTD

The standard deviaton of the coast's smoothed curvature.

Definition at line 60 of file coast.h.

Referenced by CRWCoast(), dGetSmoothCurvatureSTD(), and SetSmoothCurvatureSTD().

◆ m_ILCellsMarkedAsCoastline

CGeomILine CRWCoast::m_ILCellsMarkedAsCoastline

Unsmoothed integer x-y coordinates (grid CRS) of the cell marked as coastline for each point on the vector coastline. Note that where there is a cost-normal profile, this is the same as point zero in the profile coordinates.

Definition at line 80 of file coast.h.

Referenced by nGetCoastPointGivenCell(), pPtiGetCellMarkedAsCoastline(), and SetCoastlineGridCRS().

◆ m_LCoastlineExtCRS

CGeomLine CRWCoast::m_LCoastlineExtCRS

Smoothed line of points (external CRS) giving the plan view of the vector coast.

Definition at line 66 of file coast.h.

Referenced by CreateProfilesAtCoastPoints(), nGetCoastlineSize(), pLGetCoastlineExtCRS(), pPtGetCoastlinePointExtCRS(), and SetCoastlineExtCRS().

◆ m_LFloodWaveSetupExtCRS

CGeomLine CRWCoast::m_LFloodWaveSetupExtCRS

Line of points (external CRS) giving the plan view of the vector flood of wave setup.

Definition at line 69 of file coast.h.

◆ m_LFloodWaveSetupSurgeExtCRS

CGeomLine CRWCoast::m_LFloodWaveSetupSurgeExtCRS

Line of points (external CRS) giving the plan view of the vector flood of wave setup + surge.

Definition at line 72 of file coast.h.

◆ m_LFloodWaveSetupSurgeRunupExtCRS

CGeomLine CRWCoast::m_LFloodWaveSetupSurgeRunupExtCRS

Line of points (external CRS) giving the plan view of the vector flood of wave setup + surge + runup.

Definition at line 75 of file coast.h.

◆ m_LShadowBoundary

vector<CGeomLine> CRWCoast::m_LShadowBoundary

Lines which comprise the edge of a shadow zone, ext CRS.

Definition at line 145 of file coast.h.

Referenced by AppendShadowBoundary(), nGetNumShadowBoundaries(), and pGetShadowBoundary().

◆ m_LShadowDowndriftBoundary

vector<CGeomLine> CRWCoast::m_LShadowDowndriftBoundary

Lines which comprise the edge of a downdrift zone, ext CRS.

Definition at line 148 of file coast.h.

Referenced by AppendShadowDowndriftBoundary(), nGetNumShadowDowndriftBoundaries(), and pGetShadowDowndriftBoundary().

◆ m_nEndEdge

int CRWCoast::m_nEndEdge

The edge at which the coast ends.

Definition at line 48 of file coast.h.

Referenced by CRWCoast(), nGetEndEdge(), and SetEndEdge().

◆ m_nSeaHandedness

int CRWCoast::m_nSeaHandedness

Direction of the sea from the coastline, travelling down-coast (i.e. in direction of increasing coast point indices)

Definition at line 42 of file coast.h.

Referenced by CRWCoast(), nGetSeaHandedness(), and SetSeaHandedness().

◆ m_nStartEdge

int CRWCoast::m_nStartEdge

The edge from which the coast starts.

Definition at line 45 of file coast.h.

Referenced by CRWCoast(), nGetStartEdge(), and SetStartEdge().

◆ m_pSim

CSimulation* CRWCoast::m_pSim

A pointer to the CSimulation object.

Definition at line 63 of file coast.h.

Referenced by CRWCoast(), and pGetSim().

◆ m_pVLandform

vector<CACoastLandform*> CRWCoast::m_pVLandform

Pointer to a coastal landform object, at each point on the coastline.

Definition at line 131 of file coast.h.

Referenced by AppendCoastLandform(), pGetCoastLandform(), and ~CRWCoast().

◆ m_pVNormalProfileDownAllCoastpointSeq

vector<CGeomProfile*> CRWCoast::m_pVNormalProfileDownAllCoastpointSeq

Pointers to coast-normal profile objects, one for each point on the coastline (is null for most coastline points)

Definition at line 134 of file coast.h.

Referenced by bIsProfileAtCoastPoint(), CreateProfileDownCoastIndex(), CreateProfilesAtCoastPoints(), InsertProfilesInProfileCoastPointIndex(), pGetProfileAtCoastPoint(), and SetProfileAtCoastPoint().

