Contains CRWCellLayer definitions.
CRWCellSediment m_ConsolidatedSediment
This cell's consolidated sediment object.
double dGetFineUnconsolidatedThickness(void) const
Returns the thickness of this cell's fine unconsolidated sediment.
double dGetSandUnconsolidatedThickness(void) const
Returns the thickness of this cell's sand unconsolidated sediment.
CRWCellSediment m_UnconsolidatedSediment
This cell's unconsolidated sediment object.
CRWCellSediment * pGetConsolidatedSediment(void)
Returns a pointer to the cell's consolidated sediment object.
double dGetCoarseConsolidatedThickness(void) const
Returns the thickness of this cell's coarse consolidated sediment.
double dGetFineConsolidatedThickness(void) const
Returns the thickness of this cell's fine consolidated sediment.
double dGetCoarseUnconsolidatedThickness(void) const
Returns the thickness of this cell's coarse unconsolidated sediment.
double dGetConsolidatedThickness(void) const
Returns the thickness of this cell's consolidated sediment (total for all size classes)
CRWCellSediment * pGetUnconsolidatedSediment(void)
Returns a pointer to the cell's unconsolidated sediment object.
double dGetSandConsolidatedThickness(void) const
Returns the thickness of this cell's sand consolidated sediment.
double dGetTotalThickness(void) const
Returns the thickness of this cell's sediment (total for all size classes, both consolidated and unco...
double dGetUnconsolidatedThickness(void) const
Returns the thickness of this cell's unconsolidated sediment (total for all size classes)
Real-world class used to represent the sediment (either consolidated or unconsolidated) associated wi...
This file contains global definitions for CoastalME.