CoastalME (Coastal Modelling Environment)
Simulates the long-term behaviour of complex coastlines
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Carray< T >STL class
 Cbad_allocSTL class
 CCA2DIShapeAbstract class, used as a base class for integer 2D objects (line, area, etc.)
 CCGeomILineGeometry class used to represent 2D vector integer line objects
 CCA2DShapeAbstract class, used as a base class for 2D objects (line, area, etc.)
 CCGeomCoastPolygonGeometry class used for coast polygon objects
 CCGeomLineGeometry class used to represent 2D vector line objects
 CCGeomMultiLineGeometry class used to represent co-incident lines (for profiles/polygon-to-polygon boundaries)
 CCGeomProfileGeometry class used to represent coast profile objects
 CCACoastLandformAbstract class, used as a base class for landform objects on the coastline
 CCRWCliffReal-world class used to represent the 'cliff' category of coastal landform object
 CCRWDriftReal-world class used to represent the 'drift' category of coastal landform object
 CCRWInterventionReal-world class used to represent the 'intervention' category of coastal landform objects
 CCGeom2DIPointGeometry class used to represent 2D point objects with integer coordinates
 CCGeom2DPointGeometry class used to represent 2D point objects with floating-point coordinates
 CCGeomCellGeometry class for the cell objects which comprise the raster grid
 CCGeomRasterGridGeometry cass used to represent the raster grid of cell objects
 Carray< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cdeque< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstring::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cvector< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Carray< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cdeque< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstring::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cvector< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 CCRWCellLandformReal-world class used to represent the landform of a cell
 CCRWCellLayerReal-world class used to represent the sediment layers associated with a cell object
 CCRWCellSedimentReal-world class used to represent the sediment (either consolidated or unconsolidated) associated with a cell layer object
 CCRWCoastReal-world class used to represent coastline objects
 CCSedInputEventClass used to represent a sediment input event
 CCSimulationThis class runs CoastalME simulations
 Cdeque< T >STL class
 CifstreamSTL class
 CiosSTL class
 CistringstreamSTL class
 Carray< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cdeque< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstring::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cvector< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 CofstreamSTL class
 CostreamSTL class
 CostringstreamSTL class
 Cpair< T1, T2 >STL class
 Carray< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cdeque< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstring::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cvector< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstack< T >STL class
 CstringSTL class
 CstringstreamSTL class
 Cvector< T >STL class