◆ m_pVProfile

vector<CGeomProfile*> CRWCoast::m_pVProfile

Coast-normal profile objects, in sequence of creation (which is the same as nGetCoastID() sequence)

Definition at line 139 of file coast.h.

Referenced by AppendProfile(), InsertProfilesInProfileCoastPointIndex(), nGetNumProfiles(), pGetLastProfile(), pGetProfile(), and ~CRWCoast().

◆ m_pVProfileDownCoastSeq

vector<CGeomProfile*> CRWCoast::m_pVProfileDownCoastSeq

Pointers to coastline-normal objects, in along-coastline sequence.

Definition at line 142 of file coast.h.

Referenced by CreateProfileDownCoastIndex(), pGetProfileWithDownCoastSeq(), and pGetProfileWithUpCoastSeq().

◆ m_VdBreakingWaveAngle

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdBreakingWaveAngle

The breaking wave orientation on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 119 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetBreakingWaveAngle(), SetBreakingWaveAngle(), and SetCoastlineExtCRS().

◆ m_VdBreakingWaveHeight

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdBreakingWaveHeight

The breaking wave height on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 104 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetBreakingWaveHeight(), SetBreakingWaveHeight(), and SetCoastlineExtCRS().

◆ m_VdCoastWaveHeight

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdCoastWaveHeight

The wave height at coast point on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 116 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetCoastWaveHeight(), SetCoastlineExtCRS(), and SetCoastWaveHeight().

◆ m_VdCurvatureDetailed

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdCurvatureDetailed

Detailed curvature at each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 89 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetDetailedCurvature(), pVGetDetailedCurvature(), SetCoastlineExtCRS(), and SetDetailedCurvature().

◆ m_VdCurvatureSmooth

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdCurvatureSmooth

Smoothed curvature at each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 92 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetSmoothCurvature(), pVGetSmoothCurvature(), SetCoastlineExtCRS(), and SetSmoothCurvature().

◆ m_VdDeepWaterWaveAngle

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdDeepWaterWaveAngle

The deep water wave orientation at the end of a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 98 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetCoastDeepWaterWaveAngle(), SetCoastDeepWaterWaveAngle(), and SetCoastlineExtCRS().

◆ m_VdDeepWaterWaveHeight

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdDeepWaterWaveHeight

The deep water wave height at the end of a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 95 of file coast.h.

Referenced by SetCoastDeepWaterWaveHeight(), and SetCoastlineExtCRS().

◆ m_VdDeepWaterWavePeriod

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdDeepWaterWavePeriod

The deep water wave period at the end of a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 101 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetCoastDeepWaterWavePeriod(), SetCoastDeepWaterWavePeriod(), and SetCoastlineExtCRS().

◆ m_VdDepthOfBreaking

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdDepthOfBreaking

The depth of breaking on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 122 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetDepthOfBreaking(), SetCoastlineExtCRS(), and SetDepthOfBreaking().

◆ m_VdFluxOrientation

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdFluxOrientation

As in the COVE model, this is the orientation alongshore energy/sediment movement; a +ve flux is in direction of increasing indices along coast. At each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 125 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetFluxOrientation(), SetCoastlineExtCRS(), and SetFluxOrientation().

◆ m_VdRunUp

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdRunUp

The run-up on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 113 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetLevel(), dGetRunUp(), SetCoastlineExtCRS(), and SetRunUp().

◆ m_VdWaveEnergyAtBreaking

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdWaveEnergyAtBreaking

Wave energy at each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 128 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetWaveEnergyAtBreaking(), SetCoastlineExtCRS(), and SetWaveEnergyAtBreaking().

◆ m_VdWaveSetupSurge

vector<double> CRWCoast::m_VdWaveSetupSurge

The wave setup on a normal drawn from each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 107 of file coast.h.

Referenced by dGetLevel(), dGetWaveSetupSurge(), SetCoastlineExtCRS(), and SetWaveSetupSurge().

◆ m_VnBreakingDistance

vector<int> CRWCoast::m_VnBreakingDistance

Distance of breaking (in cells), at each point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS.

Definition at line 83 of file coast.h.

Referenced by nGetBreakingDistance(), SetBreakingDistance(), and SetCoastlineExtCRS().

◆ m_VnPolygonNode

vector<int> CRWCoast::m_VnPolygonNode

At every point on m_LCoastlineExtCRS: INT_NODATA if no nodepoint there, otherwise the node (point of greatest concave curvature) number for a coast polygon.

Definition at line 86 of file coast.h.

Referenced by nGetPolygonNode(), SetCoastlineExtCRS(), and SetPolygonNode().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: