CoastalME (Coastal Modelling Environment)
Simulates the long-term behaviour of complex coastlines
▼Carray | STL class |
Cconst_iterator | STL iterator class |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
Citerator | STL iterator class |
Creverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
Cbad_alloc | STL class |
CCA2DIShape | Abstract class, used as a base class for integer 2D objects (line, area, etc.) |
CCA2DShape | Abstract class, used as a base class for 2D objects (line, area, etc.) |
CCACoastLandform | Abstract class, used as a base class for landform objects on the coastline |
CCGeom2DIPoint | Geometry class used to represent 2D point objects with integer coordinates |
CCGeom2DPoint | Geometry class used to represent 2D point objects with floating-point coordinates |
CCGeomCell | Geometry class for the cell objects which comprise the raster grid |
CCGeomCoastPolygon | Geometry class used for coast polygon objects |
CCGeomILine | Geometry class used to represent 2D vector integer line objects |
CCGeomLine | Geometry class used to represent 2D vector line objects |
CCGeomMultiLine | Geometry class used to represent co-incident lines (for profiles/polygon-to-polygon boundaries) |
CCGeomProfile | Geometry class used to represent coast profile objects |
CCGeomRasterGrid | Geometry cass used to represent the raster grid of cell objects |
CCRWCellLandform | Real-world class used to represent the landform of a cell |
CCRWCellLayer | Real-world class used to represent the sediment layers associated with a cell object |
CCRWCellSediment | Real-world class used to represent the sediment (either consolidated or unconsolidated) associated with a cell layer object |
CCRWCliff | Real-world class used to represent the 'cliff' category of coastal landform object |
CCRWCoast | Real-world class used to represent coastline objects |
CCRWDrift | Real-world class used to represent the 'drift' category of coastal landform object |
CCRWIntervention | Real-world class used to represent the 'intervention' category of coastal landform objects |
CCSedInputEvent | Class used to represent a sediment input event |
CCSimulation | This class runs CoastalME simulations |
▼Cdeque | STL class |
Cconst_iterator | STL iterator class |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
Citerator | STL iterator class |
Creverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
Cifstream | STL class |
Cios | STL class |
Cistringstream | STL class |
Cofstream | STL class |
Costream | STL class |
Costringstream | STL class |
Cpair | STL class |
Cstack | STL class |
▼Cstring | STL class |
Cconst_iterator | STL iterator class |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
Citerator | STL iterator class |
Creverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
Cstringstream | STL class |
▼Cvector | STL class |
Cconst_iterator | STL iterator class |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
Citerator | STL iterator class |
Creverse_iterator | STL iterator class |