CoastalME (Coastal Modelling Environment)
Simulates the long-term behaviour of complex coastlines
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 Geometry class used to represent 2D point objects with floating-point coordinates.
 Contains CGeom2DPoint definitions.
 Abstract class, used as a base class for 2D objects (line, area, etc.)
 Contains CA2DShape definitions.
 Geometry class used to represent 2D point objects with integer coordinates.
 Contains CGeom2DIPoint definitions.
 Abstract class, used as a base class for integer 2D objects (line, area, etc.)
 Contains CA2DIShape definitions.
 Assigns landform categories to coastlines and coastal cells, and to all other dryland cells.
 Calculates curvature of 2D vectors.
 Calculates external forcings.
 Locates shadow zones, is part of wave propagation calculations.
 Simulates wave propagation using CShore or the COVE approach.
 CGeomCell routines.
 Contains CGeomCell definitions.
 CRWCellLandform routines.
 Contains CRWCellLandform definitions.
 CRWCellLayer routines.
 Contains CRWCellLayer definitions.
 CRWCellSediment routines.
 Contains CRWCellSediment definitions.
 CRWCliff routines.
 Contains CRWCliff definitions.
 The start-up routine for CoastalME.
 This file contains global definitions for CoastalME.
 CRWCoast routines.
 Contains CRWCoast definitions.
 CACoastLandform routines.
 Contains CACoastLandform definitions.
 CGeomCoastPolygon routines.
 Contains CGeomCoastPolygon definitions.
 Creates coast polygons for sediment transport calcs.
 Creates profiles which are approximately normal to the coastline, these will become inter-polygon boundaries.
 Calculates potential (i.e. not constrained by the availability of unconsolidated sediment) beach erosion of unconsolidated sediment on coastal polygons.
 Does between-polygon actual (supply-limited) redistribution of transported beach sediment.
 Does within-polygon actual erosion and distribution of transported beach sediment.
 Collapses cliffs if a critical notch depth is exceeded. Then distributes both consolidated and unconsolidated sediment from the collapse onto the shore polygons as unconsolidated talus.
 Checks for new interventions.
 Deposits sediment onto the grid.
 Erodes the consolidated sediment of the shore platform. Eroded sediment from the shore platform becomes unconsolidated sediment stored in coastal polygons.
 CRWDrift routines.
 Contains CRWDrift definitions.
 These functions use GDAL (at least version 2) to read and write raster GIS files in several formats.
 Various GIS-related functions, requires GDAL.
 These functions use GDAL to read and write vector GIS files in several formats. This version will build with GDAL version 2 and upwards.
 Some routines from the hermite_cubic library.
 Definitions of some routines from the hermite_cubic library.
 CGeomILine routines.
 Contains CGeomILine definitions.
 Initialises the raster grid and calculates sea depth on each cell.
 Returns interpolated value at x from parallel arrays.
 Definitions of routines which return interpolated value at x from parallel arrays.
 CRWIntervention routines.
 Contains CRWIntervention definitions.
 CGeomLine routines.
 Contains CGeomLine definitions.
 Finds the coastline on the raster grid.
 CGeomMultiLine routines.
 Contains CGeomMultiLine definitions.
 CGeomProfile routines.
 Contains CGeomProfile definitions.
 CGeomRasterGrid routines.
 Contains CGeomRasterGrid definitions.
 Reads non-GIS input files.
 CSedInputEvent routines.
 Contains CSedInputEvent definitions.
 The start-of-simulation routine.
 Contains CSimulation definitions.
 Smoothing routines for CGeomLine objects.
 Updates the raster grid.
 Utility routines.
 Globally-available utility routines.
 Writes non-GIS output files.